
This provides an example of how to define a classification model that uses the Rock/Paper/Scissors dataset with the ParallelImageGenerator as its data source.

The basic flow for the ML model is:

96x96x1 grayscale image of hand gesture -> ML Model -> [result vector]

Where [result vector] is a 3 element array with each element containing the % probability that the given image is a “rock”, “paper”, “scissor”, or _unknown_ hand gesture.


# Do a "dry run" test training of the model
mltk train rock_paper_scissors-test

# Train the model
mltk train rock_paper_scissors

# Evaluate the trained model .tflite model
mltk evaluate rock_paper_scissors --tflite

# Profile the model in the MVP hardware accelerator simulator
mltk profile rock_paper_scissors --accelerator MVP

# Profile the model on a physical development board
mltk profile rock_paper_scissors --accelerator MVP --device

# Dump some of the augmented images
mltk custom rock_paper_scissors dump --count 100

# Run this model in the image classifier application
mltk classify_image rock_paper_scissors --dump-images

Model Summary

mltk summarize rock_paper_scissors --tflite

| Index | OpCode          | Input(s)          | Output(s)       | Config                                              |
| 0     | quantize        | 84x84x1 (float32) | 84x84x1 (int8)  | BuiltinOptionsType=0                                |
| 1     | conv_2d         | 84x84x1 (int8)    | 82x82x16 (int8) | Padding:valid stride:1x1 activation:relu            |
|       |                 | 3x3x1 (int8)      |                 |                                                     |
|       |                 | 16 (int32)        |                 |                                                     |
| 2     | max_pool_2d     | 82x82x16 (int8)   | 41x41x16 (int8) | Padding:valid stride:2x2 filter:2x2 activation:none |
| 3     | conv_2d         | 41x41x16 (int8)   | 39x39x16 (int8) | Padding:valid stride:1x1 activation:relu            |
|       |                 | 3x3x16 (int8)     |                 |                                                     |
|       |                 | 16 (int32)        |                 |                                                     |
| 4     | max_pool_2d     | 39x39x16 (int8)   | 19x19x16 (int8) | Padding:valid stride:2x2 filter:2x2 activation:none |
| 5     | conv_2d         | 19x19x16 (int8)   | 17x17x32 (int8) | Padding:valid stride:1x1 activation:relu            |
|       |                 | 3x3x16 (int8)     |                 |                                                     |
|       |                 | 32 (int32)        |                 |                                                     |
| 6     | max_pool_2d     | 17x17x32 (int8)   | 8x8x32 (int8)   | Padding:valid stride:2x2 filter:2x2 activation:none |
| 7     | reshape         | 8x8x32 (int8)     | 2048 (int8)     | BuiltinOptionsType=0                                |
|       |                 | 2 (int32)         |                 |                                                     |
| 8     | fully_connected | 2048 (int8)       | 32 (int8)       | Activation:relu                                     |
|       |                 | 2048 (int8)       |                 |                                                     |
|       |                 | 32 (int32)        |                 |                                                     |
| 9     | fully_connected | 32 (int8)         | 4 (int8)        | Activation:none                                     |
|       |                 | 32 (int8)         |                 |                                                     |
|       |                 | 4 (int32)         |                 |                                                     |
| 10    | softmax         | 4 (int8)          | 4 (int8)        | BuiltinOptionsType=9                                |
| 11    | dequantize      | 4 (int8)          | 4 (float32)     | BuiltinOptionsType=0                                |
Total MACs: 5.870 M
Total OPs: 12.050 M
Name: rock_paper_scissors
Version: 1
Description: Image classifier example for detecting Rock/Paper/Scissors hand gestures in images
Classes: rock, paper, scissor, _unknown_
hash: 9b557f35e32df7614723ddaafd77d75f
date: 2022-05-02T23:18:20.997Z
runtime_memory_size: 137176
detection_threshold: 175
average_window_duration_ms: 500
minimum_count: 2
suppression_count: 1
samplewise_norm.rescale: 0.0
samplewise_norm.mean_and_std: True
.tflite file size: 80.2kB

