Run the Silicon Lab’s Simplicity Commander utility.
Additional Documentation¶
WARNING:tensorflow:From C:\Users\dried\silabs\github_siliconlabs\mltk\.venv\Lib\site-packages\tf_keras\src\ The name tf.losses.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy is deprecated. Please use tf.compat.v1.losses.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy instead.
Extracting: C:/Users/dried/.mltk/downloads/
to: C:/Users/dried/.mltk/tools/commander/v1.15
(This may take awhile, please be patient ...)
Usage: mltk commander [command] [options]
Simplicity Commander
Each command listed below has its own set of options and arguments.
Run 'commander <command> --help' to get specific help and usage descriptions for each command.
-v, --version Displays version information.
-?, -h, --help Displays this help.
command The command to execute
adapter Adapter commands.
aem AEM (Advanced Energy Monitor) commands.
convert Convert or combine one or more input files to one output file.
ctune CTUNE commands.
device Device commands.
ebl Encrypt, decrypt and other handling for EBL files.
extflash External SPI flash commands.
flash Write data to the target flash.
gbl Encrypt, decrypt and other handling for GBL files.
manufacturing Provision manufacturing data to the device.
nvm3 NVM3 commands.
ota OTA commands.
postbuild Post Build parser.
readmem Read memory from a device.
rps Generate RPS files.
rtt RTT commands.
security Secure element commands.
serial Serial commands
swo SWO commands.
tokendump Read and dump tokens from a device or an image file.
tokenheader Generate a C header file from a custom token group.
util Util commands.
verify Verify the current flash contents.
vuart VUART commands.