7. The Dotdot Scenes Cluster (0x0005) in the Unify Framework

This cluster is used to define scene and configuration of each device/endpoint. In the Unify context, it can be used both for scene controlling devices (e.g., wall controller button) and for activating scenes for other nodes (e.g., light dimmer).

This cluster requires additional attributes because the Scene Table is not captured by its defined attributes. See ZCL 2019 for the Scene Table definition.

Below is an example of a PAN node Scene Cluster server:

# Omitted the Desired values of attributes
ucl/by-unid/<UNID>/ep<EndpointId>/Scenes/Attributes/ClusterRevision/Reported - {"value": 2}
ucl/by-unid/<UNID>/ep<EndpointId>/Scenes/Attributes/SceneCount/Reported - {"value": 0}
ucl/by-unid/<UNID>/ep<EndpointId>/Scenes/Attributes/CurrentScene/Reported - {"value": 0}
ucl/by-unid/<UNID>/ep<EndpointId>/Scenes/Attributes/CurrentGroup/Reported - {"value": 0}
ucl/by-unid/<UNID>/ep<EndpointId>/Scenes/Attributes/SceneValid/Reported - {"value": false}
ucl/by-unid/<UNID>/ep<EndpointId>/Scenes/Attributes/NameSupport/Reported - {"value": true}
ucl/by-unid/<UNID>/ep<EndpointId>/Scenes/Attributes/SceneTable/Reported - {"value": []}
ucl/by-unid/<UNID>/ep<EndpointId>/Scenes/SupportedCommands {"value" :["AddScene", "ViewScene", "RemoveScene", "RemoveAllScenes", "StoreScene", "RecallScene", "GetSceneMembership"]}

Note that in the example above, the ViewScene and GetSceneMembership commands are available, but MAY have no effect, because their purpose is to retrieve data. Retrieving data is sometimes done automatically by the Protocol Controllers. In this case, a Protocol Controller MAY remove these commands from the SupportedCommands list.

The Scene Table data is represented using this topic hierarchy:

Topic: ucl/by-unid/<UNID>/ep<id>/Scenes/Attributes/SceneTable/Reported

Topic: ucl/by-unid/<UNID>/ep<id>/Scenes/Attributes/SceneTable/Desired

The payload of the JSON data published for the Scene Table is defined in the following JSON schema:

JSON Schema:

  "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
  "title": "Scene Table",
  "description": "Scene Table for the Scene Cluster",
  "definitions": {
    "SceneTableEntry": {
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "GroupID": {
          "type": "number",
          "minimum": 0,
          "maximum": 65535
        "SceneID": {
          "type": "number"
        "SceneName": {
          "type": "string"
        "TransitionTime": {
          "type": "number"
        "TransitionTime100ms": {
          "type": "number"
        "SceneTableExtensions": {
          "type": "object",
          "patternProperties": {
            "": {
              "type": "object"
      "required": [
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "value": {
      "type": "array",
      "items": {
        "$ref": "#/definitions/SceneTableEntry"
  "required": [

An example of a SceneTableEntry is shown below. The SceneTableEntry contains a set of Clusters, which are JSON objects and defined by their Cluster Name. Each cluster Objects contains a set of attributes, defined by their Attribute Name, and each attribute value can be either a JSON boolean, number, or string (in the case the value has a name).


  "GroupID": 12,
  "SceneID": 1,
  "SceneName": "Cozy Scene",
  "TransitionTime": 10,
  "TransitionTime100ms": 0,
  "SceneTableExtensions": {
    "OnOff": {
      "OnOff": true
    "Level": {
      "CurrentLevel": 25
    "ColorControl": {
      "CurrentX": 25,
      "CurrentY": 3455

For each UNID/Endpoint, each Scene is uniquely identified by the GroupID/ SceneID pair, so SceneID 1 may be defined for multiple groups, or group 1 may have multiple scenes.

7.1. Scenes Supporting Nodes

Protocol Controller MUST advertise the Scene Table attribute for PAN nodes that can be configured to react and change state based on scenes.

All PAN nodes/endpoints supporting attributes marked as sceneRequired="true" in the ZCL 2019 SHOULD be presented as a Scene cluster server by Protocol Controllers.

Protocol Controllers MAY add additional attributes than the ones marked at sceneRequired="true" as part of the Scenes extension fieldsets/settings. For example, the ZPC exposes both the CurrentHue and CurrentSaturation from the ColorControl cluster, so that all the color information is contained in the table.

Each scene configuration can be done using the supported commands, either AddScene or StoreScene.

