Image classification (ResNetv1-10 with CIFAR10)
Source code:
Pre-trained model:
This was adapted from:
Model Topology¶
Performance (floating point model)¶
Accuracy - 86.2%
AUC - .989
Performance (quantized tflite model)¶
Accuracy - 86.1%
AUC - .988
# Do a "dry run" test training of the model
mltk train image_classification-test
# Train the model
mltk train image_classification
# Evaluate the trained model .tflite model
mltk evaluate image_classification --tflite
# Profile the model in the MVP hardware accelerator simulator
mltk profile image_classification --accelerator MVP
# Profile the model on a physical development board
mltk profile image_classification --accelerator MVP --device
Model Summary¶
mltk summarize image_classification --tflite
| Index | OpCode | Input(s) | Output(s) | Config |
| 0 | conv_2d | 32x32x3 (int8) | 32x32x16 (int8) | Padding:same stride:1x1 activation:relu |
| | | 3x3x3 (int8) | | |
| | | 16 (int32) | | |
| 1 | conv_2d | 32x32x16 (int8) | 32x32x16 (int8) | Padding:same stride:1x1 activation:relu |
| | | 3x3x16 (int8) | | |
| | | 16 (int32) | | |
| 2 | conv_2d | 32x32x16 (int8) | 32x32x16 (int8) | Padding:same stride:1x1 activation:none |
| | | 3x3x16 (int8) | | |
| | | 16 (int32) | | |
| 3 | add | 32x32x16 (int8) | 32x32x16 (int8) | Activation:relu |
| | | 32x32x16 (int8) | | |
| 4 | conv_2d | 32x32x16 (int8) | 16x16x32 (int8) | Padding:same stride:2x2 activation:relu |
| | | 3x3x16 (int8) | | |
| | | 32 (int32) | | |
| 5 | conv_2d | 16x16x32 (int8) | 16x16x32 (int8) | Padding:same stride:1x1 activation:none |
| | | 3x3x32 (int8) | | |
| | | 32 (int32) | | |
| 6 | conv_2d | 32x32x16 (int8) | 16x16x32 (int8) | Padding:same stride:2x2 activation:none |
| | | 1x1x16 (int8) | | |
| | | 32 (int32) | | |
| 7 | add | 16x16x32 (int8) | 16x16x32 (int8) | Activation:relu |
| | | 16x16x32 (int8) | | |
| 8 | conv_2d | 16x16x32 (int8) | 8x8x64 (int8) | Padding:same stride:2x2 activation:relu |
| | | 3x3x32 (int8) | | |
| | | 64 (int32) | | |
| 9 | conv_2d | 8x8x64 (int8) | 8x8x64 (int8) | Padding:same stride:1x1 activation:none |
| | | 3x3x64 (int8) | | |
| | | 64 (int32) | | |
| 10 | conv_2d | 16x16x32 (int8) | 8x8x64 (int8) | Padding:same stride:2x2 activation:none |
| | | 1x1x32 (int8) | | |
| | | 64 (int32) | | |
| 11 | add | 8x8x64 (int8) | 8x8x64 (int8) | Activation:relu |
| | | 8x8x64 (int8) | | |
| 12 | average_pool_2d | 8x8x64 (int8) | 1x1x64 (int8) | Padding:valid stride:8x8 filter:8x8 activation:none |
| 13 | reshape | 1x1x64 (int8) | 64 (int8) | BuiltinOptionsType=0 |
| | | 2 (int32) | | |
| 14 | fully_connected | 64 (int8) | 10 (int8) | Activation:none |
| | | 64 (int8) | | |
| | | 10 (int32) | | |
| 15 | softmax | 10 (int8) | 10 (int8) | BuiltinOptionsType=9 |
Total MACs: 12.502 M
Total OPs: 25.122 M
Name: image_classification
Version: 1
Description: TinyML: Image classification - ResNetv1-10 with CIFAR10
Classes: airplane, automobile, bird, cat, deer, dog, frog, horse, ship, truck
hash: d170adc21388920caa3f64ba22cd5b5d
date: 2022-02-04T19:20:20.062Z
runtime_memory_size: 53972
samplewise_norm.rescale: 0.0
samplewise_norm.mean_and_std: False
.tflite file size: 99.3kB
Model Profiling Report¶
