Example Models

The following models demonstrate the basic functionality of the MLTK and Tensorflow APIs.

The source code for these models may be found on Github: https://github.com/siliconlabs/mltk/tree/master/mltk/models/examples.

Name Description
Basic Example A basic example of how to create a model specification
Basic TF Dataset Example A basic example of how to create a model specification using the Tensorflow Dataset API
Image TF Dataset Example An example of how to create an image classifier using the Tensorflow Dataset API
Audio TF Dataset Example An example of how to create an audio keyword classifier using the Tensorflow Dataset API
Audio Example An example of how to create an audio keyword classifier using the MLTK ParallelAudioDataGenerator
Image Example An example of how to create an image classifier using the MLTK ParallelImageDataGenerator
Conv1D Example An example of how to create a model architecture using Conv1D
Binary Classification Example An example of how to create a model using binary classification
Auto Encoder Example An example of how to create an auto-encoder model
Siamese Contrastive Example An example of how to create a Siamese Contrastive model