Unify Framework Lib 1.7.0
Attribute Store Public Interface

Public functions from the attribute store. It allows other components to manipulate the Attribute Store tree. and register callbacks for Attribute Store updates. More...


 Attribute Store Configuration
 Allows to configure how the attribute store behaves.
 Attribute Store Type registration
 Type registration to the Attribute Store.
 Internal configuration functions
 Internal functions for the attribute store configuration.


struct  attribute_changed_event
 structure that contains information about the current state of a given node in the attribute store. More...


 Maximum length for a value associated to an attribute. More...
#define ATTRIBUTE_STORE_INVALID_NODE   (attribute_store_node_t)0
 Special attribute_store_node_t value indicating that it does not exist. More...


typedef datastore_attribute_id_t attribute_store_node_t
 Handle to identify attribute store nodes. More...
typedef void(* attribute_store_node_changed_callback_t) (attribute_store_node_t, attribute_store_change_t)
 Attribute store callback type for tree node updates. More...
typedef void(* attribute_store_node_touch_callback_t) (attribute_store_node_t)
 Attribute store callback type for "touch" events. More...
typedef void(* attribute_store_node_delete_callback_t) (attribute_store_node_t)
 Attribute store callback type for deletion events. More...
typedef struct attribute_changed_event attribute_changed_event_t
 structure that contains information about the current state of a given node in the attribute store. More...
typedef void(* attribute_store_node_update_callback_t) (attribute_changed_event_t *event_data)
 Attribute store callback type for tree node updates. More...


 Attribute Store type to indicate the modification type that triggered a callback. More...
 This is the value state of a value. More...


attribute_store_node_t attribute_store_get_root ()
 Retrieve the root node of the tree. More...
attribute_store_node_t attribute_store_add_node (attribute_store_type_t type, attribute_store_node_t parent_node)
 Add a new node in the current attribute store. More...
sl_status_t attribute_store_delete_node (attribute_store_node_t node)
 Delete a node and all its children from the attribute store. More...
attribute_store_node_t attribute_store_get_node_parent (attribute_store_node_t node)
 Get the node handle of the parent of a node. More...
attribute_store_node_t attribute_store_get_first_parent_with_type (attribute_store_node_t node, attribute_store_type_t parent_type)
 Traverse up the tree from a node and finds the first parent with a given type. More...
sl_status_t attribute_store_set_node_attribute_value (attribute_store_node_t node, attribute_store_node_value_state_t value_state, const uint8_t *value, uint8_t value_size)
 Set the attribute value of a node in the current attribute store tree. More...
sl_status_t attribute_store_get_node_attribute_value (attribute_store_node_t node, attribute_store_node_value_state_t value_state, uint8_t *value, uint8_t *value_size)
 Get the attribute value of a node. More...
attribute_store_type_t attribute_store_get_node_type (attribute_store_node_t node)
 Get the type of a node. More...
attribute_store_node_t attribute_store_get_node_child (attribute_store_node_t node, uint32_t child_index)
 Get the node handle of a child of a node. More...
size_t attribute_store_get_node_child_count (attribute_store_node_t node)
 Get the number of children of the given node. More...
size_t attribute_store_get_node_child_count_by_type (attribute_store_node_t node, attribute_store_type_t child_type)
 Get the number of children of a certain type for a node. More...
size_t attribute_store_get_node_total_child_count (attribute_store_node_t node)
 Get the number of total children of the given node. More...
attribute_store_node_t attribute_store_get_node_child_by_type (attribute_store_node_t node, attribute_store_type_t child_type, uint32_t child_index)
 Get the node handle of a child of a node with a certain type. More...
static attribute_store_node_t attribute_store_get_first_child_by_type (attribute_store_node_t node, attribute_store_type_t child_type)
attribute_store_node_t attribute_store_get_node_child_by_value (attribute_store_node_t node, attribute_store_type_t child_type, attribute_store_node_value_state_t value_state, const uint8_t *value, uint8_t value_size, uint32_t child_index)
 Get the node handle of a child of a node with a certain type and value. More...
sl_status_t attribute_store_register_callback (attribute_store_node_update_callback_t callback_function)
 Register a callback function to any node change. More...
sl_status_t attribute_store_register_touch_notification_callback (attribute_store_node_touch_callback_t callback_function)
 Register a callback function that will be called on touch events. More...
sl_status_t attribute_store_register_delete_callback (attribute_store_node_delete_callback_t callback_function)
 Register a callback function that will be called when an attribute is deleted. More...
sl_status_t attribute_store_register_callback_by_type (attribute_store_node_changed_callback_t callback_function, attribute_store_type_t type)
 Register a callback function to any node with a given type. More...
sl_status_t attribute_store_register_callback_by_type_and_state (attribute_store_node_changed_callback_t callback_function, attribute_store_type_t type, attribute_store_node_value_state_t value_state)
 Register a callback function to any node with a given type for a given value_state update. More...
bool attribute_store_node_exists (attribute_store_node_t node)
 Verify whether a node is in the Attribute Store. More...
bool attribute_store_is_node_a_child (attribute_store_node_t node, attribute_store_node_t possible_parent)
 Verify whether a node is a child of another node. More...
uint8_t attribute_store_get_node_value_size (attribute_store_node_t node, attribute_store_node_value_state_t value_state)
 Checks the size of the REPORTED or DESIRED value for a node. More...
sl_status_t attribute_store_refresh_node_and_children_callbacks (attribute_store_node_t node)
 Invoking update of callbacks for the given node and all children nodes. More...
void attribute_store_log (void)
 Log the content of the Attribute Store tree using Unify Logging system. More...
void attribute_store_log_node (attribute_store_node_t node, bool log_children)
 Log the content of the Attribute Store tree using Unify Logging system from a given node. More...

Detailed Description

Public functions from the attribute store. It allows other components to manipulate the Attribute Store tree. and register callbacks for Attribute Store updates.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define ATTRIBUTE_STORE_INVALID_NODE   (attribute_store_node_t)0

Special attribute_store_node_t value indicating that it does not exist.



Maximum length for a value associated to an attribute.

Typedef Documentation

◆ attribute_changed_event_t

structure that contains information about the current state of a given node in the attribute store.

◆ attribute_store_node_changed_callback_t

typedef void(* attribute_store_node_changed_callback_t) (attribute_store_node_t, attribute_store_change_t)

Attribute store callback type for tree node updates.

◆ attribute_store_node_delete_callback_t

typedef void(* attribute_store_node_delete_callback_t) (attribute_store_node_t)

Attribute store callback type for deletion events.

◆ attribute_store_node_t

Handle to identify attribute store nodes.

◆ attribute_store_node_touch_callback_t

typedef void(* attribute_store_node_touch_callback_t) (attribute_store_node_t)

Attribute store callback type for "touch" events.

◆ attribute_store_node_update_callback_t

typedef void(* attribute_store_node_update_callback_t) (attribute_changed_event_t *event_data)

Attribute store callback type for tree node updates.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ attribute_store_change_t

Attribute Store type to indicate the modification type that triggered a callback.


◆ attribute_store_node_value_state_t

This is the value state of a value.


This is the value reported by the node or actual value.


This is the value to be applied to the node.


Retrieve the desired value if it exists if not then provide the reported attribute only used for readding.

Function Documentation

◆ attribute_store_add_node()

attribute_store_node_t attribute_store_add_node ( attribute_store_type_t  type,
attribute_store_node_t  parent_node 

Add a new node in the current attribute store.

typeThe type to assign to the new node. MUST be different than ATTRIBUTE_STORE_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE
parent_nodeParent node for the node to add.
attribute_store_node_t handle for the newly created node

◆ attribute_store_delete_node()

sl_status_t attribute_store_delete_node ( attribute_store_node_t  node)

Delete a node and all its children from the attribute store.

nodeThe identifier of the node to delete.
The root node cannot be deleted. If passed as argument, only its children will be deleted.
SL_STATUS_OK if the node and its children were deleted successfully or if it was not in the attribute store anyway
SL_STATUS_FAIL if an error happened.
SL_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED if the attribute store is not initialized

◆ attribute_store_get_first_child_by_type()

static attribute_store_node_t attribute_store_get_first_child_by_type ( attribute_store_node_t  node,
attribute_store_type_t  child_type 

◆ attribute_store_get_first_parent_with_type()

attribute_store_node_t attribute_store_get_first_parent_with_type ( attribute_store_node_t  node,
attribute_store_type_t  parent_type 

Traverse up the tree from a node and finds the first parent with a given type.

nodeThe Attribute Store node for which the parents will be searched for the given type
parent_typeThe type of the parent that we search
ATTRIBUTE_STORE_INVALID_NODE If the node has no (distant) parent with the given type.
attribute_store_node_t handle for the parent node on success

◆ attribute_store_get_node_attribute_value()

sl_status_t attribute_store_get_node_attribute_value ( attribute_store_node_t  node,
attribute_store_node_value_state_t  value_state,
uint8_t *  value,
uint8_t *  value_size 

Get the attribute value of a node.

