Unify Framework Lib 1.7.0
Unify MQTT Client

MQTT client interface. More...


 MQTT Client
 This is the implementation of all of the logic for our MQTT client.
 MQTT Client ID
 Generates and provide a Client ID for the application/machine.


#define REGEX_NOT_STATE_OR_MQTT_CLIENT_TOPICS   "^(?!((ucl\\/by-unid\\/.*\\/State$)|(ucl\\/by-mqtt-client\\/.*))).*"
#define REGEX_NOT_STATE_TOPIC   "^(?!ucl\\/by-unid\\/.*\\/State$).*"
#define REGEX_ALL_TOPICS   "^.+"


typedef void(* mqtt_message_callback_t) (const char *topic, const char *message, const size_t message_length)
 A callback type for pushing incoming messages. More...
typedef void(* mqtt_message_callback_ex_t) (const char *topic, const char *message, const size_t message_length, void *user)
typedef void(* mqtt_connection_callbacks_t) ()
 A callback type for a before disconnect and after connect. More...


sl_status_t uic_mqtt_setup ()
int uic_mqtt_teardown ()
void uic_mqtt_publish (const char *topic, const char *message, const size_t message_length, bool retain)
 Add the message and topic to publisher queue system. More...
void uic_mqtt_unretain (const char *prefix_pattern)
 Un-retain a previously retained message. More...
int uic_mqtt_count_topics (const char *prefix_pattern)
 Count the number of topics published. More...
void uic_mqtt_unretain_by_regex (const char *regex)
 Un-retain a previously retained message. More...
void uic_mqtt_subscribe (const char *topic, mqtt_message_callback_t callback)
 Subscribe to a topic. More...
void uic_mqtt_subscribe_ex (const char *topic, mqtt_message_callback_ex_t callback, void *user)
 Subscribe to a topic. More...
void uic_mqtt_unsubscribe (const char *topic, mqtt_message_callback_t callback)
 Unsubscribe from a topic. More...
void uic_mqtt_unsubscribe_ex (const char *topic, mqtt_message_callback_ex_t callback, void *user)
 Unsubscribe from a topic. More...
void uic_mqtt_set_before_disconnect_callback (mqtt_connection_callbacks_t callback)
 Set a callback which will be executed before calling a disconnect. More...
void uic_mqtt_set_after_connect_callback (mqtt_connection_callbacks_t callback)
 Set a callback which will be executed after having connected. More...
const char * uic_mqtt_get_client_id ()
 Gets the MQTT Client ID in used by the MQTT Client. More...
bool uic_mqtt_is_connected_to_broker ()
 Checks if we are currently connected to an MQTT Broker. More...

Detailed Description

MQTT client interface.

This component implement an mqtt client interface. The mqtt client features connection state management, with re-connect on disconnects and cashing of publish messages in case the a publish message cannot be delivered to the broker.

Other components can use the MQTT component to subscribe (uic_mqtt_subscribe) to MQTT topics and register callbacks when new messages arrives.

This api also features publishing messages(uic_mqtt_publish) and keeping track on which messages has been published with the retained flag such that they mey be un-retaind again if desired (uic_mqtt_unretain uic_mqtt_unretain_by_regex).

Macro Definition Documentation






#define REGEX_ALL_TOPICS   "^.+"


#define REGEX_NOT_STATE_OR_MQTT_CLIENT_TOPICS   "^(?!((ucl\\/by-unid\\/.*\\/State$)|(ucl\\/by-mqtt-client\\/.*))).*"


#define REGEX_NOT_STATE_TOPIC   "^(?!ucl\\/by-unid\\/.*\\/State$).*"

Typedef Documentation

◆ mqtt_connection_callbacks_t

typedef void(* mqtt_connection_callbacks_t) ()

A callback type for a before disconnect and after connect.

◆ mqtt_message_callback_ex_t

typedef void(* mqtt_message_callback_ex_t) (const char *topic, const char *message, const size_t message_length, void *user)

◆ mqtt_message_callback_t

typedef void(* mqtt_message_callback_t) (const char *topic, const char *message, const size_t message_length)

A callback type for pushing incoming messages.

topicThe topic the message came from
messageThe message payload
message_lengthThe size of the message payload in bytes.

