
MLPerf Tiny anomaly detection reference model

Taken from:

Additional information:


Model Topology

Spectrogram Characteristics

Performance (floating point model)

  • Accuracy - 92.0%

  • AUC - .923

Performance (quantized tflite model)

  • Accuracy - 91.5%

  • AUC - .923


# Do a "dry run" test training of the model
mltk train anomaly_detection-test

# Train the model
mltk train anomaly_detection

# Evaluate the trained model .tflite model
mltk evaluate anomaly_detection --tflite

# Profile the model in the MVP hardware accelerator simulator
mltk profile anomaly_detection --accelerator MVP

# Profile the model on a physical development board
mltk profile anomaly_detection --accelerator MVP --device

Model Summary

mltk summarize anomaly_detection --tflite

| Index | OpCode          | Input(s)          | Output(s)         | Config                |
| 0     | quantize        | 5x128x1 (float32) | 5x128x1 (int8)    | BuiltinOptionsType=0  |
| 1     | reshape         | 5x128x1 (int8)    | 640 (int8)        | BuiltinOptionsType=0  |
|       |                 | 2 (int32)         |                   |                       |
| 2     | fully_connected | 640 (int8)        | 128 (int8)        | Activation:relu       |
|       |                 | 640 (int8)        |                   |                       |
|       |                 | 128 (int32)       |                   |                       |
| 3     | fully_connected | 128 (int8)        | 128 (int8)        | Activation:relu       |
|       |                 | 128 (int8)        |                   |                       |
|       |                 | 128 (int32)       |                   |                       |
| 4     | fully_connected | 128 (int8)        | 128 (int8)        | Activation:relu       |
|       |                 | 128 (int8)        |                   |                       |
|       |                 | 128 (int32)       |                   |                       |
| 5     | fully_connected | 128 (int8)        | 128 (int8)        | Activation:relu       |
|       |                 | 128 (int8)        |                   |                       |
|       |                 | 128 (int32)       |                   |                       |
| 6     | fully_connected | 128 (int8)        | 8 (int8)          | Activation:relu       |
|       |                 | 128 (int8)        |                   |                       |
|       |                 | 8 (int32)         |                   |                       |
| 7     | fully_connected | 8 (int8)          | 128 (int8)        | Activation:relu       |
|       |                 | 8 (int8)          |                   |                       |
|       |                 | 128 (int32)       |                   |                       |
| 8     | fully_connected | 128 (int8)        | 128 (int8)        | Activation:relu       |
|       |                 | 128 (int8)        |                   |                       |
|       |                 | 128 (int32)       |                   |                       |
| 9     | fully_connected | 128 (int8)        | 128 (int8)        | Activation:relu       |
|       |                 | 128 (int8)        |                   |                       |
|       |                 | 128 (int32)       |                   |                       |
| 10    | fully_connected | 128 (int8)        | 128 (int8)        | Activation:relu       |
|       |                 | 128 (int8)        |                   |                       |
|       |                 | 128 (int32)       |                   |                       |
| 11    | fully_connected | 128 (int8)        | 640 (int8)        | Activation:none       |
|       |                 | 128 (int8)        |                   |                       |
|       |                 | 640 (int32)       |                   |                       |
| 12    | shape           | 640 (int8)        | 2 (int32)         | BuiltinOptionsType=55 |
| 13    | strided_slice   | 2 (int32)         | 0 (int32)         | BuiltinOptionsType=32 |
|       |                 | 1 (int32)         |                   |                       |
|       |                 | 1 (int32)         |                   |                       |
|       |                 | 1 (int32)         |                   |                       |
| 14    | pack            | 0 (int32)         | 4 (int32)         | BuiltinOptionsType=59 |
|       |                 | 0 (int32)         |                   |                       |
|       |                 | 0 (int32)         |                   |                       |
|       |                 | 0 (int32)         |                   |                       |
| 15    | reshape         | 640 (int8)        | 5x128x1 (int8)    | BuiltinOptionsType=0  |
|       |                 | 4 (int32)         |                   |                       |
| 16    | dequantize      | 5x128x1 (int8)    | 5x128x1 (float32) | BuiltinOptionsType=0  |
Total MACs: 264.192 k
Total OPs: 535.176 k
Name: anomaly_detection
Version: 1
Description: TinyML: Anonomly Detection - Fully Connect AutoEncoder with ToyADMOS
Classes: normal
hash: 5cf2dc0ea093044c7a31a226d44b8084
date: 2022-02-04T19:15:48.676Z
runtime_memory_size: 9396
samplewise_norm.rescale: 0.0
samplewise_norm.mean_and_std: False
.tflite file size: 280.3kB

Model Profiling Report

# Profile on physical EFR32xG24 using MVP accelerator
mltk profile anomaly_detection --device --accelerator MVP

 Profiling Summary
 Name: anomaly_detection
 Accelerator: MVP
 Input Shape: 1x5x128x1
 Input Data Type: float32
 Output Shape: 1x5x128x1
 Output Data Type: float32
 Flash, Model File Size (bytes): 280.2k
 RAM, Runtime Memory Size (bytes): 9.6k
 Operation Count: 535.9k
 Multiply-Accumulate Count: 264.2k
 Layer Count: 17
 Unsupported Layer Count: 0
 Accelerator Cycle Count: 406.4k
 CPU Cycle Count: 147.0k
 CPU Utilization (%): 27.2
 Clock Rate (hz): 78.0M
 Time (s): 6.9m
 Ops/s: 77.3M
 MACs/s: 38.1M
 Inference/s: 144.3

 Model Layers
 | Index | OpCode          | # Ops  | # MACs | Acc Cycles | CPU Cycles | Time (s) | Input Shape       | Output Shape | Options                  |
 | 0     | quantize        | 2.6k   | 0      | 0          | 22.6k      | 300.0u   | 1x5x128x1         | 1x5x128x1    | Type=none                |
 | 1     | reshape         | 0      | 0      | 0          | 3.6k       | 30.0u    | 1x5x128x1,2       | 1x640        | Type=none                |
 | 2     | fully_connected | 164.2k | 81.9k  | 123.7k     | 2.6k       | 1.6m     | 1x640,128x640,128 | 1x128        | Activation:relu          |
 | 3     | fully_connected | 33.1k  | 16.4k  | 25.4k      | 1.9k       | 360.0u   | 1x128,128x128,128 | 1x128        | Activation:relu          |
 | 4     | fully_connected | 33.1k  | 16.4k  | 25.4k      | 1.9k       | 330.0u   | 1x128,128x128,128 | 1x128        | Activation:relu          |
 | 5     | fully_connected | 33.1k  | 16.4k  | 25.4k      | 1.9k       | 360.0u   | 1x128,128x128,128 | 1x128        | Activation:relu          |
 | 6     | fully_connected | 2.1k   | 1.0k   | 1.6k       | 1.9k       | 30.0u    | 1x128,8x128,8     | 1x8          | Activation:relu          |
 | 7     | fully_connected | 2.4k   | 1.0k   | 2.3k       | 1.9k       | 30.0u    | 1x8,128x8,128     | 1x128        | Activation:relu          |
 | 8     | fully_connected | 33.1k  | 16.4k  | 25.4k      | 1.9k       | 360.0u   | 1x128,128x128,128 | 1x128        | Activation:relu          |
 | 9     | fully_connected | 33.1k  | 16.4k  | 25.4k      | 1.9k       | 330.0u   | 1x128,128x128,128 | 1x128        | Activation:relu          |
 | 10    | fully_connected | 33.1k  | 16.4k  | 25.4k      | 1.9k       | 330.0u   | 1x128,128x128,128 | 1x128        | Activation:relu          |
 | 11    | fully_connected | 164.5k | 81.9k  | 126.7k     | 1.9k       | 1.6m     | 1x128,640x128,640 | 1x640        | Activation:none          |
 | 12    | shape           | 0      | 0      | 0          | 369.0      | 0        | 1x640             | 2            | Type=shapeoptions        |
 | 13    | strided_slice   | 0      | 0      | 0          | 1.7k       | 0        | 2,1,1,1           | 0            | Type=stridedsliceoptions |
 | 14    | pack            | 0      | 0      | 0          | 916.0      | 30.0u    | 0,0,0,0           | 4            | Type=packoptions         |
 | 15    | reshape         | 0      | 0      | 0          | 3.6k       | 30.0u    | 1x640,4           | 1x5x128x1    | Type=none                |
 | 16    | dequantize      | 1.3k   | 0      | 0          | 94.1k      | 1.2m     | 1x5x128x1         | 1x5x128x1    | Type=none                |

Model Diagram

mltk view anomaly_detection --tflite

Model Specification

import random as rnd
import numpy as np
from mltk.core.preprocess.image.parallel_generator import ParallelImageDataGenerator, ParallelProcessParams
from mltk.core.model import (
from mltk.models.shared import FullyConnectedAutoEncoder
from mltk.utils.archive_downloader import download_verify_extract

# Instantiate the MltkModel object with the following 'mixins':
# - TrainMixin            - Provides classifier model training operations and settings
# - ImageDatasetMixin     - Provides image data generation operations and settings
# - EvaluateAutoEncoderMixin  - Provides auto-encoder evaluation operations and settings
# @mltk_model   # NOTE: This tag is required for this model be discoverable
class MyModel(
my_model = MyModel()

# General parameters
my_model.version = 1
my_model.description = 'TinyML: Anonomly Detection - Fully Connect AutoEncoder with ToyADMOS'

# Training parameters
my_model.epochs = 100
my_model.batch_size = 40
my_model.optimizer = 'adam'
my_model.loss = 'mean_squared_error'
my_model.metrics = ['mean_squared_error']

# Image Dataset Settings

# The directory of the training data
def download_dataset():
    return download_verify_extract(

my_model.dataset = download_dataset
# Auto-Encoder directly pass the image into model
my_model.class_mode = 'input'
# The class labels found in your training dataset directory
my_model.classes = ['normal']
# Don't use weights for auto-encoders
my_model.class_weights = None
# The input shape to the model. The dataset samples will be resized if necessary
# This is the shape defined by the ToyADMOS dataset
my_model.input_shape = (5, 128, 1)
# We manually re-shape the images in the reshape_input_callback() function below
my_model.interpolation = None

validation_split = 0.1

# Training callbacks

my_model.checkpoint['monitor'] = 'val_loss'
my_model.checkpoint['mode'] = 'auto'

# Image data generator settings
def reshape_input_callback(params: ParallelProcessParams, x: np.ndarray):
    input_shape = my_model.input_shape
    input_height = input_shape[0]
    x_length = x.shape[0]

    # Determine the beginning of the subsection of the input sample
    # we will use for training or validation
    if params.subset == 'training':
        # If we're training, the get a random subsection of the input data
        left_offset = 50
        right_offset = 50
        start = left_offset + rnd.randrange((x_length - input_height+1) - (left_offset + right_offset))
        # Otherwise, for validation/evaluation always start at the middle of the input
        start = int(x_length/2)

    # Get the input subsection
    subsection_data = np.array(x[start: start+input_height, :])
    # and reshape to the expected shape of the model
    y = subsection_data.reshape(input_shape)

    return y

my_model.datagen = ParallelImageDataGenerator(
    debug=False, # set to True to enable debuging the reshape_input_callback() callback
    preprocessing_function = reshape_input_callback,

# Model Layout
def my_model_builder(model: MyModel):
    autoencoder = FullyConnectedAutoEncoder(
    return autoencoder

my_model.build_model_function = my_model_builder

# The following allows for running this model training script directly, e.g.:
# python
# Note that this has the same functionality as:
# mltk train anomaly_detection
if __name__ == '__main__':
    import mltk.core as mltk_core
    from mltk import cli

    # Setup the CLI logger

    # If this is true then this will do a "dry run" of the model testing
    # If this is false, then the model will be fully trained
    test_mode_enabled = True

    # Train the model
    # This does the same as issuing the command: mltk train anomaly_detection-test --clean
    train_results = mltk_core.train_model(my_model, clean=True, test=test_mode_enabled)

    # Evaluate the model against the quantized .h5 (i.e. float32) model
    # This does the same as issuing the command: mltk evaluate anomaly_detection-test
    tflite_eval_results = mltk_core.evaluate_model(my_model, verbose=True, test=test_mode_enabled)

    # Profile the model in the simulator
    # This does the same as issuing the command: mltk profile anomaly_detection-test
    profiling_results = mltk_core.profile_model(my_model, test=test_mode_enabled)