# Profile on physical EFR32xG24 using MVP accelerator
mltk profile image_classification --device --accelerator MVP
Profiling Summary
Name: image_classification
Accelerator: MVP
Input Shape: 1x32x32x3
Input Data Type: int8
Output Shape: 1x10
Output Data Type: int8
Flash, Model File Size (bytes): 99.2k
RAM, Runtime Memory Size (bytes): 86.9k
Operation Count: 25.2M
Multiply-Accumulate Count: 12.4M
Layer Count: 16
Unsupported Layer Count: 0
Accelerator Cycle Count: 9.3M
CPU Cycle Count: 225.4k
CPU Utilization (%): 2.4
Clock Rate (hz): 78.0M
Time (s): 118.9m
Ops/s: 211.8M
MACs/s: 104.7M
Inference/s: 8.4
Model Layers
| Index | OpCode | # Ops | # MACs | Acc Cycles | CPU Cycles | Time (s) | Input Shape | Output Shape | Options |
| 0 | conv_2d | 933.9k | 442.4k | 583.4k | 30.6k | 7.5m | 1x32x32x3,16x3x3x3,16 | 1x32x32x16 | Padding:same stride:1x1 activation:relu |
| 1 | conv_2d | 4.8M | 2.4M | 1.8M | 30.1k | 22.3m | 1x32x32x16,16x3x3x16,16 | 1x32x32x16 | Padding:same stride:1x1 activation:relu |
| 2 | conv_2d | 4.7M | 2.4M | 1.8M | 30.0k | 22.3m | 1x32x32x16,16x3x3x16,16 | 1x32x32x16 | Padding:same stride:1x1 activation:none |
| 3 | add | 16.4k | 0 | 57.4k | 9.2k | 840.0u | 1x32x32x16,1x32x32x16 | 1x32x32x16 | Activation:relu |
| 4 | conv_2d | 2.4M | 1.2M | 883.8k | 15.3k | 11.2m | 1x32x32x16,32x3x3x16,32 | 1x16x16x32 | Padding:same stride:2x2 activation:relu |
| 5 | conv_2d | 4.7M | 2.4M | 1.6M | 30.2k | 21.0m | 1x16x16x32,32x3x3x32,32 | 1x16x16x32 | Padding:same stride:1x1 activation:none |
| 6 | conv_2d | 270.3k | 131.1k | 131.2k | 5.3k | 1.7m | 1x32x32x16,32x1x1x16,32 | 1x16x16x32 | Padding:same stride:2x2 activation:none |
| 7 | add | 8.2k | 0 | 28.7k | 5.3k | 450.0u | 1x16x16x32,1x16x16x32 | 1x16x16x32 | Activation:relu |
| 8 | conv_2d | 2.4M | 1.2M | 830.3k | 15.3k | 10.5m | 1x16x16x32,64x3x3x32,64 | 1x8x8x64 | Padding:same stride:2x2 activation:relu |
| 9 | conv_2d | 4.7M | 2.4M | 1.5M | 30.2k | 19.1m | 1x8x8x64,64x3x3x64,64 | 1x8x8x64 | Padding:same stride:1x1 activation:none |
| 10 | conv_2d | 266.2k | 131.1k | 115.4k | 5.3k | 1.5m | 1x16x16x32,64x1x1x32,64 | 1x8x8x64 | Padding:same stride:2x2 activation:none |
| 11 | add | 4.1k | 0 | 14.4k | 3.4k | 240.0u | 1x8x8x64,1x8x8x64 | 1x8x8x64 | Activation:relu |
| 12 | average_pool_2d | 4.2k | 0 | 2.2k | 3.9k | 60.0u | 1x8x8x64 | 1x1x1x64 | Padding:valid stride:8x8 filter:8x8 activation:none |
| 13 | reshape | 0 | 0 | 0 | 769.0 | 30.0u | 1x1x1x64,2 | 1x64 | Type=none |
| 14 | fully_connected | 1.3k | 640.0 | 1.0k | 2.1k | 30.0u | 1x64,10x64,10 | 1x10 | Activation:none |
| 15 | softmax | 50.0 | 0 | 0 | 8.2k | 120.0u | 1x10 | 1x10 | Type=softmaxoptions |
Model Diagram¶
mltk view image_classification --tflite
Model Specification¶
import functools
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras.utils import to_categorical
from mltk.core.preprocess.image.parallel_generator import ParallelImageDataGenerator
from mltk.core.model import (
from mltk.models.shared import ResNet10V1
from mltk.datasets.image import cifar10
# Instantiate the MltkModel object with the following 'mixins':
# - TrainMixin - Provides classifier model training operations and settings
# - ImageDatasetMixin - Provides image data generation operations and settings
# - EvaluateClassifierMixin - Provides classifier evaluation operations and settings
# @mltk_model # NOTE: This tag is required for this model be discoverable
class MyModel(
