Unify Framework Lib 1.7.0
Unify Attribute Mapper

Automatic attribute manipulation component. More...


 Abstract Syntax Tree
 Attribute Mapper Abstract Syntax Tree.
 Abstract Syntax Tree complexity counter
 This ast visitor counts the complexity of the ast tree, but counting the number of nodes in the tree.
 Abstract Syntax Tree Dependency Evaluation
 Dependency evaluators used by the mapping engine.
 Abstract Syntax Tree Evaluation
 Evaluators that return the value of an AST.
 Abstract Syntax Tree Print
 Write a description about this.
 Abstract Syntax Tree Reducer
 Write a description about this.
 UAM built-in functions definitions
 Built-in functions that can be invoked directly from UAM map files.
 Mapper cyclic dependency checker
 Component cyclic dependency checker.
 Mapper engine
 Mapper engine which defines relations between attributes in the atttribute store.
 Mapper grammar
 describes the grammar rules of .uam files
 Mapper parser
 Parses strings/text into Abtract Syntax Trees.
 Process definitions for the Unify Attribute Mapper
 Process definitions for the Unify Attribute Mapper.


sl_status_t attribute_mapper_init ()
 Initializes the Attribute Mapper engine. More...
bool attribute_mapper_has_pending_evaluations ()
 Checks if the mapper has pending evaluations. More...
void attribute_mapper_config_init ()
 Adds the required configuration to the Unify Configuration System for the Unify Attribute Mapper. More...
void attribute_mapper_set_endpoint_id_attribute_type (attribute_store_type_t endpoint_id_type)
 Sets the Attribute Store type for endpoint IDs, under which the the mapper performs its evaluations. More...
void attribute_mapper_pause_reactions_to_attribute_updates (attribute_store_node_t node)
 Instructs the attribute mapper not to evaluate dependencies for a given Attribute ID. More...
void attribute_mapper_resume_reactions_to_attribute_updates (attribute_store_node_t node)
 Instructs the attribute mapper to evaluate dependencies for a given Attribute ID. More...
void attribute_mapper_pause_mapping ()
 Instructs the attribute mapper to pause any mapping. More...
void attribute_mapper_resume_mapping ()
 Instructs the attribute mapper to resume mapping. More...

Detailed Description

Automatic attribute manipulation component.

This component offers a text file system that allows to define Attribute relations, allowing automatic rules and attribute manipulations based on text script files.

Function Documentation

◆ attribute_mapper_config_init()

void attribute_mapper_config_init ( )

Adds the required configuration to the Unify Configuration System for the Unify Attribute Mapper.

◆ attribute_mapper_has_pending_evaluations()

bool attribute_mapper_has_pending_evaluations ( )

Checks if the mapper has pending evaluations.

Components can use this function if they want to check if the mapper may still update the attribute store tree after some attribute updates.

true if more evaluations are to be done, false otherwise

◆ attribute_mapper_init()

sl_status_t attribute_mapper_init ( )

Initializes the Attribute Mapper engine.

sl_status_t SL_STATUS_OK on success, any other code in case of error.

◆ attribute_mapper_pause_mapping()

void attribute_mapper_pause_mapping ( )

Instructs the attribute mapper to pause any mapping.

◆ attribute_mapper_pause_reactions_to_attribute_updates()

void attribute_mapper_pause_reactions_to_attribute_updates ( attribute_store_node_t  node)

Instructs the attribute mapper not to evaluate dependencies for a given Attribute ID.

nodeAttribute ID whose updates will not trigger the mapper.

◆ attribute_mapper_resume_mapping()

void attribute_mapper_resume_mapping ( )

Instructs the attribute mapper to resume mapping.

◆ attribute_mapper_resume_reactions_to_attribute_updates()

void attribute_mapper_resume_reactions_to_attribute_updates ( attribute_store_node_t  node)

Instructs the attribute mapper to evaluate dependencies for a given Attribute ID.

nodeAttribute ID whose updates will trigger the mapper.

◆ attribute_mapper_set_endpoint_id_attribute_type()

void attribute_mapper_set_endpoint_id_attribute_type ( attribute_store_type_t  endpoint_id_type)

Sets the Attribute Store type for endpoint IDs, under which the the mapper performs its evaluations.

endpoint_id_typeAttribute Store type representing Endpoints.