Unify Framework Lib 1.7.0
Unify DotDot Attribute Store

Component that assists storing, reading and writing DotDot Attributes in the Attribute Store. More...


 Attribute Publisher for UCL/DotDot attributes
 Registers attribute callbacks and publishes their value on MQTT.
 Command handlers for incoming MQTT UCL/DotDot commands
 Registers command callbacks to DotDot MQTT for cluster commands.
 Configuration for the\ref unify_dotdot_attribute_store
 Modules that allows to read the configuration of the Unify DotDot Attribute Store.
 Command handlers for incoming MQTT UCL/DotDot ForceReadAttributes commands
 Registers command callbacks to DotDot MQTT for the ForceReadAttribute command of every cluster.
 DotDot Attribute Store Registration
 Registers the type of the DotDot attributes to the Attribute Store.
 Command handlers for incoming MQTT UCL/DotDot WriteAttributes commands
 Registers command callbacks to DotDot MQTT for the WriteAttributes command of every cluster.
 DotDot Attributes Helper functions
 Set of helper functions to manipulate DotDot attributes under a node/endpoint.
 DotDot Attribute Store Types
 Attribute Store Type allocation for DotDot attributes.


struct  unify_dotdot_attribute_store_configuration_t
 Configuration structure for the Unify DotDot Attribute Store component. More...


#define MAXIMUM_UNID_SIZE   100


typedef attribute_store_node_t(* endpoint_node_fetching_function_t) (const dotdot_unid_t unid, dotdot_endpoint_id_t endpoint_id)
 Function signature that retrieves an Attribute Store node that represents a UNID/Endpoint, under which ZCL attributes are located. More...
typedef sl_status_t(* unid_fetching_function_t) (attribute_store_node_t node, char *unid, dotdot_endpoint_id_t *endpoint_id)
 Function signature that retrieves a the UNID/Endpoint values associated to a given Attribute Store node. More...
typedef sl_status_t(* unid_only_fetching_function_t) (attribute_store_node_t node, char *unid)
 Function signature that retrieves a the UNID value associated to a given Attribute Store node. More...
typedef void(* configuration_udpate_callback_t) (void)
 Function signature for callbacks that indicate that the configuration of the component was just updated. More...


sl_status_t unify_dotdot_attribute_store_init ()
 Initializes the Unify Dotdot Attribute Store component. More...
void unify_dotdot_attribute_store_set_configuration (const unify_dotdot_attribute_store_configuration_t *configuration)
 Configures the Unify Dotdot Attribute Store component. More...
void unify_dotdot_attribute_store_set_configuration_update_callback (configuration_udpate_callback_t callback)
 Register a callback to be invoked when the Unify Dotdot Attribute Store component configuration has been updated. More...

Detailed Description

Component that assists storing, reading and writing DotDot Attributes in the Attribute Store.

This component helps storing, processing and publishing state of UCL/DotDot attributes. It requires the application to initialize it and configure an Endpoint Node location function.

A set of opt-in configurations can also be enabled, refer to unify_dotdot_attribute_store_configuration_t

Macro Definition Documentation


#define MAXIMUM_UNID_SIZE   100

Typedef Documentation

◆ configuration_udpate_callback_t

typedef void(* configuration_udpate_callback_t) (void)

Function signature for callbacks that indicate that the configuration of the component was just updated.

◆ endpoint_node_fetching_function_t

typedef attribute_store_node_t(* endpoint_node_fetching_function_t) (const dotdot_unid_t unid, dotdot_endpoint_id_t endpoint_id)

Function signature that retrieves an Attribute Store node that represents a UNID/Endpoint, under which ZCL attributes are located.

◆ unid_fetching_function_t

typedef sl_status_t(* unid_fetching_function_t) (attribute_store_node_t node, char *unid, dotdot_endpoint_id_t *endpoint_id)

Function signature that retrieves a the UNID/Endpoint values associated to a given Attribute Store node.

◆ unid_only_fetching_function_t

typedef sl_status_t(* unid_only_fetching_function_t) (attribute_store_node_t node, char *unid)

Function signature that retrieves a the UNID value associated to a given Attribute Store node.

Function Documentation

◆ unify_dotdot_attribute_store_init()

sl_status_t unify_dotdot_attribute_store_init ( )

Initializes the Unify Dotdot Attribute Store component.

SL_STATUS_OK on success, any other value in case of error

◆ unify_dotdot_attribute_store_set_configuration()

void unify_dotdot_attribute_store_set_configuration ( const unify_dotdot_attribute_store_configuration_t configuration)

Configures the Unify Dotdot Attribute Store component.

configurationPointer to a configuration struct. Refer to unify_dotdot_attribute_store_configuration_t.

◆ unify_dotdot_attribute_store_set_configuration_update_callback()

void unify_dotdot_attribute_store_set_configuration_update_callback ( configuration_udpate_callback_t  callback)

Register a callback to be invoked when the Unify Dotdot Attribute Store component configuration has been updated.

callbackFunction to invoke.