Unify Framework Lib 1.7.0
MapperEngine Class Reference

Mapper Engine. More...

#include <attribute_mapper_engine.hpp>

Public Member Functions

void reset ()
 Reset the mapper engine and clear all releations. More...
bool load_path (const std::string &uam_path)
 Load engine with all uam file in a given directory. More...
bool load_file (std::string uam_file_name)
 Load engine with single uam file. More...
bool add_expression (const std::string expression)
 Add uam expression to the ast. More...
bool update_dependencies (const ast::ast_tree &ast)
 Re-calculate dependencies of a the ast,. More...
bool has_unknown_functions_in_tree (const ast::ast_tree &ast)
 Checks the AST for built-in function names and return true if one or more functions are unknown. More...
void set_common_parent_type (attribute_store_type_t t)
 Set the Common Attribute type which should be used as start context for all attribute evaluations. More...
void on_attribute_updated (attribute_store_node_t node, attribute_store_node_value_state_t state, attribute_store_change_t change)
 Called when an attribute is updated. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static MapperEngineget_instance ()
 Get the singletron. More...

Private Member Functions

attribute_store::attribute get_destination_for_attribute (const attribute_store::attribute &endpoint, const ast::attribute &attribute, bool create_if_missing) const
 Get the destination for attribute. More...
equivalent_assignments_t get_equivalent_assignments (std::shared_ptr< ast::assignment > assignment)
 Checks if the engine has other assigments assigning the same attribute type / value type. More...
attribute_store::attribute get_assigment_potential_destination (std::shared_ptr< ast::assignment > assignment, attribute_store::attribute original_node)
 Checks what would be the destination attribute affected by an assigment, if applied. More...
bool assignment_matches_destination (std::shared_ptr< ast::assignment > assignment, attribute_store::attribute destination)
 Checks if an assignment (lhs) path matches the attribute for a destination. More...
void run_assignments (equivalent_assignments_t assignments_to_check, attribute_store::attribute assigment_destination, attribute_store::attribute original_node)
 Takes a list of assignments with a possible destination, and run. More...
bool run_assignment (std::shared_ptr< ast::assignment > assignment, attribute_store::attribute assigment_destination, attribute_store::attribute original_node)
 Runs a single assigment and verifies if a value was applied. More...
bool apply_regular_assignment (attribute_store::attribute common_parent, attribute_store::attribute destination, attribute_store::attribute original_node, const ast::scope_settings_t &settings, result_type_t evaluated_value, std::shared_ptr< ast::assignment > assignment) const
 Applies a regular assigment. More...
bool apply_instance_assignment (attribute_store::attribute common_parent, float evaluated_value, std::shared_ptr< ast::assignment > assignment, bool chain_reaction)
 Applies an instance assigment, which will verify if an attribute path with a certain value exists. More...
bool apply_clearance_assignment (attribute_store::attribute common_parent, float evaluated_value, std::shared_ptr< ast::assignment > assignment)
 Applies a clearance assigment, which may undefine values. More...

Private Attributes

std::multimap< ast::attribute_dependency_t, std::shared_ptr< ast::assignment > > relations
std::map< std::shared_ptr< ast::assignment >, std::shared_ptr< ast::scope_settings_t > > assignment_settings
std::map< std::shared_ptr< ast::assignment >, assignment_properties_tassignment_properties
attribute_store_type_t common_parent_type = ATTRIBUTE_STORE_INVALID_NODE

Detailed Description

Mapper Engine.

The purpose of the mapping engine define relations between attributes in the attribute store, in general the relation between the Z-Wave attribute and the Zigbee attributes. The actions performed by the mapping engine is quite similar to the actions performed by a compiler. A compiler parses a text document and builds an Abstract Syntax Tree(AST). The AST is then optimized and the AST nodes are translated into machine op codes. In the attribute mapper we are not translating AST nodes to opcodes but instead we are keeping the AST in memory.

The mapping engine only interacts with the attribute store. An example of a simple mapping is the relation between the zigbee attribute OnOf.value and the Z-Wave attribute binary_switch.value, if desired of OnOf.value is update the binary_switch.value should be update. The the same applies to the reported value in the reverse direction. So in a meta description we could describe this behaviour with the following:

r'OnOff_Value = r'BinarySwitch_Value d'BinarySwitch_Value = d'OnOff_Value

This means when the reported value of BinarySwitch_Value changes we would like to update the repported value of OnOff_Value. Actually we will also create the OnOff_Value if it does not exists (this will only happen with reported values). For the desired value we update BinarySwitch_Value if OnOff_Value changes.