Model Profiling Report

# Profile on physical EFR32xG24 using MVP accelerator
mltk profile rock_paper_scissors --device --accelerator MVP

 Profiling Summary
 Name: rock_paper_scissors
 Accelerator: MVP
 Input Shape: 1x84x84x1
 Input Data Type: float32
 Output Shape: 1x4
 Output Data Type: float32
 Flash, Model File Size (bytes): 80.2k
 RAM, Runtime Memory Size (bytes): 137.3k
 Operation Count: 12.3M
 Multiply-Accumulate Count: 5.9M
 Layer Count: 12
 Unsupported Layer Count: 0
 Accelerator Cycle Count: 5.8M
 CPU Cycle Count: 354.4k
 CPU Utilization (%): 5.9
 Clock Rate (hz): 78.0M
 Time (s): 77.3m
 Ops/s: 159.4M
 MACs/s: 75.9M
 Inference/s: 12.9

 Model Layers
 | Index | OpCode          | # Ops  | # MACs | Acc Cycles | CPU Cycles | Time (s) | Input Shape             | Output Shape | Options                                             |
 | 0     | quantize        | 28.2k  | 0      | 0          | 241.0k     | 3.0m     | 1x84x84x1               | 1x84x84x1    | Type=none                                           |
 | 1     | conv_2d         | 2.2M   | 968.2k | 1.9M       | 11.0k      | 23.7m    | 1x84x84x1,16x3x3x1,16   | 1x82x82x16   | Padding:valid stride:1x1 activation:relu            |
 | 2     | max_pool_2d     | 107.6k | 0      | 80.8k      | 15.9k      | 1.1m     | 1x82x82x16              | 1x41x41x16   | Padding:valid stride:2x2 filter:2x2 activation:none |
 | 3     | conv_2d         | 7.1M   | 3.5M   | 2.7M       | 10.3k      | 34.3m    | 1x41x41x16,16x3x3x16,16 | 1x39x39x16   | Padding:valid stride:1x1 activation:relu            |
 | 4     | max_pool_2d     | 23.1k  | 0      | 17.4k      | 15.8k      | 300.0u   | 1x39x39x16              | 1x19x19x16   | Padding:valid stride:2x2 filter:2x2 activation:none |
 | 5     | conv_2d         | 2.7M   | 1.3M   | 1.0M       | 10.3k      | 13.0m    | 1x19x19x16,32x3x3x16,32 | 1x17x17x32   | Padding:valid stride:1x1 activation:relu            |
 | 6     | max_pool_2d     | 8.2k   | 0      | 6.4k       | 30.0k      | 390.0u   | 1x17x17x32              | 1x8x8x32     | Padding:valid stride:2x2 filter:2x2 activation:none |
 | 7     | reshape         | 0      | 0      | 0          | 10.7k      | 120.0u   | 1x8x8x32,2              | 1x2048       | Type=none                                           |
 | 8     | fully_connected | 131.2k | 65.5k  | 98.5k      | 2.2k       | 1.3m     | 1x2048,32x2048,32       | 1x32         | Activation:relu                                     |
 | 9     | fully_connected | 260.0  | 128.0  | 231.0      | 1.9k       | 30.0u    | 1x32,4x32,4             | 1x4          | Activation:none                                     |
 | 10    | softmax         | 20.0   | 0      | 0          | 4.1k       | 60.0u    | 1x4                     | 1x4          | Type=softmaxoptions                                 |
 | 11    | dequantize      | 8.0    | 0      | 0          | 1.1k       | 0        | 1x4                     | 1x4          | Type=none                                           |

Model Diagram

mltk view  rock_paper_scissors --tflite

Model Specification

# Bring in the required Keras classes
from tensorflow.keras.models import Sequential
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense, Activation, Flatten, Dropout, BatchNormalization
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Conv2D, MaxPooling2D

from mltk.core.model import (

# By default, we use the ParallelImageDataGenerator
# We could use the Keras ImageDataGenerator but it is slower
from mltk.core.preprocess.image.parallel_generator import ParallelImageDataGenerator
#from keras.preprocessing.image import ImageDataGenerator
# Import the dataset
from mltk.datasets.image import rock_paper_scissors_v2

