Unify Framework Lib 1.7.0

This is the implementation of all of the logic for our MQTT client. More...


#define MQTT_CLIENT_QoS   0


typedef struct mqtt_clientmqtt_client_t
 Type for internal consistency and to save typing. More...
typedef void(* message_callback_t) (const char *topic, const char *message, const size_t message_length)
 A callback type for pushing incoming messages. More...
typedef void(* message_callback_ex_t) (const char *topic, const char *message, const size_t message_length, void *user)
 A callback type for pushing incoming messages. More...
typedef void(* mqtt_connection_callback_t) (mqtt_client_t instance, const int file_descriptor)
 A callback type for MQTT connection/disconnection events. More...
typedef void(* mqtt_simple_callback_t) ()
 A void function type (void function()) to invoke when some events occurred. More...


enum  mqtt_event_t {


 __attribute__ ((unused)) static const char *event_names[]
sl_status_t mqtt_client_setup (mqtt_client_t instance)
 Initialize whatever resources the client needs. More...
sl_status_t mqtt_client_teardown (mqtt_client_t instance)
 Close open connections and free up resources acquired by the client. More...
int mqtt_client_file_descriptor (mqtt_client_t instance)
 Get the file-descriptor for the underlying MQTT TCP socket. More...
void mqtt_client_poll (mqtt_client_t instance)
 Process any data that needs processed. More...
void mqtt_client_disconnect (mqtt_client_t instance)
 Do a synchronous disconnect from the MQTT-broker. This can be used when a system is being shut down and the connection needs to be closed gracefully. More...
void mqtt_client_event (mqtt_client_t instance, const int incoming_event)
 Push events to the mqtt_client. More...
void mqtt_client_publish (mqtt_client_t instance, const char *topic, const char *message, const size_t message_length, bool retain)
 Publish a message to the MQTT-broker. More...
void mqtt_client_unretain (mqtt_client_t instance, const char *prefix_pattern)
 Un-retain a previously retained message. More...
int mqtt_client_count_topics (mqtt_client_t instance, const char *prefix_pattern)
 Count the number of topics published. More...
void mqtt_client_unretain_by_regex (mqtt_client_t instance, const char *regex)
 Un-retain a previously retained message. More...
void mqtt_client_subscribe (mqtt_client_t instance, const char *topic, message_callback_t callback)
 Subscribe to an MQTT-topic. More...
void mqtt_client_subscribe_ex (mqtt_client_t instance, const char *topic, message_callback_ex_t callback, void *user)
 Subscribe to an MQTT-topic. More...
void mqtt_client_unsubscribe (mqtt_client_t instance, const char *topic, message_callback_t callback)
 Unsubscribe from an MQTT-topic. More...
void mqtt_client_unsubscribe_ex (mqtt_client_t instance, const char *topic, message_callback_ex_t callback, void *user)
 Unsubscribe from an MQTT-topic. More...
mqtt_client_t mqtt_client_new (const char *hostname, const uint32_t port, const char *client_id, const char *cafile, const char *certfile, const char *keyfile, int(*event_sender)(const int event, void *procdata), void(*delayed_event_sender)(const int event, const unsigned long milliseconds), int(*event_counter)(const int event, void *procdata))
 Allocates a new mqtt_client instance. More...
void mqtt_client_delete (mqtt_client_t instance)
 Deletes/frees the mqtt_client instance. More...
void mqtt_client_on_connect_callback_set (mqtt_client_t instance, mqtt_connection_callback_t on_connect)
 Sets the callback to be invoked after an MQTT connection is established. More...
void mqtt_client_on_disconnect_callback_set (mqtt_client_t instance, mqtt_connection_callback_t on_disconnect)
 Sets the callback to be invoked after an MQTT connection is disconnected. More...
void mqtt_client_before_disconnect_callback_set (mqtt_client_t instance, mqtt_simple_callback_t before_disconnect)
 Sets a callback for calling before calling disconnect. More...
void mqtt_client_after_connect_callback_set (mqtt_client_t instance, mqtt_simple_callback_t after_connect)
 Deletes/frees the mqtt_client instance. More...
const char * mqtt_client_get_client_id (const mqtt_client_t client_instance)
 Returns the MQTT Client ID in use by the Client instance. More...
bool mqtt_client_is_connected_to_broker (const mqtt_client_t instance)
 Checks if we are connected to the MQTT Broker. More...