For simplicity the attribute mapper evaluates every thing as int32. This mean that All attributes the mapper deals with must be int32.

The AST of the rule set is stored in memory because when an attribute changes, we should locate dependencies using the AST. The value of each AST node can be calculated in the context of an attribute node. Let's look at the example where an attribute is updated and the node type of that attribute is a leaf nodes in the AST. Then we need to try to re-calculate the value of all AST nodes that depends on the updated node. The update may lead to a write of another attribute. In the example above an update leads to an update of the OnOff value. There could be cases where some node in the AST cannot be evaluated in a given context, for example if one attribute depends on two other attributes but only one of them is defined. Then the AST will not be fully evaluated in the given context (the node does not support all the required command classes). In this case the update will not lead to an attribute write.

In some cases there could be multiple ways to calculate a mapping. Let's take a fictive example of some ZigBee LED color command class. On the Zigbee side colors are defined as RGBW on the Z-Wave side the color may be in RGBW or may be in just RGB.

A mapping could look like this

zbColorW = zwColor[W] or ((zwColor[R] + zwColor[G] + zwColor[B])*1000 ) / 3333

Here we would persue the relation using zwColor[W] first, if that is not possible we would fall back to ((zwColor[R] + zwColor[G] + zwColor[B])*1000) /3333

The mapping engine uses a number of C++ classes to perform its tasks.

  • The ast::UAMGrammar class defnies how we translate a text document into our ast using the boost spirit framework.
  • The ast::dep_evel class is used to build a graph of relations between attributes.
  • The ast::eval class is used to evaluate expressions when a change in a attribute value occurs

Member Function Documentation

◆ add_expression()

bool MapperEngine::add_expression ( const std::string  expression)

Add uam expression to the ast.

expressionExpression given as string
true If load succeed
false Some error occurred in parsing of AST validation

◆ apply_clearance_assignment()

bool MapperEngine::apply_clearance_assignment ( attribute_store::attribute  common_parent,
float  evaluated_value,
std::shared_ptr< ast::assignment assignment 

Applies a clearance assigment, which may undefine values.

common_parentCommon parent Attribute for the assignment
evaluated_valueEvaluated value from the right-hand side of the assignment
assignmentPointer to the assignment
true if a value was applied to the left-hand side
false otherwise

◆ apply_instance_assignment()

bool MapperEngine::apply_instance_assignment ( attribute_store::attribute  common_parent,
float  evaluated_value,
std::shared_ptr< ast::assignment assignment,
bool  chain_reaction 

Applies an instance assigment, which will verify if an attribute path with a certain value exists.

common_parentCommon parent Attribute for the assignment
evaluated_valueEvaluated value from the right-hand side of the assignment
assignmentPointer to the assignment
chain_reactionChain reaction setting from the scope
true if a value was applied to the left-hand side
false otherwise

◆ apply_regular_assignment()

bool MapperEngine::apply_regular_assignment ( attribute_store::attribute  common_parent,
attribute_store::attribute  destination,
attribute_store::attribute  original_node,
const ast::scope_settings_t settings,
result_type_t  evaluated_value,
std::shared_ptr< ast::assignment assignment 
) const

Applies a regular assigment.

common_parentCommon parent Attribute for the assignment
destinationDestination Attribute for the assignment
original_nodeOriginal node that triggered the assignment evaluation
settingsScore settings associated with the assignment
evaluated_valueEvaluated value from the right-hand side of the assignment
assignmentPointer to the assignment
true if a value was applied to the left-hand side
false otherwise

◆ assignment_matches_destination()

bool MapperEngine::assignment_matches_destination ( std::shared_ptr< ast::assignment assignment,
attribute_store::attribute  destination 

Checks if an assignment (lhs) path matches the attribute for a destination.

assignmentAssignemnt to check if the lhs path matches the destination attribute
destinationDestination attribute to match with the assignment LHS.
true If it matches
false if it does not match

◆ get_assigment_potential_destination()

attribute_store::attribute MapperEngine::get_assigment_potential_destination ( std::shared_ptr< ast::assignment assignment,
attribute_store::attribute  original_node 

Checks what would be the destination attribute affected by an assigment, if applied.