my_model = MyModel()
# General parameters
my_model.version = 1
my_model.description = 'TinyML: Image classification - ResNetv1-10 with CIFAR10'
# Training parameters
my_model.epochs = 200
my_model.batch_size = 40
my_model.optimizer = 'adam'
my_model.metrics = ['accuracy']
my_model.loss = 'categorical_crossentropy'
# TF-Lite converter settings
my_model.tflite_converter['optimizations'] = [tf.lite.Optimize.DEFAULT]
my_model.tflite_converter['supported_ops'] = [tf.lite.OpsSet.TFLITE_BUILTINS_INT8]
my_model.tflite_converter['inference_input_type'] = tf.int8 # can also be tf.float32
my_model.tflite_converter['inference_output_type'] = tf.int8
# generate a representative dataset from the validation data
my_model.tflite_converter['representative_dataset'] = 'generate'
# Image Dataset Settings
# Default size for CIFAR10 dataset
input_height = 32
input_width = 32
input_depth = 3
# The classification type
my_model.class_mode = 'categorical'
# The class labels found in your training dataset directory
my_model.classes = ['airplane', 'automobile', 'bird', 'cat', 'deer', 'dog', 'frog', 'horse', 'ship', 'truck']
# The input shape to the model. The dataset samples will be resized if necessary
my_model.input_shape = [input_height, input_width, input_depth]
def my_dataset_loader(model:MyModel):
(x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = cifar10.load_data()
# Convert for training
x_train = x_train.astype('float32')
x_test = x_test.astype('float32')
# Scale to INT8 range (simple non-adaptive)
x_train = (x_train-128)/128
x_test = (x_test-128)/128
y_train = to_categorical(y_train, model.n_classes)
y_test = to_categorical(y_test, model.n_classes)
return x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test
my_model.dataset = functools.partial(my_dataset_loader, my_model)
# Training callbacks
my_model.datagen = ParallelImageDataGenerator(
# Model Layout
def my_model_builder(model: MyModel):
keras_model = ResNet10V1(
return keras_model
my_model.build_model_function = my_model_builder
# The following allows for running this model training script directly, e.g.:
# python
# Note that this has the same functionality as:
# mltk train image_classification
if __name__ == '__main__':
import mltk.core as mltk_core
from mltk import cli
# Setup the CLI logger
# If this is true then this will do a "dry run" of the model testing
# If this is false, then the model will be fully trained
test_mode_enabled = True
# Train the model
# This does the same as issuing the command: mltk train image_classification-test --clean
train_results = mltk_core.train_model(my_model, clean=True, test=test_mode_enabled)
# Evaluate the model against the quantized .h5 (i.e. float32) model
# This does the same as issuing the command: mltk evaluate image_classification-test
tflite_eval_results = mltk_core.evaluate_model(my_model, verbose=True, test=test_mode_enabled)
# Profile the model in the simulator
# This does the same as issuing the command: mltk profile image_classification-test
profiling_results = mltk_core.profile_model(my_model, test=test_mode_enabled)