Detailed Description

This is the implementation of all of the logic for our MQTT client.

The MQTT-Client is client-library-agnostic and depends on having the appropriate wrapper, e.g. mqtt_wrapper_mosquitto.cpp, to interface with the underlying client-library. All functionality is asynchronous where possible.

Macro Definition Documentation










#define MQTT_CLIENT_QoS   0

Typedef Documentation

◆ message_callback_ex_t

typedef void(* message_callback_ex_t) (const char *topic, const char *message, const size_t message_length, void *user)

A callback type for pushing incoming messages.

topicThe topic the message came from
messageThe message payload
message_lengthThe size of the message payload in bytes.
userUser defined pointer provided when subscribing

◆ message_callback_t

typedef void(* message_callback_t) (const char *topic, const char *message, const size_t message_length)

A callback type for pushing incoming messages.

topicThe topic the message came from
messageThe message payload
message_lengthThe size of the message payload in bytes.

◆ mqtt_client_t

typedef struct mqtt_client* mqtt_client_t

Type for internal consistency and to save typing.

◆ mqtt_connection_callback_t

typedef void(* mqtt_connection_callback_t) (mqtt_client_t instance, const int file_descriptor)

A callback type for MQTT connection/disconnection events.

instanceMQTT instance for the connection/disconnection
file_descriptorFile descriptor used for the MQTT connection

◆ mqtt_simple_callback_t

typedef void(* mqtt_simple_callback_t) ()

A void function type (void function()) to invoke when some events occurred.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ mqtt_event_t

Internal events for the mqtt_client:

    • Used for implementing the asynchronous architecture of the client. A function-call will enqueue some data, and then emit one of those events for later processing.
    • Events for the FSM. The FSM should ONLY change states as a response to those events being emitted.

Request the client to connect to its broker.


Disconnect (from broker) request.


Publish one queued up message.


Subscribe to one queued up topic.


Unsubscribe from one queued up topic.


Request FSM to transition to the disconnected state.


Request FSM to transition to the connecting state.


Request FSM to transition to the connected state.

Function Documentation

◆ __attribute__()

__attribute__ ( (unused)  ) const

◆ mqtt_client_after_connect_callback_set()

void mqtt_client_after_connect_callback_set ( mqtt_client_t  instance,
mqtt_simple_callback_t  after_connect 

Deletes/frees the mqtt_client instance.

instanceA pointer to an mqtt_client instance.
after_connectfunction-pointer to the external-function after connect callback

◆ mqtt_client_before_disconnect_callback_set()

void mqtt_client_before_disconnect_callback_set ( mqtt_client_t  instance,
mqtt_simple_callback_t  before_disconnect 

Sets a callback for calling before calling disconnect.

instanceA pointer to an mqtt_client instance.
before_disconnectA function-pointer to the external-function before disconnect callback

◆ mqtt_client_count_topics()

int mqtt_client_count_topics ( mqtt_client_t  instance,
const char *  prefix_pattern 

Count the number of topics published.

This function counts the number of topics which has been published retained matching a pattern prefix.

instancePointer to an mqtt_client instance.

◆ mqtt_client_delete()

void mqtt_client_delete ( mqtt_client_t  instance)

Deletes/frees the mqtt_client instance.

instanceA pointer to an mqtt_client instance.

◆ mqtt_client_disconnect()

void mqtt_client_disconnect ( mqtt_client_t  instance)

Do a synchronous disconnect from the MQTT-broker. This can be used when a system is being shut down and the connection needs to be closed gracefully.

instancePointer to an mqtt_client instance.