Function Documentation

◆ uic_mqtt_count_topics()

int uic_mqtt_count_topics ( const char *  prefix_pattern)

Count the number of topics published.

This function counts the number of topics which has been published retained matching a pattern prefix.


◆ uic_mqtt_get_client_id()

const char * uic_mqtt_get_client_id ( )

Gets the MQTT Client ID in used by the MQTT Client.

NULL if no Client ID is in use, else a C string containing the Client ID.

◆ uic_mqtt_is_connected_to_broker()

bool uic_mqtt_is_connected_to_broker ( )

Checks if we are currently connected to an MQTT Broker.

true if connected to a broker

◆ uic_mqtt_publish()

void uic_mqtt_publish ( const char *  topic,
const char *  message,
const size_t  message_length,
bool  retain 

Add the message and topic to publisher queue system.

topicRepresent the topic to publish to.
messageA message that will be published to a given topic. It shall have a zero-terminated character.
message_lengthA size of the message in bytes.
retainDescribes if the broker has to retain or not the message.

◆ uic_mqtt_set_after_connect_callback()

void uic_mqtt_set_after_connect_callback ( mqtt_connection_callbacks_t  callback)

Set a callback which will be executed after having connected.

callbackA callback function to be executed after having connected.

◆ uic_mqtt_set_before_disconnect_callback()

void uic_mqtt_set_before_disconnect_callback ( mqtt_connection_callbacks_t  callback)

Set a callback which will be executed before calling a disconnect.

callbackA callback function to be executed before calling disconnect.

◆ uic_mqtt_setup()

sl_status_t uic_mqtt_setup ( )

Initialize the MQTT client instance.

true if the library is initialized, and created an MQTT client instance.
true if initialization was successful and client_instance was created.

◆ uic_mqtt_subscribe()

void uic_mqtt_subscribe ( const char *  topic,
mqtt_message_callback_t  callback 

Subscribe to a topic.

topicDescribes the subscription topic pattern.
callbackA callback function, that will be called when a message is received from the broker.

◆ uic_mqtt_subscribe_ex()

void uic_mqtt_subscribe_ex ( const char *  topic,
mqtt_message_callback_ex_t  callback,
void *  user 

Subscribe to a topic.

topicDescribes the subscription topic pattern.
callbackA callback function, that will be called when a message is received from the broker.
userA pointer value that will be passed to the callabck function when invoked

◆ uic_mqtt_teardown()

int uic_mqtt_teardown ( )

Tear-down the MQTT library and client instances.


◆ uic_mqtt_unretain()

void uic_mqtt_unretain ( const char *  prefix_pattern)

Un-retain a previously retained message.

This will send an empty retained message for all previously published retained topics which has the given prefix.

Example: If retained topics are ["a/b", "a/b/c", "b"] and prefix_pattern is "a", then the following topics will be unretained: ["a/b", "a/b/c"]

According to the MQTT specification it will cause the broker to delete the retained messages.

prefix_patternprefix to un-retain

◆ uic_mqtt_unretain_by_regex()

void uic_mqtt_unretain_by_regex ( const char *  regex)

Un-retain a previously retained message.

Any topic matches the regex pattern

regexregular expression

◆ uic_mqtt_unsubscribe()

void uic_mqtt_unsubscribe ( const char *  topic,
mqtt_message_callback_t  callback 

Unsubscribe from a topic.

topicDescribes the subscription pattern.
callbackA callback function corresponds to unsubscribe topic

◆ uic_mqtt_unsubscribe_ex()

void uic_mqtt_unsubscribe_ex ( const char *  topic,
mqtt_message_callback_ex_t  callback,
void *  user 

Unsubscribe from a topic.

topicDescribes the subscription pattern.
callbackA callback function corresponds to unsubscribe topic
userUser pointer value to pass to the MQTT message callback