7.1.1. Example with StoreScene Command

Let’s assume the following is published for a device in the Unify Framework:

# OnOff/Level/ColorControl: (omitting Desired values and SupportedCommands)
ucl/by-unid/<UNID>/ep<EndpointId>/OnOff/Attributes/OnOff/Reported - {"value": true}
ucl/by-unid/<UNID>/ep<EndpointId>/Level/Attributes/CurrentLevel/Reported - {"value":20}
ucl/by-unid/<UNID>/ep<EndpointId>/Level/Attributes/CurrentLevel/Reported - {"value" :20}
ucl/by-unid/<UNID>/ep<EndpointId>/ColorControl/Attributes/CurrentHue/Reported -  {"value":52}
ucl/by-unid/<UNID>/ep<EndpointId>/ColorControl/Attributes/CurrentSaturation - {"value":254}
ucl/by-unid/<UNID>/ep<EndpointId>/ColorControl/Attributes/ColorMode/Reported - {"value":"CurrentHueAndCurrentSaturation"}

# Scenes: (omitting Desired values)
ucl/by-unid/<UNID>/ep<EndpointId>/Scenes/Attributes/ClusterRevision/Reported - {"value": 2}
ucl/by-unid/<UNID>/ep<EndpointId>/Scenes/Attributes/SceneCount/Reported - {"value": 0}
ucl/by-unid/<UNID>/ep<EndpointId>/Scenes/Attributes/CurrentScene/Reported - {"value": 0}
ucl/by-unid/<UNID>/ep<EndpointId>/Scenes/Attributes/CurrentGroup/Reported - {"value": 0}
ucl/by-unid/<UNID>/ep<EndpointId>/Scenes/Attributes/SceneValid/Reported - {"value": false}
ucl/by-unid/<UNID>/ep<EndpointId>/Scenes/Attributes/NameSupport/Reported - {"value": true}
ucl/by-unid/<UNID>/ep<EndpointId>/Scenes/Attributes/SceneTable/Reported - {"value":[]}
ucl/by-unid/<UNID>/ep<EndpointId>/Scenes/SupportedCommands - {"value": ["AddScene", "ViewScene", "RemoveScene", "RemoveAllScenes", "StoreScene", "RecallScene", "GetSceneMembership"]}

Sending a StoreScene will capture the current device settings the defined Scene:

# Sent by the IoT Service
ucl/by-unid/<UNID>/ep<EndpointId>/Scenes/Commands/StoreScene - {"GroupID":0,"SceneID":1}

# Devices Publishes back: (Omitting Desired values)
ucl/by-unid/<UNID>/ep<EndpointId>/Scenes/Attributes/SceneCount/Reported - {"value": 1}
ucl/by-unid/<UNID>/ep<EndpointId>/Scenes/Attributes/SceneTable/Reported -
  "value": [
      "GroupID": 0,
      "SceneID": 1,
      "SceneName": "",
      "SceneTableExtensions": {
        "ColorControl": {
          "ColorMode": "CurrentHueAndCurrentSaturation",
          "CurrentHue": 52,
          "CurrentSaturation": 254
        "Level": {
          "CurrentLevel": 20
        "OnOff": {
          "OnOff": false
      "TransitionTime": 0,
      "TransitionTime100ms": 0

7.1.2. Example with AddScene Command

The AddScene Command needs to provide the contents of a SceneTableEntry in the ExtensionFieldSets field of the AddScene Command.

  "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
  "title": "Scenes Cluster AddScene Command Properties",
  "type": "object",
  "definitions": {
    "SceneTableEntry": {
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "GroupID": {
          "type": "number",
          "minimum": 0,
          "maximum": 65535
        "SceneID": {
          "type": "number"
        "SceneName": {
          "type": "string"
        "TransitionTime": {
          "type": "number"
        "TransitionTime100ms": {
          "type": "number"
        "SceneTableExtensions": {
          "type": "object",
          "$ref": "#/definitions/SceneTableEntry"
      "required": [
  "properties": {
    "GroupID": {
      "type": "SGroupId"
    "SceneID": {
      "type": "integer"
    "TransitionTime": {
      "type": "integer"
    "SceneName": {
      "type": "SSceneName"
    "ExtensionFieldSets": {
      "type": "object",
      "$ref": "#/definitions/SceneTableEntry"
  "required": [

For example, a properly formed AddScene command could be as follows:

# Sent by the IoT Service
ucl/by-unid/<UNID>/ep<EndpointId>/Scenes/Commands/AddScene -
    "GroupID": 0,
    "SceneID": 2,
    "SceneName": "Red time!",
    "ExtensionFieldSets": {
      "ColorControl": {
        "CurrentHue": 0,
        "CurrentSaturation": 254
      "Level": {
        "CurrentLevel": 99
      "OnOff": {
        "OnOff": true
    "TransitionTime": 0,
    "TransitionTime100ms": 0

The Protocol Controller MAY use a subset of the ZCL attributes defined in the ExtensionFieldSets if the end node does not serve the Clusters or Attributes defined in this payload.

If the Scene already exists, it will be replaced with a new name, transition times and ExtensionFieldSets. If the Scene does not already exist, it will be created.

Note that it is possible to create Scenes with empty ExtensionFieldSets.

7.2. (Z-Wave) Scenes Actuators

Scenes actuators do not support any of the ZCL required SupportedCommands, and instead use the Scene Cluster attributes to indicate which scene they wish to activate. Such devices are both Scene Cluster servers and clients.

An MQTT client can therefore decide to activate scenes in a number of devices/endpoints based on the spontaneous changes made by these scenes actuator devices/endpoints.

For example, a wall switch with four buttons and three possible gestures for each button may be presented as a scene device, supporting twelve read-only scenes that would transition automatically (i.e., CurrentScene attribute will be updated in a read-only fashion). At each activation, the wall switch will aditionally generate a Recall Scene command that will be forwarded to the IoT Services. The Scene table will stay empty and will not be writable by IoT Services.

In this case, the wall switch Scenes numbers will not “match” the configured scenes in other devices. IoT Services SHOULD interpret the Scene ID as a unique combination with the UNID/ep to decide what to do.

IoT Services SHOULD pay attention to the security level (see the “Security” in the State topic) of a UNID before modifying the state (or sending commands) of other PAN nodes based on Generated Commands from a PAN node.

Note that the GroupID can be set to 0 if it is not used.

# Omitted the Desired values of attributes
ucl/by-unid/<UNID>/ep<EndpointId>/Scenes/Attributes/ClusterRevision/Reported - {"value": 2}
ucl/by-unid/<UNID>/ep<EndpointId>/Scenes/Attributes/SceneCount/Reported - {"value": 12}
ucl/by-unid/<UNID>/ep<EndpointId>/Scenes/Attributes/CurrentScene/Reported - {"value": 2}
ucl/by-unid/<UNID>/ep<EndpointId>/Scenes/Attributes/CurrentGroup/Reported - {"value": 0}
ucl/by-unid/<UNID>/ep<EndpointId>/Scenes/Attributes/SceneValid/Reported - {"value": true}
ucl/by-unid/<UNID>/ep<EndpointId>/Scenes/Attributes/NameSupport/Reported - {"value": false}
ucl/by-unid/<UNID>/ep<EndpointId>/Scenes/SupportedCommands - {"value": [] }
ucl/by-unid/<UNID>/ep<EndpointId>/Scenes/SupportedGeneratedCommands - {"value":["RecallScene"] }

For example, when such a device tries to activate SceneID 5, it will trigger the following publications:

# Trying to activate Scene 5 by issuing a command, unretained
ucl/by-unid/<UNID>/ep<EndpointId>/Scenes/GeneratedCommands/RecallScene - {"GroupID":0,"SceneID":5,"TransitionTime":0}

# Updates its own state, moving into Scene 5 itself.
ucl/by-unid/<UNID>/ep<EndpointId>/Scenes/Attributes/CurrentScene/Reported - {"value": 5}
ucl/by-unid/<UNID>/ep<EndpointId>/Scenes/Attributes/SceneValid/Reported - {"value": true}

7.2.1. Frame flow example PAN Node without Actuator Capabilities

The following diagram shows an example of a node using scenes without supporting any of the actuator functionalities.

' Allows to do simultaneous transmissions
!pragma teoz true

' Style for the diagram
!theme plain
skinparam LegendBackgroundColor #F0F0F0

title Scene only PAN node example using the UCL / Unify Framework

legend top
<font color=#0039FB>MQTT Subscription</font>
<font color=#00003C>Retained MQTT Publication</font>
<font color=#6C2A0D>Unretained MQTT Publication</font>

