
Update the parameters embedded into a generated .tflite model file.

Additional Documentation


 Usage: mltk update_params [OPTIONS] <model>                                   
 Update the parameters of a previously trained model                           
 This updates the metadata of a previously trained .tflite model.              
 The parameters are taken from either the given MltkModel's python script      
 or the given "params" .json/.yaml file. Additional int/float/str parameters   
 can also be                                                                   
 given on the command line (see examples below).                               
 NOTE: The .tflite metadata is only modified.                                  
 The weights and model structure of the .tflite file are NOT modified.         
 For more details see:                                                         
 # Update the tflite_micro_speech model parameters with any modifications      
 # made in mltk/models/tflite_micro/tflite_micro_speech.py                     
 # The associated model archive is updated with the updated .tflite            
 mltk update_params tflite_micro_speech                                        
 # Update my_model.tflite with parameters in my_params.json                    
 # Also update the model description                                           
 mltk update_params my_model.tflite --params my_params.json --description "My  
 model is great!"                                                              
 # Update my_model.tflite with additional params on the command-line           
 mltk update_params my_model.tflite my_custom_param="some value"               
 *    model      <model>  One of the following:                              
                          - Name of trained MLTK model                       
                          - Path to trained model's archive (.mltk.zip)      
                          - Path to .tflite model file                       
                          [default: None]                                    

 --params       -p      <params path>  Optional path to .json or .yaml file  
                                       contains parameters to add to given   
                                       [default: None]                       
 --description  -d      <description>  Optional description to add to the    
                                       generated .tflite                     
                                       [default: None]                       
 --verbose      -v                     Enable verbose console logs           
 --output       -o      <path>         One of the following:                 
                                       - Path to generated output .tflite    
                                       - Directory where output .tflite is   
                                       - If omitted, .tflite is generated in 
                                       the MLTK model's log directory and    
                                       the model archive is updated (if      
                                       [default: None]                       
 --accelerator  -a      <accelerator>  Optional accelerator to use when      
                                       calculating the "runtime_memory_size" 
                                       model parameter. If omitted then use  
                                       the CMSIS kernels                     
                                       [default: None]                       
 --device       -d                     If provided, program the updated      
                                       .tflite to end of the flash memory of 
                                       the the connected device.             
                                       Supported apps (e.g. model_profiler,  
                                       audio_classifier, etc) will use this  
                                       .tflite instead of the default model. 
                                       This allows for making changes to the 
                                       model without re-building the         
                                       firmware application.                 
                                       If this option is provided, then the  
                                       device must be locally connected      
 --help                                Show this message and exit.