◆ mqtt_client_event()

void mqtt_client_event ( mqtt_client_t  instance,
const int  incoming_event 

Push events to the mqtt_client.

This is the entry-point for all events. The mqtt_client proxies all events to its subsystems, including the FSM.

instancePointer to an mqtt_client instance.
incoming_eventAn event defined by mqtt_event_t

◆ mqtt_client_file_descriptor()

int mqtt_client_file_descriptor ( mqtt_client_t  instance)

Get the file-descriptor for the underlying MQTT TCP socket.

instancePointer to an mqtt_client instance.
The underlying TCP-socket file-descriptor.

◆ mqtt_client_get_client_id()

const char * mqtt_client_get_client_id ( const mqtt_client_t  client_instance)

Returns the MQTT Client ID in use by the Client instance.

client_instanceA pointer to an mqtt_client instance.
C String containing the Client ID. NULL if the instance is not in use.

◆ mqtt_client_is_connected_to_broker()

bool mqtt_client_is_connected_to_broker ( const mqtt_client_t  instance)

Checks if we are connected to the MQTT Broker.

instanceA pointer to an mqtt_client instance.
True if connected to the broker, false otherwise

◆ mqtt_client_new()

mqtt_client_t mqtt_client_new ( const char *  hostname,
const uint32_t  port,
const char *  client_id,
const char *  cafile,
const char *  certfile,
const char *  keyfile,
int(*)(const int event, void *procdata)  event_sender,
void(*)(const int event, const unsigned long milliseconds)  delayed_event_sender,
int(*)(const int event, void *procdata)  event_counter 

Allocates a new mqtt_client instance.

hostnameThe hostname/IP-address of the MQTT-broker this client should connect to.
portThe TCP-port the broker is listening on.
client_idThe client-id to use when identifying to the broker. This can be set to NULL.
cafilepath to a file containing the PEM encoded trusted CA certificate file.
certfilepath to a file containing the PEM encoded certificate file for this client.
keyfilepath to a file containing the PEM encoded private key for this client.
event_senderA function-pointer to the external-function that the client shall use for emitting events.
delayed_event_senderA function-pointer to an external-function that the client can use for emitting delayed events.
event_counterA function-pointer to the external function that the client shall use for counting the number of events on the event-queue.
A pointer to the mqtt_client instance.

◆ mqtt_client_on_connect_callback_set()

void mqtt_client_on_connect_callback_set ( mqtt_client_t  instance,
mqtt_connection_callback_t  on_connect 

Sets the callback to be invoked after an MQTT connection is established.

instanceMQTT instance used for the connection
on_connectCallback to invoke

◆ mqtt_client_on_disconnect_callback_set()

void mqtt_client_on_disconnect_callback_set ( mqtt_client_t  instance,
mqtt_connection_callback_t  on_disconnect 

Sets the callback to be invoked after an MQTT connection is disconnected.

instanceMQTT instance used for the connection
on_disconnectCallback to invoke

◆ mqtt_client_poll()

void mqtt_client_poll ( mqtt_client_t  instance)

Process any data that needs processed.

Also executes the network-loop of the underlying MQTT-client library, which means that this function should be called at least at the same interval as the configured keep-alive for the connection: MQTT_CLIENT_KEEP_ALIVE_INTERVAL_MILLISECONDS

instancePointer to an mqtt_client instance.

◆ mqtt_client_publish()

void mqtt_client_publish ( mqtt_client_t  instance,
const char *  topic,
const char *  message,
const size_t  message_length,
bool  retain 

Publish a message to the MQTT-broker.

This, like (almost) all other functionality of the mqtt_client, is an asynchronous (non-blocking) call. The outgoing message is queued and then sent if/when the connection-state allows for it.

instancePointer to an mqtt_client instance.
topicThe MQTT topic to publish to.
messageThe message payload itself.
message_lengthThe size of the message.
retainSet to true if the message shall be retained by the MQTT-broker.