Returns INVALID_NODE if the destination

assignmentThe assignment to look for a destination
original_nodeOriginal attribute that was updated
Attribute Store node

◆ get_destination_for_attribute()

attribute_store::attribute MapperEngine::get_destination_for_attribute ( const attribute_store::attribute &  endpoint,
const ast::attribute attribute,
bool  create_if_missing 
) const

Get the destination for attribute.

Try to resolve the attribute node from the AST attribute path.

endpointendpoint to start from
attributeAttribute (path) to resolve
create_if_missingIf true the destination attribute is created if it does not exists
destination attribute, if no destination is found we return INVALID_ATTRIBUTE

◆ get_equivalent_assignments()

equivalent_assignments_t MapperEngine::get_equivalent_assignments ( std::shared_ptr< ast::assignment assignment)

Checks if the engine has other assigments assigning the same attribute type / value type.

Try to resolve the attribute node from the AST attribute path.

assignmentThe assignment to take for a start. comparing with all others
A map of assignments assigning the same value tyep and attribute type, sorted by priority.

◆ get_instance()

static MapperEngine & MapperEngine::get_instance ( )

Get the singletron.

The singletron

◆ has_unknown_functions_in_tree()

bool MapperEngine::has_unknown_functions_in_tree ( const ast::ast_tree ast)

Checks the AST for built-in function names and return true if one or more functions are unknown.

astAST loaded from the UAM files.
true if there are some unknown functions in the AST, false otherwise

◆ load_file()

bool MapperEngine::load_file ( std::string  uam_file_name)

Load engine with single uam file.


◆ load_path()

bool MapperEngine::load_path ( const std::string &  uam_path)

Load engine with all uam file in a given directory.

true If load succeed
false Some error occurred in parsing of AST validation

◆ on_attribute_updated()

void MapperEngine::on_attribute_updated ( attribute_store_node_t  node,
attribute_store_node_value_state_t  state,
attribute_store_change_t  change 

Called when an attribute is updated.

This function will do a look up the updated attribute in the relation table and evaluate the expressios which depends on the attribute.

nodeNode that has been updated
stateWhat updated desired or reported
changeType of update, create, delete, value change

◆ reset()

void MapperEngine::reset ( )

Reset the mapper engine and clear all releations.

◆ run_assignment()

bool MapperEngine::run_assignment ( std::shared_ptr< ast::assignment assignment,
attribute_store::attribute  assigment_destination,
attribute_store::attribute  original_node 

Runs a single assigment and verifies if a value was applied.

assignmentPointer to the assignment
assigment_destinationDestination attribute for the assignment
original_nodeOriginal node that triggered the assignment evaluation
true if a value was applied to the left-hand side
false otherwise

◆ run_assignments()

void MapperEngine::run_assignments ( equivalent_assignments_t  assignments_to_check,
attribute_store::attribute  assigment_destination,
attribute_store::attribute  original_node 

Takes a list of assignments with a possible destination, and run.

  1. the highest priority assigment if the destination exists
  2. All of them from low to high priority if the destination does not exist
assignments_to_checkList of assigment to execute
assigment_destinationDestination attribute
original_nodeOriginal attribute that triggered these assignments

◆ set_common_parent_type()

void MapperEngine::set_common_parent_type ( attribute_store_type_t  t)

Set the Common Attribute type which should be used as start context for all attribute evaluations.

tType to use as start context

◆ update_dependencies()

bool MapperEngine::update_dependencies ( const ast::ast_tree ast)

Re-calculate dependencies of a the ast,.

this should be called if the AST is updated.

true If load succeed
false Some error occurred in parsing of AST validation

Member Data Documentation

◆ assignment_properties

std::map<std::shared_ptr<ast::assignment>, assignment_properties_t> MapperEngine::assignment_properties

◆ assignment_settings

std::map<std::shared_ptr<ast::assignment>, std::shared_ptr<ast::scope_settings_t> > MapperEngine::assignment_settings

◆ common_parent_type

attribute_store_type_t MapperEngine::common_parent_type = ATTRIBUTE_STORE_INVALID_NODE

◆ relations

std::multimap<ast::attribute_dependency_t, std::shared_ptr<ast::assignment> > MapperEngine::relations

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: