4. Scenario Mapping to Specific PHYs: Z-Wave, BLE and ZigBee

This chapter describes use-cases or scenarios using the same Unify commands but showing the Protocol Controller translation details for several PHYs.

4.1. Adding a Node to a Network

This use case explains how to include a new node into a network. It is assumed that the implementations follow the lines described in Network Management Commands and Service discovery.

4.1.1. Z-Wave PAN

Adding a node with a Z-Wave PAN

Figure 4.1 Adding a node with a Z-Wave PAN

4.1.2. BLE PAN

Adding a node with a BLE PAN

Figure 4.2 Adding a node with a BLE PAN

4.1.3. ZigBee PAN

The following section shows the Zigbee 3.0 Install Code based commissioning method. This method uses a Unify SmartStart DSK (Device-Specific Key) to convey the Install Code that is flashed out-of-band to a joining device. See the Zigbee Protocol Controller implementation references on how the DSK is formatted according to one of the formats specified in [Network Management](./Chapter03-network-management.md).

' Allows simultaneous transmissions
!pragma teoz true

' Style for the diagram
!theme plain
skinparam LegendBackgroundColor #F0F0F0

title SmartStart List based commissioning using Z3 Install Code based Device-Specific Keys (DSK)

legend top
<font color=#0039FB>MQTT Subscription</font>
<font color=#00003C>Retained MQTT Publication</font>
<font color=#6C2A0D>Unretained MQTT Publication</font>

' List of participants
participant "IoT Service" as iot_service
participant "Unify MQTT Broker" as mqtt_broker
participant "Unify UPVL" as upvl
participant "Zigbee Protocol Controller" as protocol_controller
participant "Zigbee Node 1" as node_1

== Out-of-band Setup of Joining Device  ==
node_1 -> node_1: Flash Installation Code
note over node_1
   Extract Install Code CRC
   to be included in DSK
end note
== Unify Initialization ==
upvl -> mqtt_broker: <font color=#0039FB>ucl/SmartStart/List/Remove</font>
upvl -> mqtt_broker: <font color=#0039FB>ucl/SmartStart/List/Update</font>
iot_service -> mqtt_broker: <font color=#0039FB>ucl/SmartStart/List</font>
iot_service -> mqtt_broker: <font color=#0039FB>ucl/by-unid/+/ProtocolController/NetworkManagement</font>
protocol_controller -> mqtt_broker: <font color=#0039FB>ucl/SmartStart/List</font>
upvl -> mqtt_broker: <font color=#00003C>ucl/SmartStart/List</font> \n <font color=#00003C><b> {"value":[]}

== Zigbee Protocol Controller advertises it's ready for Network Management Operations ==
protocol_controller -> mqtt_broker : <font color=#00003C>ucl/by-unid/<PC_UNID>/ProtocolController/NetworkManagement \n<font color=#00003C><b>{\n\t<font color=#00003C><b>"State" : "idle", \n\t<font color=#00003C><b>"SupportedStateList": ["remove node"], \n<font color=#00003C><b>}
& mqtt_broker -> iot_service

== Add Node 1 Install Code/DSK via the UPVL ==
note over iot_service
   Format EUI64, Install Code,
   and CRC extracted from the
   joining device into a
   recognized DSK format.
end note
iot_service -> mqtt_broker : <font color=#6C2A0D>ucl/SmartStart/List/Update \n<font color=#6C2A0D><b>{\n\t<font color=#6C2A0D><b>"DSK" : "NODE_1_DSK" \n\t<font color=#6C2A0D><b>"Include" : true \n\t<font color=#6C2A0D><b>"Unid" : "" \n\t<font color=#6C2A0D><b>"ProtocolControllerUnid" : "" \n<font color=#6C2A0D><b>}</b>
& mqtt_broker -> upvl
upvl -> mqtt_broker : <font color=#00003C>ucl/SmartStart/List \n<font color=#00003C><b>{"value":[{\n\t<font color=#00003C><b>"DSK" : "NODE_1_DSK" \n\t<font color=#00003C><b>"Include" : true \n\t<font color=#00003C><b>"Unid" : "" \n\t<font color=#00003C><b>"ProtocolControllerUnid" : "" \n<font color=#00003C><b>}]}</b>
& mqtt_broker -> protocol_controller

protocol_controller -> protocol_controller: NODE_1 Install Code based Link Key \nadded to Trust Center (TC)