◆ mqtt_client_setup()

sl_status_t mqtt_client_setup ( mqtt_client_t  instance)

Initialize whatever resources the client needs.

instancePointer to an mqtt_client instance.
true if initialization was successful. False otherwise.

◆ mqtt_client_subscribe()

void mqtt_client_subscribe ( mqtt_client_t  instance,
const char *  topic,
message_callback_t  callback 

Subscribe to an MQTT-topic.

This, like (almost) all other functionality of the mqtt_client, is an asynchronous (non-blocking) call. The subscription request is queued and then sent if/when the connection-state allows for it.

instancePointer to an mqtt_client instance.
topicThe MQTT-topic name/pattern to subscribe to.
callbackFunction-pointer to a callback-function that receives the incoming messages and has the message_callback_t function-signature.

◆ mqtt_client_subscribe_ex()

void mqtt_client_subscribe_ex ( mqtt_client_t  instance,
const char *  topic,
message_callback_ex_t  callback,
void *  user 

Subscribe to an MQTT-topic.

This, like (almost) all other functionality of the mqtt_client, is an asynchronous (non-blocking) call. The subscription request is queued and then sent if/when the connection-state allows for it.

instancePointer to an mqtt_client instance.
topicThe MQTT-topic name/pattern to subscribe to.
callbackFunction-pointer to a callback-function that receives the incoming messages and has the message_callback_t function-signature.
userUser defined pointer which will be returned in the callback

◆ mqtt_client_teardown()

sl_status_t mqtt_client_teardown ( mqtt_client_t  instance)

Close open connections and free up resources acquired by the client.

instancePointer to an mqtt_client instance.
SL_STATUS_OK on success.
SL_STATUS_FAIL on failure.

◆ mqtt_client_unretain()

void mqtt_client_unretain ( mqtt_client_t  instance,
const char *  prefix_pattern 

Un-retain a previously retained message.

This will send an empty retained message for all previously published retained topics which has the given prefix.

According to the mqtt specification it will cause the broker to delete the retained messages.

instancePointer to an mqtt_client instance.
prefix_patternprefix to un-retain

◆ mqtt_client_unretain_by_regex()

void mqtt_client_unretain_by_regex ( mqtt_client_t  instance,
const char *  regex 

Un-retain a previously retained message.

Any topic matches the regex pattern

instancePointer to an mqtt_client instance.
regexA regular expression to match topics against

◆ mqtt_client_unsubscribe()

void mqtt_client_unsubscribe ( mqtt_client_t  instance,
const char *  topic,
message_callback_t  callback 

Unsubscribe from an MQTT-topic.

This, like (almost) all other functionality of the mqtt_client, is an asynchronous (non-blocking) call. The unsubscription request is queued and then sent if/when the connection-state allows for it, with one caveat: The callback-registration happens immediately, but sending the unsubscription-command to the broker is asynchronous.

instancePointer to an mqtt_client instance.
topicThe MQTT-topic name/pattern to unsubscribe from.
callbackFunction-pointer to a callback-function that receives the incoming messages and has the message_callback_t function-signature.

◆ mqtt_client_unsubscribe_ex()

void mqtt_client_unsubscribe_ex ( mqtt_client_t  instance,
const char *  topic,
message_callback_ex_t  callback,
void *  user 

Unsubscribe from an MQTT-topic.

This, like (almost) all other functionality of the mqtt_client, is an asynchronous (non-blocking) call. The unsubscription request is queued and then sent if/when the connection-state allows for it, with one caveat: The callback-registration happens immediately, but sending the unsubscription-command to the broker is asynchronous.

instancePointer to an mqtt_client instance.
topicThe MQTT-topic name/pattern to unsubscribe from.
callbackFunction-pointer to a callback-function that receives the incoming messages and has the message_callback_t function-signature.
userArgument used when registering