nodeThe node handle of the node for which attribute value is to be retrieved
value_stateThe attribute_store_node_value_state_t value state to retrieve from the node. (Desired or Reported)
valueA uint8_t pointer to an array for which the value/value state will be written to. This array should be able to contain 255 bytes.
value_sizePointer to an uint8_t variable where the size of the value/payload written to the value pointer will be written.
SL_STATUS_OK If the attribute value of the node was successfully written to the pointers value/value_size
SL_STATUS_FAIL If an error occurred
SL_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED if the attribute store is not initialized properly

◆ attribute_store_get_node_child()

attribute_store_node_t attribute_store_get_node_child ( attribute_store_node_t  node,
uint32_t  child_index 

Get the node handle of a child of a node.

nodeThe tree handle of the node for which the child handle will be returned
child_indexValue to indicate which child to find. 0 will match the first child, 1 the second child, etc.
attribute_store_node_t handle for the child node at the indicated index.
ATTRIBUTE_STORE_INVALID_NODE If the child index does not exist (i.e. there are less children than the child index). or if node itself does not exist

◆ attribute_store_get_node_child_by_type()

attribute_store_node_t attribute_store_get_node_child_by_type ( attribute_store_node_t  node,
attribute_store_type_t  child_type,
uint32_t  child_index 

Get the node handle of a child of a node with a certain type.

nodeThe node handle of the node for which the child identifier will be written
child_typeThe attribute store type of the child.
child_indexValue to indicate which child to find. 0 will match the first child (with that type), 1 the second child (with that type), etc.
attribute_store_node_t handle for the child node at the indicated index with the type.
ATTRIBUTE_STORE_INVALID_NODE if the child index does not exist. (i.e. there are less children with that type than the child index). or if node itself does not exist

◆ attribute_store_get_node_child_by_value()

attribute_store_node_t attribute_store_get_node_child_by_value ( attribute_store_node_t  node,
attribute_store_type_t  child_type,
attribute_store_node_value_state_t  value_state,
const uint8_t *  value,
uint8_t  value_size,
uint32_t  child_index 

Get the node handle of a child of a node with a certain type and value.

nodeThe node handle of the node for which the child identifier will be written
child_typeThe attribute type of the child.
value_stateThe attribute_store_node_value_state_t value state to compare for the child. (Desired or Reported)
valueA uint8_t pointer to an array for which the value/value state will be compared.
value_sizeThe number of bytes to compare from the value pointer.
child_indexValue to indicate which child to find. 0 will match the first child (with that type and value), 1 the second child (with that type and value), etc.
attribute_store_node_t handle for the child node at the indicated index with the type and value.
ATTRIBUTE_STORE_INVALID_NODE if the child index does not exist. (i.e. there are less children with that type and value than the child index). or if node itself does not exist

◆ attribute_store_get_node_child_count()

size_t attribute_store_get_node_child_count ( attribute_store_node_t  node)

Get the number of children of the given node.

nodeThe tree handle of the node for which the child handle will be returned
int Number of children

◆ attribute_store_get_node_child_count_by_type()

size_t attribute_store_get_node_child_count_by_type ( attribute_store_node_t  node,
attribute_store_type_t  child_type 

Get the number of children of a certain type for a node.

nodeThe tree handle of the node for which the child with a type will be returned
child_typeThe attribute type of the children.
int Number of children that have the type

◆ attribute_store_get_node_parent()

attribute_store_node_t attribute_store_get_node_parent ( attribute_store_node_t  node)

Get the node handle of the parent of a node.

nodeThe tree handle of the node for which the parent identifier will be returned
ATTRIBUTE_STORE_INVALID_NODE If the node has no parent or does not exist.
attribute_store_node_t handle for the parent node on success

◆ attribute_store_get_node_total_child_count()

size_t attribute_store_get_node_total_child_count ( attribute_store_node_t  node)

Get the number of total children of the given node.

nodeThe tree handle of the node for which the child handle will be returned
int Total number of children

◆ attribute_store_get_node_type()

attribute_store_type_t attribute_store_get_node_type ( attribute_store_node_t  node)

Get the type of a node.

nodeThe node handle of the node for which the type is to be returned
attribute_store_type_t The assigned type for the node

◆ attribute_store_get_node_value_size()

uint8_t attribute_store_get_node_value_size ( attribute_store_node_t  node,
attribute_store_node_value_state_t  value_state 

Checks the size of the REPORTED or DESIRED value for a node.

nodeThe identifier of the node to check one of its value sizes
value_stateThe attribute_store_node_value_state_t value state to check. (Desired or Reported)
a size if the node exists, 0 if the node does not exist

◆ attribute_store_get_root()

attribute_store_node_t attribute_store_get_root ( )

Retrieve the root node of the tree.

