Classify real-time audio from a development board’s or PC’s microphone.
Additional Documentation¶
Usage: mltk classify_audio [OPTIONS] <model>
Classify keywords/events detected in a microphone's streaming audio
NOTE: This command is experimental. Use at your own risk!
This command runs an audio classification application on either the local PC
on an embedded target. The audio classification application loads the given
audio classification ML model (e.g. Keyword Spotting) and streams real-time
from the local PC's/embedded target's microphone into the ML model.
System Dataflow:
Microphone -> AudioFeatureGenerator -> ML Model -> Command Recognizer ->
Local Terminal
Refer to the mltk.models.tflite_micro.tflite_micro_speech model for a
reference on how to train
an ML model that works the audio classification application.
For more details see:
# Classify audio on local PC using tflite_micro_speech model
# Simulate the audio loop latency to be 200ms
# i.e. If the app was running on an embedded target, it would take 200ms per
audio loop
# Also enable verbose logs
mltk classify_audio tflite_micro_speech --latency 200 --verbose
# Classify audio on an embedded target using model:
# and the following classifier settings:
# - Set the averaging window to 1200ms (i.e. drop samples older than <now>
minus window)
# - Set the minimum sample count to 3 (i.e. must have at last 3 samples
before classifying)
# - Set the threshold to 175 (i.e. the average of the inference results
within the averaging window must be at least 175 of 255)
# - Set the suppression to 750ms (i.e. Once a keyword is detected, wait 750ms
before detecting more keywords)
# i.e. If the app was running on an embedded target, it would take 200ms per
audio loop
mltk classify_audio /home/john/my_model.tflite --device --window 1200ms
--count 3 --threshold 175 --suppression 750
# Classify audio and also dump the captured raw audio and spectrograms
mltk classify_audio tflite_micro_speech --dump-audio --dump-spectrograms
* model <model> On of the following:
- MLTK model name
- Path to .tflite file
- Path to model archive file (
NOTE: The model must have been previously trained
for keyword spotting
[default: None]
--accelerator -a <name> Name of accelerator to
use while executing the
audio classification ML
If omitted, then use the
reference kernels
NOTE: It is recommended
to NOT use an
accelerator if running
on the PC since the HW
simulator can be slow.
[default: None]
--device -d If provided, then run
the keyword spotting
model on an embedded
device, otherwise use
the PC's local
If this option is
provided, then the
device must be locally
--port <port> Serial COM port of a
locally connected
embedded device.
This is only used with
the --device option.
'If omitted, then
attempt to automatically
determine the serial COM
[default: None]
--verbose -v Enable verbose console
--window_duration -w <duration ms> Controls the smoothing.
Drop all inference
results that are older
than <now> minus
Longer durations (in
milliseconds) will give
a higher confidence that
the results are correct,
but may miss some
[default: None]
--count -c <count> The *minimum* number of
inference results to
average when calculating
the detection value. Set
to 0 to disable
[default: None]
--threshold -t <threshold> Minimum averaged model
output threshold for a
class to be considered
detected, 0-255. Higher
values increase
precision at the cost of
[default: None]
--suppression -s <suppression ms> Amount of milliseconds
to wait after a keyword
is detected before
detecting new keywords
[default: None]
--latency -l <latency ms> This the amount of time
in milliseconds between
processing loops
[default: None]
--microphone -m <name> For non-embedded, this
specifies the name of
the PC microphone to use
[default: None]
--volume -u <volume gain> Set the volume gain
scaler (i.e. amplitude)
to apply to the
microphone data. If 0 or
omitted, no scaler is
[default: None]
--dump-audio -x Dump the raw microphone
and generate a
corresponding .wav file
--dump-raw-spectrograms -w Dump the raw (i.e.
unquantized) generated
spectrograms to .jpg
images and .mp4 video
--dump-spectrograms -z Dump the quantized
generated spectrograms
to .jpg images and .mp4
--sensitivity -i FLOAT Sensitivity of the
activity indicator LED.
Much less than 1.0 has
higher sensitivity
[default: None]
--app <path> By default, the
audio_classifier app is
This option allows for
overriding with a custom
built app.
Alternatively, if using
the --device option, set
this option to "none" to
NOT program the
audio_classifier app to
the device.
In this case, ONLY the
.tflite will be
programmed and the
audio_classifier app
will be re-used.
[default: None]
--test Run as a unit test
--help Show this message and