- class ParallelAudioDataGenerator[source]¶
Parallel Audio Data Generator
This class as a similar functionality to the Keras ImageDataGenerator
Except, instead of processing image files it processes audio files.
Additionally, batch samples are asynchronously processed using the Python ‘multiprocessing’ package. This allows for efficient use of multi-core systems as future batch samples can be concurrently processed while processed batches may be used for training.
This class works as follows:
Class instantiated with parameters (see below)
called which lists each classes’ samples in the specified directoryThe return value of
is a ‘generator’ which should be given to a model fit() method- During fitting, batches of samples are concurrently processed using the following sequence:
a0. If get_batch_function() is given, then call this function an skip the rest of these steps a. Read sample raw audio file b. If supplied, call noaug_preprocessing_function() c. Generate random transform parameters based on parameters from step 1) d. Trim silence from raw audio sample based on
e. Pad zeros before and after trimmed audio based onsample_length_seconds
f. Augment padded audio based on randomly generated transform parameters from part c) g. If supplied, call preprocessing_function() h. Iffrontend_enabled=True
, pass augmented audio
and return spectrogram as 2D array i. If supplied, call postprocessing_function() j. Iffrontend_enabled=True
, normalize based onsamplewise_center
, andrescale
is added as a class toflow_from_directory()
, then the generator will automatically add an ‘unknown’ class to the generated batches. Unused classes in the dataset directory will be randomly selected and used as an ‘unknown’ class. The other augmentation parameters will be applied to the ‘unknown’ samples. Use theunknown_class_percentage
setting to control the size of this class.If
is added as a class toflow_from_directory()
, then the generator will automatically add ‘silence’ samples is all zeros with the background noise augmentations added. Use thesilence_class_percentage
setting to control the size of this class.
- Parameters:
cores – The number of CPU cores to use for spawned audio processing batch processes. This number can be either an integer, which specifies the exact number of CPU cores, or it can be a float < 1.0. The float is the percentage of CPU cores to use for processing. A large number of CPU cores will consume more system memory.
debug – If true then use the Python threading library instead of multiprocessing This is useful for debugging as it allows for single-stepping in the generator threads and callback functions
max_batches_pending – This is the number of processed batches to queue. A larger number can improving training times at the expense of increased system memory usage.
get_batch_function –
function that should return the transformed batch. If this is omitted, then iterator.get_batches_of_transformed_samples() is used This function should have the following signature:
def get_batches_of_transformed_samples( batch_index:int, filenames:List[str], classes:List[int], params:ParallelProcessParams ) -> Tuple[int, Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]]: ... return batch_index, (batch_x, batch_y)
noaug_preprocessing_function –
function that will be applied on each input. The function will run before any augmentation is done on the audio sample. The ‘x’ argument is of the shape [sample_length] and is a float32 scaled between (-1,1). See The function should take at least two arguments:
def my_processing_func( params: ParallelProcessParams, x : np.ndarray, class_id: Optional[int], filename: Optional[str], batch_index: Optional[int], batch_class_ids: Optional[List[int]], batch_filenames: Optional[List[str]] ) -> np.ndarray: ... return processed_x
preprocessing_function –
function that will be applied on each input. The function will run after the audio is augmented but before it does through the AudioFeatureGenerator (if enabled). The ‘x’ argument is of the shape [sample_length] and is a float32 scaled between [-1,1]. See librosa.load() The function should take at least two arguments, and return the processed sample:.
def my_processing_func( params: ParallelProcessParams, x : np.ndarray, class_id: Optional[int], filename: Optional[str], batch_index: Optional[int], batch_class_ids: Optional[List[int]], batch_filenames: Optional[List[str]] ) -> np.ndarray: ... return processed_x
postprocessing_function –
function that will be applied on each input. The function will run after the audio is passed through the AudioFeatureGenerator (if enabled). So the ‘x’ argument is a spectrogram of the shape: [height, width, 1]. The function should take at least two arguments and return the processed sample [height, width, 1]:
def my_processing_func( params: ParallelProcessParams, x : np.ndarray, class_id: Optional[int], filename: Optional[str], batch_index: Optional[int], batch_class_ids: Optional[List[int]], batch_filenames: Optional[List[str]] ) -> np.ndarray: ... return processed_x
samplewise_center – Center each sample’s processed data about its norm
samplewise_std_normalization – Divide processed sample data by its STD
samplewise_normalize_range – Normalize the input by the values in this range For instance, if samplewise_normalize_range=(0,1), then each input will be scaled to values between 0 and 1 Note that this normalization is applied after all other enabled normalizations
rescale – Divide processed sample data by value
validation_split – Percentage of sample data to use for validation
validation_augmentation_enabled – If True, then augmentations will be applied to validation data. If False, then no augmentations will be applied to validation data.
dtype – Output data type for the x samples Default: float32
frontend_dtype –
Output data format of the audio frontend. If omitted then default to the
argument. This is only used iffrontend_enabled=True
.uint16:* This the raw value generated by the internal AudioFeatureGenerator library
float32: This is the uint16 value directly casted to a float32
int8:* This is the int8 value generated by the TFLM “micro features” library.