== Node 1 Starts Network Steering ==

node_1 -> node_1: Network Steering \nwith TC Link key update
node_1 -> protocol_controller: Device Annouce + TC join
protocol_controller -> mqtt_broker: <font color=#00003C>ucl/by-unid/<PC_UNID>/ProtocolController/NetworkManagement \n<font color=#00003C><b>{\n\t<font color=#00003C><b>"State" : "add node", \n\t<font color=#00003C><b>"SupportedStateList": ["idle"], \n<font color=#00003C><b>}
& mqtt_broker -> iot_service
node_1 -> node_1: Perform TC Link key update
node_1 -> protocol_controller: Replacement APS Link Key Verified on NODE_1
protocol_controller -> mqtt_broker: <font color=#00003C>ucl/by-unid/<PC_UNID>/ProtocolController/NetworkManagement \n<font color=#00003C><b>{\n\t<font color=#00003C><b>"State" : "add node", \n\t<font color=#00003C><b>"SupportedStateList": ["idle"], \n<font color=#00003C><b>}
& mqtt_broker -> iot_service
protocol_controller -> mqtt_broker: <font color=#00003C>ucl/by-unid/<NODE_1_UNID>/State \n<font color=#00003C><b>{\n\t<font color=#00003C><b>"NetworkStatus" : "Online interviewing", \n<font color=#00003C><b>}
& mqtt_broker -> iot_service
== Update the Unid field in the SmartStart list via the UPVL ==
protocol_controller -> mqtt_broker: <font color=#6C2A0D>ucl/SmartStart/List/Update \n<font color=#6C2A0D><b>{\n\t<font color=#6C2A0D><b>"DSK" : "NODE_1_DSK" \n\t<font color=#6C2A0D><b>"Unid" : "NODE_1_UNID" \n<font color=#6C2A0D><b>}}</b>
mqtt_broker -> upvl
upvl -> mqtt_broker : <font color=#00003C>ucl/SmartStart/List \n<font color=#00003C><b>{"value":[{\n\t<font color=#00003C><b>"DSK" : "NODE_1_DSK" \n\t<font color=#00003C><b>"Include" : true \n\t<font color=#00003C><b>"Unid" : "NODE_1_UNID" \n\t<font color=#00003C><b>"ProtocolControllerUnid" : "" \n<font color=#00003C><b>}]}</b>
& mqtt_broker -> iot_service

== Zigbee Protocol Controller advertises it's ready for Network Management Operations again ==
protocol_controller -> mqtt_broker : <font color=#00003C>ucl/by-unid/<PC_UNID>/ProtocolController/NetworkManagement \n<font color=#00003C><b>{\n\t<font color=#00003C><b>"State" : "idle", \n\t<font color=#00003C><b>"SupportedStateList": ["remove node"], \n<font color=#00003C><b>}
& mqtt_broker -> iot_service

4.2. Special Requirements for BLE AoX Protocol Controllers

BLE-based AoX (Angle-of-X) solutions rely on AoX Locators to report the angle of arrival of beacons transmitted from asset tags. AoX Locators typically control radio boards connected to one or more antennas.

An additional Positioning helper application is used to infer the position of the tag based on the several angle information readings from one or more locators.

There are typically no network management operations available for such applications. The list of Asset Tags allowed in the Unify network can be configured using the AoX Locator cluster.

4.2.1. AoX Protocol Controller

The AoX Protocol Controller MUST publish a node state (ucl/by-unid/<unid>/State) for itself.

The Endpoint ID should always be 0 for an AoX locator.

Details on how the data is reported for AoXPCs is provided in Service Discovery.