Unify Framework Lib 1.7.0

Mapper engine which defines relations between attributes in the atttribute store. More...


struct  scope_priority_compare
class  MapperEngine
 Mapper Engine. More...


using equivalent_assignments_t = std::multimap< int, std::shared_ptr< ast::assignment >, scope_priority_compare >
 Set of unique assignments, sorted by their scope priority. More...
using assignments_to_run_t = std::map< std::tuple< attribute_store::attribute, char, int >, equivalent_assignments_t >
 Map of equivalent assignments associated with a destination attributes. Associates an attribute and its value type to a list of assigments The tuple represents: destination, value_type, assignment type. More...
using assignment_properties_t = std::tuple< int, char, attribute_store_type_t >
 assignment_properties_t keeps track of various More...

Detailed Description

Mapper engine which defines relations between attributes in the atttribute store.

Typedef Documentation

◆ assignment_properties_t

using assignment_properties_t = std::tuple<int, char, attribute_store_type_t>

assignment_properties_t keeps track of various

  • int is the scope priority
  • char is the value type (r, d, e...) assigned
  • attribute_type_t is the attribute type

◆ assignments_to_run_t

using assignments_to_run_t = std::map<std::tuple<attribute_store::attribute, char, int>, equivalent_assignments_t>

Map of equivalent assignments associated with a destination attributes. Associates an attribute and its value type to a list of assigments The tuple represents: destination, value_type, assignment type.

◆ equivalent_assignments_t

using equivalent_assignments_t = std:: multimap<int, std::shared_ptr<ast::assignment>, scope_priority_compare>

Set of unique assignments, sorted by their scope priority.