Unify Framework Lib 1.6.0
Mapper path match evaluation | Class assessing if expression can match attributes in the Attribute Store |
Scope settings helpers | Helpers to read and interpret what to do based on scope settings |
Unify Attribute Definitions | TODO: Write brief for uic_attribute_definitions |
▼Unify Components | Shared Unify components to be used by multiple applications |
▼Unify Attribute Mapper | Automatic attribute manipulation component |
Abstract Syntax Tree | Attribute Mapper Abstract Syntax Tree |
Abstract Syntax Tree complexity counter | This ast visitor counts the complexity of the ast tree, but counting the number of nodes in the tree |
Abstract Syntax Tree Dependency Evaluation | Dependency evaluators used by the mapping engine |
Abstract Syntax Tree Evaluation | Evaluators that return the value of an AST |
Abstract Syntax Tree Print | Write a description about this |
Abstract Syntax Tree Reducer | Write a description about this |
UAM built-in functions definitions | Built-in functions that can be invoked directly from UAM map files |
Mapper cyclic dependency checker | Component cyclic dependency checker |
Mapper engine | Mapper engine which defines relations between attributes in the atttribute store |
Mapper grammar | Describes the grammar rules of .uam files |
Mapper parser | Parses strings/text into Abtract Syntax Trees |
Process definitions for the Unify Attribute Mapper | Process definitions for the Unify Attribute Mapper |
Attribute Resolver | The role of the attribute resolver is to locate and resolve missing information in the attribute store |
▼Attribute Store | Attribute store |
►Attribute Store Public Interface | Public functions from the attribute store. It allows other components to manipulate the Attribute Store tree. and register callbacks for Attribute Store updates |
Attribute Store Fixture | Initialization and teardown of the Attribute Store |
Attribute Store Value Helpers | Helper functions to perform actions on the attribute store |
Attribute Store callbacks registration module | Module handling the registration and invokation of callbacks functions for other components |
Attribute Store Node class | Node Class and definition for the attribute store |
Attribute Store Process | Contiki process for the Attribute Store |
Attribute Store validation | Attribute Store validation utility |
▼Unify Attribute utilities | Unify Attribute Store utilities |
Unify Attribute timeouts | Attribute timeout/callback helper component |
Unify Attribute transitions | Attribute transition helper component |
Unify Configuration System | Unify Configuration System |
▼The Contiki RTOS | |
►Protothreads | |
►System | |
►Library | |
►Memory | |
Device | |
Test | |
▼Unify Datastore | Persistent Unify Datastore |
Attributes storage. | Datastore API for Attributes (from the Attribute Store) |
Unify Datastore Fixture | Persistent Datastore fixture |
DotDot Attribute ID definitions | Header with Attribute ID definitions |
DotDot Cluster Commands ID definitions | Header with Cluster Command ID definitions |
DotDot Cluster ID definitions | Header with Cluster ID definitions |
ZAP (ZigBee Automation Platform) | Types used by autogenerated code using ZAP |
▼DotDot Serializer | This component provides helper functions for parsing and generates Unify json payloads sent over MQTT |
DotDot MQTT Value names for attributes not covered automatically by ZCL | Additional string/value pairs for DotDot Serializer |
Dotdot MQTT internal shared functions | Dotdot MQTT internal shared functions (C++) |
DotDot Attributes Serializer | This component provides helper functions for parsing the Attribute space of topics and generates Unify json payloads sent over MQTT |
DotDot MQTT generated commands | This component provides helper functions to publish generated commands with json payloads sent over MQTT |
DotDot ByGroup Listeners | This component provides helper functions for parsing UCL by-group commands |
DotDot MQTT Helpers | Various helper functions C interface for DotDot Serializer |
DotDot MQTT C++ helpers | Various helper functions for DotDot Serializer |
Dotdot MQTT Send commands | This module allows to issue UCL/MQTT commands to destinations |
Dotdot MQTT Supported Generated commands | This module allows to issue advertise a list of SupportedGeneratedCommands for a given UNID / Endpoint using UCL/MQTT |
