
Google Flatbuffer schema: dictionary.fbs

class FlatbufferDictionary[source]


This class allows for adding scalar values to a standard Python dictionary, serializing the dictionary into a flatbuffer, and later de-serializing to another Python dictionary.

A flatbuffer dictionary is a collection of key/value pairs where:

  • key - Name of parameter as a string

  • value - Value of parameter as a specific scalar data type

The dictionary is serialized using the Flatbuffer schema dictionary.fbs


The FlatbufferDictionary object inherits the standard Python ‘dict’ class.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]
put(key, value, dtype=None)[source]

Put an entry into the dictionary

This API allows for specifying the value’s datatype. Alternatively, you can use the standard Python dictionary syntax, e.g.:

my_params.set(‘foo’, 42, ‘int32’) OR my_params[‘foo’] = 42

  • key (str) – The dictionary key to insert or overwrite

  • value (Union[str, int, float, bool, List[str], bytes]) – The value of the entry. Must have a type of: str,int,float,bool,List[str], or bytes

  • dtype (str) – Optional. Force the value to have a specific data type. Must be a string and one of: bool,int8,int16,int32,int64,uint8,uint16,uint32,uint64,float,double,str,str_list,bin


Serialize the current dictionary entries into a flatbuffer

Return type:



Serialized dictionary flatbuffer bytes

static deserialize(serialized_data)[source]

Instantiate a FlatbufferDictionary object with the given serialized flatbuffer binary data


serialized_data (bytes) –


Generate a summary of the dictionary

Return type:


TfliteModelParameters Flatbuffer Schema

This is the Google Flatbuffer schema used to serialize model parameters in a .tflite model file.

 * Flatbuffer Dictionary Schema
 * This defines a schema for mapping a
 * Python dictionary to a flatbuffer.
 * The dictionary entries are key/value pairs where:
 * - key - Name of parameter as a string
 * - value - Value of parameter as a specific scalar data type

 * Boolean value
table BoolValue
    value : bool;

 * Signed int8
table Int8Value
    value : int8;

 * Unsigned int8
table Uint8Value
    value : uint8;

 * Signed int16
table Int16Value
    value : int16;

 * Unsigned int16
table Uint16Value
    value : uint16;

 * Signed int32
table Int32Value
    value : int32;

 * Unsigned int32
table Uint32Value
    value : uint32;

 * Signed int64
table Int64Value
    value : int64;

 * Unsigned int64
table Uint64Value
    value : uint64;

 * Float32
table FloatValue
    value : float;

 * Float64
table DoubleValue
    value : double;

 *  Binary array (i.e. binary blob)
table BinaryValue
    data : [uint8];

 * Printable string
table StringValue
    data : string;

 * List of strings
table StringList
    data : [string];

 * List of int32
table Int32List
    data : [int32];

 * List of floats
table FloatList
    data : [float];

* Dictionary value
* A value has a specific data type
union Value
    boolean : BoolValue,
    i8  : Int8Value,
    u8  : Uint8Value,
    i16 : Int16Value,
    u16 : Uint16Value,
    i32 : Int32Value,
    u32 : Uint32Value,
    i64 : Int64Value,
    u64 : Uint64Value,
    f32 : FloatValue,
    f64 : DoubleValue,
    str : StringValue,
    str_list : StringList,
    int32_list : Int32List,
    float_list : FloatList,
    bin : BinaryValue

* Dictionary Entry
* An entry has a string key
* and a value which has a specific scalar data type
table Entry
    key : string;  // The dictionary key
    value : Value; // The scalar data type

* Flatbuffer Dictionary
* This provides a container for key/value pairs.
table Dictionary
    schema_version: uint8; // Schema version of this flatbuffer specification
                           // Allows for future expansion
                           // Currently schema_version=1
    entries : [Entry];     // List of dictionary entries

root_type Dictionary;