
Train a model on a remote cloud server via SSH.

Additional Documentation


 Usage: mltk ssh [OPTIONS] <command>                                           
 Execute an MLTK command on a remote SSH server                                
 This allows for executing an MLTK command on a remote SSH server.             
 This is useful for training a model in the "cloud" and then downloading       
 the training results back to the local computer.                              
 The command executes the basic flow:                                          
 1. Open SSH connection to remote server                                       
    Using the settings specified in the --host option, in                      
 ~/.mltk/user_settings.yaml, or in ~/.ssh/config                               
 2. Create remote working directory                                            
    Specified in --host option or in ~/.mltk/user_settings.yaml                
 3. Create and activate an MLTK python virtual environment                     
    (if not disabled in model specification or ~/.mltk/user_settings.yaml)     
 4. Upload files configured in model specification and/or                      
 5. Export any environment variables configured in model specification and/or  
 6. Execute any startup shell commands configured in model specification       
 and/or ~/.mltk/user_settings.yaml                                             
 7. Execute the MLTK command in a detached subprocess                          
    This way, the command continues to execute even if the SSH session         
 prematurely closes                                                            
 8. If --no-wait was NOT given, then poll the remote MLTK command subprocess   
 while dumping the remote log file to the local terminal                       
    Issuing CTRL+C will abort the remote command subprocess                    
 9. Once the MLTK command completes, download the model archive file (if       
 10. Download any files configured in model specification and/or               
 11. Download any other logs files                                             
 12. Execute any shutdown shell commands configured in model specification     
 and/or ~/.mltk/user_settings.yaml                                             
 # Example Usage                                                               
 # Train model on the remote SSH server using the SSH credentials configured   
 in ~/.mltk/user_settings.yaml.                                                
 # After training completes, the model will be copied to the local machine     
 mltk ssh train keyword_spotting_on_off_v3                                     
 # Train model on the remote SSH server using the SSH credentials provided on  
 the command-line.                                                             
 # After training completes, the model will be copied to the local machine     
 mltk ssh --host -p 18492 -i ~/.ssh/id_vast_ai train         
 # Start model training but do NOT wait for it to complete.                    
 # The model will train on the remote server                                   
 # We can later poll the results using the --resume option                     
 # NOTE: In this example, the SSH settings are stored in the                   
 ~/.mltk/user_settings.yaml file                                               
 mltk ssh train keyword_spotting_on_off_v3 --no-wait                           
 # Retrieve the results of a previously started command                        
 # This can be used if the SSH connection prematurely disconnects OR if        
 --no-wait was previously called                                               
 mltk ssh train keyword_spotting_on_off_v3 --resume                            
 # Train a model and discard a previously invoked command                      
 mltk ssh train audio_example1 --force                                         
 # SSH Settings                                                                
 The various SSH settings may be configured in the model mixin: SshMixin       
 and/or in the file ~/.mltk/user_settings.yaml and/or ~/.ssh/config.           
 For more details, see:                                                         
 NOTE: Issuing Ctrl+C will cancel the command on the remote server             
 *    mltk_command      <command>  MLTK command to run on remote SSH server  
                                   The currently supported commands are:     
                                   [default: None]                           

 --host           -h                 <host>      SSH hostname. With format:  
                                                 - <user name> - Optional,   
                                                 user login name             
                                                 - <host> - Required, SSH    
                                                 - <port> - Optional, SSH    
                                                 port, default is 22         
                                                 - <path> - Optional, remote 
                                                 directory path              
                                                 --host ubuntu@  
                                                 If omitted, then use the    
                                                 settings defined in         
                                                 NOTE: If the given hostname 
                                                 exists in ~/.ssh/config or  
                                                 the config file path        
                                                 then the settings defined   
                                                 there will be used          
                                                 [default: None]             
 --identity_file  -i                 <key>       Path to SSH private key     
                                                 file in PEM format. If      
                                                 omitted, then use the       
                                                 settings defined in         
                                                 or ~/.ssh/config            
                                                 [default: None]             
 --port           -p                 <port>      SSH server listening port.  
                                                 If omitted, then use the    
                                                 --host port or settings     
                                                 defined in                  
                                                 or ~/.ssh/config            
                                                 [default: None]             
 --password                          <password>  SSH user password. If       
                                                 omitted, then use the       
                                                 settings defined in         
                                                 [default: None]             
 --resume             --no-resume                Resume a previously         
                                                 executed command. This is   
                                                 useful if the SSH           
                                                 connection prematurely      
                                                 disconnects or using the    
                                                 --no-wait option            
                                                 [default: no-resume]        
 --wait               --no-wait                  Wait for the command to     
                                                 complete on the remote      
                                                 server. If using --no-wait, 
                                                 then --resume can later be  
                                                 used to retrieve the        
                                                 command results             
                                                 [default: wait]             
 --force              --no-force                 Only one command can be     
                                                 active on the remote        
                                                 server. Use this to         
                                                 abort/discard a previously  
                                                 executed command            
                                                 [default: no-force]         
 --clean              --no-clean                 If running the "train"      
                                                 command, then clean the     
                                                 local AND remote model log  
                                                 directories before invoking 
                                                 command.  This will also    
                                                 clean the existing model    
                                                 archive on the local        
                                                 [default: no-clean]         
 --verbose        -v                             Enable verbose logging      
 --help                                          Show this message and exit.