Internal C++ Command parsing helpers | C++ Helpers and definitions for parsing DotDot MQTT commands |
Unify GBL Interface | This component interfaces with the Gecko bootloader to perform OTA updates |
Unify Logging system | Logging library for Unify applications and components |
▼Main Function for Contiki | |
►Unify Component Fixture Set Up and Tear Down | |
Signal handler for Unify Main | |
►Unify External Event Demultiplexer | |
▼Unify MQTT Client | MQTT client interface |
MQTT Client | This is the implementation of all of the logic for our MQTT client |
MQTT Client ID | Generates and provide a Client ID for the application/machine |
Unify Multi Invoke C++ template | Template for multiple invoke callback maps |
OTA (Over-the-Air) Image Listener | Component that monitors the image provider for new firmware images and publishes ota information over mqtt |
Unify SmartStart Management | Unify SmartStart management component |
▼Unify Stdin | Unify Stdin interface for other applications |
Unfiy Attribute Store Commands | Set of Attribute Store commands available by default with the stdin console |
Unfiy Attribute Resolver Commands | Set of Attribute Resolver commands available by default with the stdin console |
Unfiy Attribute Store Commands | Set of Attribute Store commands available by default with the stdin console |
Unify Application Monitoring | Helper components that assists with ApplicationMonitoring over MQTT |
Attribute Poll Engine | The Attribute Polling Engine supplies the functionality of polling attribute reported values with a supplied interval |
▼Unify DotDot Attribute Store | Component that assists storing, reading and writing DotDot Attributes in the Attribute Store |
Attribute Publisher for UCL/DotDot attributes | Registers attribute callbacks and publishes their value on MQTT |
Command handlers for incoming MQTT UCL/DotDot commands | Registers command callbacks to DotDot MQTT for cluster commands |
Configuration for the\ref unify_dotdot_attribute_store | Modules that allows to read the configuration of the Unify DotDot Attribute Store |
Command handlers for incoming MQTT UCL/DotDot ForceReadAttributes commands | Registers command callbacks to DotDot MQTT for the ForceReadAttribute command of every cluster |
DotDot Attribute Store Registration | Registers the type of the DotDot attributes to the Attribute Store |
Command handlers for incoming MQTT UCL/DotDot WriteAttributes commands | Registers command callbacks to DotDot MQTT for the WriteAttributes command of every cluster |
DotDot Attributes Helper functions | Set of helper functions to manipulate DotDot attributes under a node/endpoint |
DotDot Attribute Store Types | Attribute Store Type allocation for DotDot attributes |
Unify Node State Monitor | Monitors when Unify nodes are added, removed, or failing |
Unify Validator component | Unify validator |
▼Unify definitions | Type definitions and macros for Unify components and applications |
Status Codes | Status codes used to indicate the outcome of a function |
Unify Enums types | Contains defines to make enums with specified underlying types |
Internal C++ ZAP definitions | C++ Helpers and definitions for DotDot MQTT |
Unify Dotdot Attribute Store Group Cluster | Provides group command handling and group membership publications |
UCL Node State | Handles publishing node state to ucl/by-unid/<node>/State topic |
Barrier Control Cluster Mapper | Maps BarrierControl Cluster incoming Commands to attribute modifications |
Color Control Cluster Mapper | Maps Color Control Cluster incoming Commands to attribute modifications |
Door Lock Cluster Mapper | Maps Door Lock Cluster incoming Commands to attribute modifications |
Identify Cluster Mapper | Maps Identify Cluster incoming Commands to attribute modifications |
Level Cluster Mapper | Maps Level Cluster incoming Commands to attribute modifications |
OnOff Cluster Mapper | Maps On Off Cluster incoming Commands to attribute modifications |
PollControl Cluster Mapper | Maps Level PollControl incoming Commands to attribute modifications |
Thermostat Cluster Mapper | Maps Thermostat Cluster incoming Commands to attribute modifications |
WindowCovering Cluster Mapper | Maps Level WindowCovering incoming Commands to attribute modifications |
UCL device type | Handles publishing device type list to ucl/by-unid/<node>/DeviceTypeList |