Refer to
for more details.trim_threshold_db – Use to trim silence from samples; the threshold (in decibels) below reference to consider as silence
noise_colors –
List of noise colors to randomly add to samples, possible options:
[‘white’, ‘brown’, ‘blue’, ‘pink’, ‘violet’]
OR ‘all’ to use all
OR ‘none’ to use none
noise_color_range – Tuple (min, max) for randomly selecting noise color’s loudness, 0.0 no noise, 1.0 100% noise
speed_range – Tuple (min, max) for randomly augmenting audio’s speed, < 1.0 slow down, > 1.0 speed up
pitch_range – Tuple (min, max) for randomly augmenting audio’s pitch, < 0 lower pitch, > 0 higher pitch This can either be an integer or float. An integer represents the number of semitone steps. A float is converted to semitone steps <float>*12, so for example, a range of (-.5,.5) is converted to (-6,6)
vtlp_range – Tuple (min, max) for randomly augmenting audio’s vocal tract length perturbation
loudness_range – Tuple (min, max) for randomly augmenting audio’s volume, < 1.0 decrease loudness, > 1.0 increase loudness
bg_noise_range – Tuple (min, max) for randomly selecting background noise’s loudness, < 1.0 decrease loudness, > 1.0 increase loudness
bg_noise_dir – Path to directory containing background noise audio files. A bg noise file will be randomly selected and cropped then applied to samples. .. note:: If noise_colors is also supplied then either a bg_noise or noise_color will randomly be applied to each sample
offset_range –
Tuple (min, max) for randomly selecting the offset of where to pad a sample to @ref sample_length_seconds. For instance, if offset_range=(0.0, 1.0), then
trimmed_audio = trim(raw_audio, trim_threshold_db) # Trim silence
required_padding = (sample_length_seconds * sample_rate) - len(trimmed_audio)
pad_upto_index = required_padding * random.uniform(offset_range[0], offset_range[1])
padded_audio = concat(zeros * pad_upto_index, trimmed_audio, zeros * (required_padding - pad_upto_index))
unknown_class_percentage – If an
class is added to the class list, then ‘unknown’ class samples will automatically be added to batches. This specifies the percentage of of samples to generate relative the smallest number of samples of other classes. For instance, if another class has 1000 samples and unknown_class_percentage=0.8, then the number of ‘unknown’ class samples generated will be 800.silence_class_percentage – If a
class is added to the class list, then ‘silence’ class samples will automatically be added to batches. This specifies the percentage of of samples to generate relative the smallest number of samples of other classes. For instance, if another class has 1000 samples and silence_class_percentage=0.8, then the number of ‘silence’ class samples generated will be 800.disable_random_transforms – Disable random data augmentations
frontend – AudioFeatureGenerator settings, see
for more detailsfrontend_enabled – By default, the frontend is enabled. After augmenting audio sample, pass it through the AudioFeatureGenerator and return the generated spectrogram. If disabled, after augmenting audio sample, return the 1D sample. In this case it is recommended to use the
callback to convert the samples to the required shape and data type. NOTE: You must also specify thesample_shape
parameter iffrontend_enabled=False
sample_shape – The shape of the generated sample. This is only used/required if
disable_gpu_in_subprocesses – Disable GPU usage in spawned subprocesses, default: true
add_channel_dimension – If true and
, then automatically convert generated sample shape from [height, width] to [height, width, 1]. If false, then generated sample shape is [height, width].
Retrun the default augmentations transform settings
Return the length of the audio sample as the number of individual ADC samples
Return the AudioFeatureGeneratorSettings.sample_length_ms value
Return the AudioFeatureGeneratorSettings.sample_rate_hz value
The shape of the sample as a tuple
Adjust the audio sample length to fit the sample_length_seconds parameter This will pad with zeros or crop the input sample as necessary
Send the audio sample through the AudioFeatureGenerator and return the generated spectrogram
Apply the given transform parameters to the input audio sample
Create the ParallelAudioGenerator with the given dataset directory
Generate random augmentation settings based on the configeration parameters
Applies the normalization configuration in-place to a batch of inputs.
