
Monitor/profile the training of a model using Tensorboard.

Additional Documentation


 Usage: mltk tensorboard [OPTIONS] <model>                                     
 Start Tensorboard for the given model                                         
 In machine learning, to improve something you often need to be able to        
 measure it.                                                                   
 TensorBoard is a tool for providing the measurements and visualizations       
 needed during the machine learning workflow.                                  
 It enables tracking experiment metrics like loss and accuracy, visualizing    
 the model graph,                                                              
 projecting embeddings to a lower dimensional space, and much more.            
 For more details, see:                                                        
 NOTE: The model must be trained (or actively being trained) before using this 
 Additionally, the trained model must have the 'tensorboard' property          
 my_model.tensorboard = dict(                                                  
     histogram_freq=1,       # frequency (in epochs) at which to compute       
 activation and weight histograms                                              
                             # for the layers of the model. If set to 0,       
 histograms won't be computed.                                                 
                             # Validation data (or split) must be specified    
 for histogram visualizations.                                                 
     write_graph=True,       # whether to visualize the graph in TensorBoard.  
 The log file can become quite large when write_graph is set to True.          
     write_images=False,     # whether to write model weights to visualize as  
 image in TensorBoard.                                                         
     update_freq="epoch",    # 'batch' or 'epoch' or integer. When using       
 'batch', writes the losses and metrics                                        
                             # to TensorBoard after each batch. The same       
 applies for 'epoch'.                                                          
                             # If using an integer, let's say 1000, the        
 callback will write the metrics and losses                                    
                             # to TensorBoard every 1000 batches. Note that    
 writing too frequently to                                                     
                             # TensorBoard can slow down your training.        
     profile_batch=2,        # Profile the batch(es) to sample compute         
                             # profile_batch must be a non-negative integer or 
 a tuple of integers.                                                          
                             # A pair of positive integers signify a range of  
 batches to profile.                                                           
                             # By default, it will profile the second batch.   
 Set profile_batch=0 to disable profiling.                                     
 # Start tensorboard for the previously trained keyword_spotting_on_ff_v2      
 # This will open a webpage to the local Tensorboard GUI                       
 mltk tensorboard keyword_spotting_on_ff_v2                                    
 # Start training the audio_example1 model                                     
 mltk train audio_example1                                                     
 # In a separate terminal, start the tensorboard GUI                           
 mltk tensorboard audio_example1                                               
 *    model      <model>  One of the following:                              
                          - Name of MLTK model                               
                          - Path to MLTK model's python script               
                          [default: None]                                    

 --host     -h                 <host>  Local interface to start HTTP server  
                                       [default: localhost]                  
 --port     -p                 <port>  Listen port of HTTP server used to    
                                       view graph                            
                                       [default: 6002]                       
 --launch       --no-launch            Automatically open a webbrowser to    
                                       the Tensorboard GUI                   
                                       [default: launch]                     
 --verbose  -v                         Enable verbose console logs           
 --help                                Show this message and exit.