Unify Framework Lib 1.7.0

describes the grammar rules of .uam files More...


struct  term_rule_operators_
struct  expr_rule_operators_
class  SkipperGrammar< IteratorType >
 Skipper grammer. More...
struct  strict_real_policies< T >
 Main UAM grammer. More...
class  UAMGrammar< IteratorType, Skipper >


using defines_t = qi::symbols< char, ast::expression >


term_rule_operators_ term_rule_operators
expr_rule_operators_ expr_rule_operators

Detailed Description

describes the grammar rules of .uam files

This file contains the definition of two grammes which are used by the mail UAM parser.

A skipper parse which parses whitspaces and comments and a UAM Grammer parser.

Typedef Documentation

◆ defines_t

Variable Documentation

◆ expr_rule_operators

expr_rule_operators_ expr_rule_operators

◆ term_rule_operators

term_rule_operators_ term_rule_operators