Unify Framework Lib 1.7.0
unify_dotdot_attribute_store.h File Reference
#include "sl_status.h"
#include "attribute_store.h"
#include "uic_typedefs.h"

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struct  unify_dotdot_attribute_store_configuration_t
 Configuration structure for the Unify DotDot Attribute Store component. More...


#define MAXIMUM_UNID_SIZE   100


typedef attribute_store_node_t(* endpoint_node_fetching_function_t) (const dotdot_unid_t unid, dotdot_endpoint_id_t endpoint_id)
 Function signature that retrieves an Attribute Store node that represents a UNID/Endpoint, under which ZCL attributes are located. More...
typedef sl_status_t(* unid_fetching_function_t) (attribute_store_node_t node, char *unid, dotdot_endpoint_id_t *endpoint_id)
 Function signature that retrieves a the UNID/Endpoint values associated to a given Attribute Store node. More...
typedef sl_status_t(* unid_only_fetching_function_t) (attribute_store_node_t node, char *unid)
 Function signature that retrieves a the UNID value associated to a given Attribute Store node. More...
typedef void(* configuration_udpate_callback_t) (void)
 Function signature for callbacks that indicate that the configuration of the component was just updated. More...


sl_status_t unify_dotdot_attribute_store_init ()
 Initializes the Unify Dotdot Attribute Store component. More...
void unify_dotdot_attribute_store_set_configuration (const unify_dotdot_attribute_store_configuration_t *configuration)
 Configures the Unify Dotdot Attribute Store component. More...
void unify_dotdot_attribute_store_set_configuration_update_callback (configuration_udpate_callback_t callback)
 Register a callback to be invoked when the Unify Dotdot Attribute Store component configuration has been updated. More...