- __init__(cores=0.25, debug=False, max_batches_pending=4, get_batch_function=None, noaug_preprocessing_function=None, preprocessing_function=None, postprocessing_function=None, samplewise_center=False, samplewise_std_normalization=False, samplewise_normalize_range=None, rescale=None, validation_split=0.0, validation_augmentation_enabled=True, dtype='float32', frontend_dtype=None, trim_threshold_db=20, noise_colors=None, noise_color_range=None, speed_range=None, pitch_range=None, vtlp_range=None, loudness_range=None, bg_noise_range=None, bg_noise_dir=None, offset_range=(0.0, 1.0), unknown_class_percentage=1.0, silence_class_percentage=0.6, disable_random_transforms=False, frontend_settings=None, frontend_enabled=True, sample_shape=None, disable_gpu_in_subprocesses=True, add_channel_dimension=True)[source]¶
- Parameters:
frontend_settings (Optional[AudioFeatureGeneratorSettings]) –
- property sample_shape: tuple¶
The shape of the sample as a tuple
- Return type:
- property sample_length: int¶
Return the length of the audio sample as the number of individual ADC samples
- Return type:
- property sample_length_ms: int¶
Return the AudioFeatureGeneratorSettings.sample_length_ms value
- Return type:
- property sample_rate_hz: int¶
Return the AudioFeatureGeneratorSettings.sample_rate_hz value
- Return type:
- flow_from_directory(directory, classes, class_mode='categorical', batch_size=32, shuffle=True, shuffle_index_dir=None, seed=None, follow_links=False, subset=None, max_samples_per_class=-1, list_valid_filenames_in_directory_function=None, class_counts=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
Create the ParallelAudioGenerator with the given dataset directory
Takes the path to a directory & generates batches of augmented data.
- Parameters:
directory – string, path to the target directory. It should contain one subdirectory per class. Any PNG, JPG, BMP, PPM or TIF images inside each of the subdirectories directory tree will be included in the generator.
classes –
Required, list of class subdirectories (e.g. [‘dogs’, ‘cats’])
is added as a class then the generator will automatically add an ‘unknown’ class to the generated batches. Unused classes in the dataset directory will be randomly selected and used as an ‘unknown’ class. The other augmentation parameters will be applied to the ‘unknown’ samples.If
is added as a class then the generator will automatically add ‘silence’ samples with all zeros with the background noise augmentations added.
class_mode –
One of “categorical”, “binary”, “sparse”, “input”, or None. Default: “categorical”. Determines the type of label arrays that are returned:
categorical will be 2D one-hot encoded labels,
binary will be 1D binary labels, “sparse” will be 1D integer labels,
input will be images identical to input images (mainly used to work with autoencoders).
None no labels are returned (the generator will only yield batches of image data, which is useful to use with model.predict()).
Please note that in case of class_mode None, the data still needs to reside in a subdirectory of directory for it to work correctly.
batch_size – Size of the batches of data (default: 32).
shuffle – Whether to shuffle the data (default: True) If set to False, sorts the data in alphanumeric order.
shuffle_index_dir – If given, the dataset directory will be shuffled the first time it is processed and and an index file containing the shuffled file names is generated at the directory specified by
. The index file is reused to maintain the shuffled order for subsequent processing. IfNone
, then the dataset samples are sorted alphabetically and saved to an index file in the dataset directory. The alphabetical index file is used for subsequent processing. Default:None
seed – Optional random seed for shuffling and transformations.
follow_links – Whether to follow symlinks inside class subdirectories (default: False).
subset – Subset of data (“training” or “validation”) if validation_split is set in ParallelAudioDataGenerator.
max_samples_per_class – The maximum number of samples to use for a given class. If
then use all available samples.list_valid_filenames_in_directory_function –
This is a custom function called for each class, that should return a list of valid file names for the given class. It has the following function signature:
def list_valid_filenames_in_directory( base_directory:str, search_class:str, white_list_formats:List[str], split:Tuple[float,float], follow_links:bool, shuffle_index_directory:str ) -> Tuple[str, List[str]] ... return search_class, filenames
class_counts (Optional[Dict[str, int]]) –
- Returns:
A DirectoryIterator yielding tuples of (x, y) where x is a numpy array containing a batch of images with shape (batch_size, target_size, channels) and y is a numpy array of corresponding labels.
- property default_transform: dict¶
Retrun the default augmentations transform settings
- Return type:
- get_random_transform()[source]¶
Generate random augmentation settings based on the configeration parameters
- Return type:
- adjust_length(sample, orignal_sr, offset=0.0, whole_sample=False, out_length=None)[source]¶
Adjust the audio sample length to fit the sample_length_seconds parameter This will pad with zeros or crop the input sample as necessary
- apply_transform(sample, orignal_sr, params, whole_sample=False)[source]¶
Apply the given transform parameters to the input audio sample
- apply_frontend(sample, dtype=<class 'numpy.float32'>)[source]¶
Send the audio sample through the AudioFeatureGenerator and return the generated spectrogram
- Return type:
- standardize(sample)[source]¶
Applies the normalization configuration in-place to a batch of inputs.
- Parameters:
sample – Input sample to normalize
rescale –
sample *= rescale
samplewise_center –
sample -= np.mean(sample, keepdims=True)
samplewise_std_normalization –
sample /= (np.std(sample, keepdims=True) + 1e-6)
samplewise_normalize_range –
sample = diff * (sample - np.min(sample)) / np.ptp(sample) + lower
dtype – The output dtype, if not dtype if given then sample is converted to float32
- Returns:
The normalized value of sample