ATTRIBUTE_STORE_INVALID_NODE If the tree is not initialized, or there is no root node
attribute_store_node_t handle for the root node

◆ attribute_store_is_node_a_child()

bool attribute_store_is_node_a_child ( attribute_store_node_t  node,
attribute_store_node_t  possible_parent 

Verify whether a node is a child of another node.

nodeThe identifier of the node to verify if it is a child of the possible parent node.
possible_parentThe identifier of the node to verify if it is a parent of the node
true if the node is located under the possible parent node in the Attribute Store, false otherwise

◆ attribute_store_log()

void attribute_store_log ( void  )

Log the content of the Attribute Store tree using Unify Logging system.

◆ attribute_store_log_node()

void attribute_store_log_node ( attribute_store_node_t  node,
bool  log_children 

Log the content of the Attribute Store tree using Unify Logging system from a given node.

nodeThe node handle of the node for which the tree will be printed out.
log_childrenbool value indicating if children should be printed out as well.

◆ attribute_store_node_exists()

bool attribute_store_node_exists ( attribute_store_node_t  node)

Verify whether a node is in the Attribute Store.

nodeThe identifier of the node to verify if it is present in the Attribute Store
true if the Node ID is in the Attribute Store
false if the Node ID is in the Attribute Store

◆ attribute_store_refresh_node_and_children_callbacks()

sl_status_t attribute_store_refresh_node_and_children_callbacks ( attribute_store_node_t  node)

Invoking update of callbacks for the given node and all children nodes.

WARNING: Callbacks registered by DESIRED_ATTRIBUTE or DESIRED_OR_REPORTED_ATTRIBUTE will not be invoked.

nodeThe identifier of the node to update and all its children
SL_STATUS_OK if all nodes callbacks was successfully updated
SL_STATUS_FAIL if invoking update callbacks on any node fails

◆ attribute_store_register_callback()

sl_status_t attribute_store_register_callback ( attribute_store_node_update_callback_t  callback_function)

Register a callback function to any node change.

WARNING: Do not use this function, unless you are a component that really wants to know about almost all updates in the attribute store. See attribute_store_register_callback_by_type and attribute_store_register_callback_by_type_and_state

callback_functionThe function to invoke when the node's value is updated.
SL_STATUS_OK If the callback was registered successfully.

◆ attribute_store_register_callback_by_type()

sl_status_t attribute_store_register_callback_by_type ( attribute_store_node_changed_callback_t  callback_function,
attribute_store_type_t  type 

Register a callback function to any node with a given type.

callback_functionThe function to invoke when the node's value is updated.
typeThe attribute node type for which a callback will be registered.
SL_STATUS_OK If the callback was registered successfully.

◆ attribute_store_register_callback_by_type_and_state()

sl_status_t attribute_store_register_callback_by_type_and_state ( attribute_store_node_changed_callback_t  callback_function,
attribute_store_type_t  type,
attribute_store_node_value_state_t  value_state 

Register a callback function to any node with a given type for a given value_state update.

callback_functionThe function to invoke when the node's value is updated.
typeThe attribute node type for which a callback will be registered.
value_stateThe value-state that will trigger a callback when it's modified.
SL_STATUS_OK If the callback was registered successfully.

◆ attribute_store_register_delete_callback()

sl_status_t attribute_store_register_delete_callback ( attribute_store_node_delete_callback_t  callback_function)

Register a callback function that will be called when an attribute is deleted.

callback_functionThe function to invoke when a node is deleted
SL_STATUS_OK If the callback was registered successfully.

◆ attribute_store_register_touch_notification_callback()

sl_status_t attribute_store_register_touch_notification_callback ( attribute_store_node_touch_callback_t  callback_function)

Register a callback function that will be called on touch events.

NOTE: Use this function only if necessary, as it may trigger a lot of touched callbacks

callback_functionThe function to invoke when a node desired or reported value is touched.
SL_STATUS_OK If the callback was registered successfully.

◆ attribute_store_set_node_attribute_value()

sl_status_t attribute_store_set_node_attribute_value ( attribute_store_node_t  node,
attribute_store_node_value_state_t  value_state,
const uint8_t *  value,
uint8_t  value_size 

Set the attribute value of a node in the current attribute store tree.

nodeThe node handle for which the value must be updated.
value_stateThe attribute_store_node_value_state_t value state to write for the node. (Desired or Reported)
valueA uint8_t pointer to an array containing the data to be written for the node. This array may contain up to 255 bytes.
value_sizeThe number of bytes to read from the value pointer.
SL_STATUS_OK If the tree node value has been set correctly.
SL_STATUS_FAIL If the value state is not understood.
SL_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED if the attribute store is not initialized properly