' List of participants
participant "IoT Service" as iot_service
participant "MQTT Broker" as mqtt_broker
participant "Protocol Controller" as protocol_controller
participant "PAN Node" as pan_node
Actor "User" as end_user

iot_service -> mqtt_broker: <font color=#0039FB>ucl/by-unid/+/+/Scenes/Attributes/#</font>
iot_service -> mqtt_broker: <font color=#0039FB>ucl/by-unid/+/+/Scenes/SupportedCommands</font>
iot_service -> mqtt_broker: <font color=#0039FB>ucl/by-unid/+/+/Scenes/SupportedGeneratedCommands</font>
iot_service -> mqtt_broker: <font color=#0039FB>ucl/by-unid/+/+/Scenes/GeneratedCommands/+</font>
protocol_controller -> mqtt_broker: <font color=#0039FB>ucl/by-unid/+/+/Scenes/Commands/+</font>

rnote over iot_service, pan_node: Node inclusion and capabilities discovery

protocol_controller -> mqtt_broker : <font color=#00003C>ucl/by-unid/zw-1234/ep0/Scenes/Attributes/SceneCount/Desired \n<font color=#00003C><b>{ "value": 12 }</b>
& mqtt_broker -> iot_service

protocol_controller -> mqtt_broker : <font color=#00003C>ucl/by-unid/zw-1234/ep0/Scenes/Attributes/SceneCount/Reported \n<font color=#00003C><b>{ "value": 12 }</b>
& mqtt_broker -> iot_service

protocol_controller -> mqtt_broker : <font color=#00003C>ucl/by-unid/zw-1234/ep0/Scenes/Attributes/CurrentScene/Desired \n<font color=#00003C><b>{ "value": 0 }</b>
& mqtt_broker -> iot_service

protocol_controller -> mqtt_broker : <font color=#00003C>ucl/by-unid/zw-1234/ep0/Scenes/Attributes/CurrentScene/Reported \n<font color=#00003C><b>{ "value": 0 }</b>
& mqtt_broker -> iot_service

rnote over iot_service, protocol_controller: Skipping additional Attribute Publications

protocol_controller -> mqtt_broker : <font color=#00003C>ucl/by-unid/zw-1234/ep0/Scenes/SupportedCommands \n<font color=#00003C><b>{"value":[ ]}
& mqtt_broker -> iot_service

protocol_controller -> mqtt_broker : <font color=#00003C>ucl/by-unid/zw-1234/ep0/Scenes/SupportedGeneratedCommands \n<font color=#00003C><b>{"value":[ "RecallScene"]}
& mqtt_broker -> iot_service

== ==

end_user -> pan_node : Activate scene 5 button
pan_node -> protocol_controller : PHY command

protocol_controller -> mqtt_broker : <font color=#00003C>ucl/by-unid/zw-1234/ep0/Scenes/Attributes/CurrentScene/Desired \n<font color=#00003C><b>{ "value": 5 }</b>
& mqtt_broker -> iot_service

protocol_controller -> mqtt_broker : <font color=#00003C>ucl/by-unid/zw-1234/ep0/Scenes/Attributes/CurrentScene/Reported \n<font color=#00003C><b>{ "value": 5 }</b>
& mqtt_broker -> iot_service

protocol_controller -> mqtt_broker : <font color=#6C2A0D>ucl/by-unid/zw-1234/ep0/Scenes/GeneratedCommands/RecallScene \n<font color=#6C2A0D><b>{ "GroupID": 0, "SceneID": 5, "TransitionTime":0 }</b>
& mqtt_broker -> iot_service

== ==

end_user -> pan_node : Activate scene 5 button again
pan_node -> protocol_controller : PHY command

protocol_controller -> mqtt_broker : <font color=#6C2A0D>ucl/by-unid/zw-1234/ep0/Scenes/GeneratedCommands/RecallScene \n<font color=#6C2A0D><b>{ "GroupID": 0, "SceneID": 5, "TransitionTime":0 }</b>
& mqtt_broker -> iot_service

== ==

end_user -> pan_node : Activate scene 2 button
pan_node -> protocol_controller : PHY command

protocol_controller -> mqtt_broker : <font color=#00003C>ucl/by-unid/zw-1234/ep0/Scenes/Attributes/CurrentScene/Desired \n<font color=#00003C><b>{ "value": 2 }</b>
& mqtt_broker -> iot_service

protocol_controller -> mqtt_broker : <font color=#00003C>ucl/by-unid/zw-1234/ep0/Scenes/Attributes/CurrentScene/Reported \n<font color=#00003C><b>{ "value": 2 }</b>
& mqtt_broker -> iot_service

protocol_controller -> mqtt_broker : <font color=#6C2A0D>ucl/by-unid/zw-1234/ep0/Scenes/GeneratedCommands/RecallScene \n<font color=#6C2A0D><b>{ "GroupID": 0, "SceneID": 2, "TransitionTime":0 }</b>
& mqtt_broker -> iot_service