# Instantiate the MltkModel object with the following 'mixins':
# - TrainMixin            - Provides classifier model training operations and settings
# - ImageDatasetMixin     - Provides image data generation operations and settings
# - EvaluateClassifierMixin         - Provides classifier evaluation operations and settings
# @mltk_model # NOTE: This tag is required for this model be discoverable
class MyModel(
my_model = MyModel()

# General Settings

# For better tracking, the version should be incremented any time a non-trivial change is made
# NOTE: The version is optional and not used directly used by the MLTK
my_model.version = 1
# Provide a brief description about what this model models
# This description goes in the "description" field of the .tflite model file
my_model.description = 'Image classifier example for detecting Rock/Paper/Scissors hand gestures in images'

# Training Settings

# This specifies the number of times we run the training
# samples through the model to update the model weights.
# Typically, a larger value leads to better accuracy at the expense of training time.
# Set to -1 to use the early_stopping callback and let the scripts
# determine how many epochs to train for (see below).
# Otherwise set this to a specific value (typically 40-200)
my_model.epochs = 125
# Specify how many samples to pass through the model
# before updating the training gradients.
# Typical values are 10-64
# NOTE: Larger values require more memory and may not fit on your GPU
my_model.batch_size = 32
# This specifies the algorithm used to update the model gradients
# during training. Adam is very common
# See
my_model.optimizer = 'adam'
# List of metrics to be evaluated by the model during training and testing
my_model.metrics = ['accuracy']
# The "loss" function used to update the weights
# This is a classification problem with more than two labels so we use categorical_crossentropy
# See
my_model.loss = 'categorical_crossentropy'

# Training callback Settings

# Generate checkpoints every time the validation accuracy improves
# See
my_model.checkpoint['monitor'] =  'val_accuracy'

# If the test loss doesn't improve after 'patience' epochs
# then decrease the learning rate by 'factor'
my_model.reduce_lr_on_plateau = dict(
  factor = 0.95,
  patience = 1

# If the  accuracy doesn't improve after 35 epochs then stop training
my_model.early_stopping = dict(
  monitor = 'accuracy',
  patience = 25,

# TF-Lite converter settings
my_model.tflite_converter['optimizations'] = ['DEFAULT']
# Tell the TfliteConverter to generated int8 weights/filters
my_model.tflite_converter['supported_ops'] = ['TFLITE_BUILTINS_INT8']
# We want the input/output model data types to be float32
# since we're using samplewise_std_normalization=True during training
# With this, the TfliteConverter will automatically add quantize/dequantize
# layers to the model to automatically convert the float32 data to int8
my_model.tflite_converter['inference_input_type'] = 'float32'
my_model.tflite_converter['inference_output_type'] = 'float32'
# Generate a representative dataset from the validation data
my_model.tflite_converter['representative_dataset'] = 'generate'

# Image Dataset Settings

# The directory of the training data
# NOTE: This can also be a directory path or a callback function
my_model.dataset = rock_paper_scissors_v2
# The classification type
my_model.class_mode = 'categorical'
# The class labels found in your training dataset directory
my_model.classes = rock_paper_scissors_v2.CLASSES
# The input shape to the model. The dataset samples will be resized if necessary
my_model.input_shape = (84,84,1)
# Shuffle the dataset directory once
my_model.shuffle_dataset_enabled = True
# The numbers of samples for each class is different
# Then ensures each class contributes equally to training the model
my_model.class_weights = 'balanced'

# Image Classifier Settings

# These are parameters used by the image_classifier application
# They may be overridden by specifying similar options to the command:
# mltk classify_image rock_paper_scissors

# Minimum averaged model output threshold for a class to be considered detected, 0-255.
# Higher values increase precision at the cost of recall
my_model.model_parameters['detection_threshold'] = 175
# Controls the smoothing. Drop all inference results that are older than <now> minus window_duration.
# Longer durations (in milliseconds) will give a higher confidence that the results are correct, but may miss some images
my_model.model_parameters['average_window_duration_ms'] = 500
# The *minimum* number of inference results to average when calculating the detection value
my_model.model_parameters['minimum_count'] = 2
# Number of samples that should be different than the last detected sample before detecting again
my_model.model_parameters['suppression_count'] = 1

# ParallelImageDataGenerator Settings

my_model.datagen = ParallelImageDataGenerator(
    validation_split= 0.15,
    brightness_range=(0.80, 1.10),
    contrast_range=(0.80, 1.10),
    noise=['gauss', 'poisson', 's&p'],
    zoom_range=(0.95, 1.05),
    samplewise_center=True, # These settings require the model input to be float32
                            # NOTE: With these settings, the embedded device must also convert the images at runtime

# Build the ML Model
# This model was adapted from:
# This defines the actual model layout using the Keras API.
# This particular model is a relatively standard
# sequential Convolution Neural Network (CNN).
# It is important to the note the usage of the
# "model" argument.
# Rather than hardcode values, the model is
# used to build the model, e.g.:
# Dense(model.n_classes)
# This way, the various model properties above can be modified
# without having to re-write this section.
def my_model_builder(model: MyModel):
    keras_model = Sequential()

    # Increasing this value can increase model accuracy
    # at the expense of more RAM and execution latency
    filter_count = 16

    # "Feature Learning" layers
    keras_model.add(Conv2D(filter_count, (3, 3), input_shape=model.input_shape))
    keras_model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2)))

    keras_model.add(Conv2D(filter_count, (3, 3)))
    keras_model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2)))

    keras_model.add(Conv2D(filter_count*2, (3, 3)))
    keras_model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2)))

    # "Classification" layers
    keras_model.add(Flatten())  # this converts our 3D feature maps to 1D feature vectors
    keras_model.add(Dense(filter_count*2)) # This should be the same size at the previous Conv2D layer count
    keras_model.add(Dense(model.n_classes, activation='softmax'))


    return keras_model

my_model.build_model_function = my_model_builder

# Register the "dump" custom command
import typer
def dump_custom_command(
    count:int = typer.Option(100, '--count',
        help='Number of samples to dump'
    """Custom command to dump the augmented samples

    Invoke this command with:
    mltk custom rock_paper_scissors dump --count 20

    my_model.datagen.save_to_dir = my_model.create_log_dir('dump', delete_existing=True)
    my_model.datagen.debug = True
    my_model.datagen.cores = 1
    my_model.datagen.max_batches_pending = 1
    my_model.datagen.batch_size = 1


    for i, _ in enumerate(my_model.x):
        if i >= count:


    print(f'Generated data dump to: {my_model.datagen.save_to_dir}')

# The following allows for running this model training script directly, e.g.:
# python
# Note that this has the same functionality as:
# mltk train rock_paper_scissors
if __name__ == '__main__':
    import mltk.core as mltk_core
    from mltk import cli

    # Setup the CLI logger

    # If this is true then this will do a "dry run" of the model testing
    # If this is false, then the model will be fully trained
    test_mode_enabled = True

    # Train the model
    # This does the same as issuing the command: mltk train rock_paper_scissors-test --clean
    train_results = mltk_core.train_model(my_model, clean=True, test=test_mode_enabled)

    # Evaluate the model against the quantized .h5 (i.e. float32) model
    # This does the same as issuing the command: mltk evaluate rock_paper_scissors-test
    tflite_eval_results = mltk_core.evaluate_model(my_model, verbose=True, test=test_mode_enabled)

    # Profile the model in the simulator
    # This does the same as issuing the command: mltk profile rock_paper_scissors-test
    profiling_results = mltk_core.profile_model(my_model, test=test_mode_enabled)