Source code for mltk.utils.string_formatting

"""String formatting utilities

See the source code on Github: `mltk/utils/ <>`_

from typing import Union
from collections import OrderedDict
import datetime

[docs]class FormattedInt(int):
[docs] def __str__(self): return format_units(int(self))
[docs]class FormattedFloat(float):
[docs] def __str__(self): return format_units(float(self))
[docs]def format_units( value: Union[int,float], precision:int=3, add_space:bool=True, ljust:int=0, rjust:int=0, memory_units:bool=False ) -> str: """Convert the given numeric value to a string with units Example: 0.0314 -> 31.4m """ if value is None: return None elif value == 0: return '0' if '_BASE_10_UNITS_TABLE' not in globals(): _BASE_10_UNITS_TABLE = OrderedDict() _BASE_10_UNITS_TABLE['T'] = 1e12 _BASE_10_UNITS_TABLE['G'] = 1e9 _BASE_10_UNITS_TABLE['M'] = 1e6 _BASE_10_UNITS_TABLE['k'] = 1e3 _BASE_10_UNITS_TABLE[''] = 1 _BASE_10_UNITS_TABLE['m'] = 1e-3 _BASE_10_UNITS_TABLE['u'] = 1e-6 _BASE_10_UNITS_TABLE['n'] = 1e-9 _BASE_10_UNITS_TABLE['p'] = 1e-12 globals()['_BASE_10_UNITS_TABLE'] = _BASE_10_UNITS_TABLE if '_BASE_2_UNITS_TABLE' not in globals(): _BASE_2_UNITS_TABLE = OrderedDict() _BASE_2_UNITS_TABLE['T'] = 1024 ** 4 _BASE_2_UNITS_TABLE['G'] = 1024 ** 3 _BASE_2_UNITS_TABLE['M'] = 1024 ** 2 _BASE_2_UNITS_TABLE['k'] = 1024 _BASE_2_UNITS_TABLE[''] = 1 globals()['_BASE_2_UNITS_TABLE'] = _BASE_2_UNITS_TABLE units_table = globals().get('_BASE_2_UNITS_TABLE' if memory_units else '_BASE_10_UNITS_TABLE') neg_sign = '' if value < 0: neg_sign = '-' value = -value unit = '' divisor = 1 for unit, divisor in units_table.items(): if value >= divisor: break space_str = ' ' if add_space else '' if divisor == 1: fmt = '{:.%df}' % precision retval = fmt.format(value) elif precision > 0: fmt = '{:.%df}' % precision retval = fmt.format(value / divisor) + space_str + unit else: retval = f'{int(value / divisor)}{space_str}{unit}' retval = neg_sign + retval if ljust > 0: retval = retval.ljust(ljust) if rjust > 0: rjust = retval.rjust(rjust) return retval
[docs]def convert_units(v:str) -> int: """Convert human-readable string representing memory size to integer corresponding to memory size in bytes e.g.: '32kb' -> 32768 '2*128M' -> 268435456 """ multiplier_map = dict( kilobyte = 1024, megabyte = 1024 ** 2, gigabyte = 1024 ** 3, terabyte = 1024 ** 4, petabyte = 1024 ** 5, exabyte = 1024 ** 6, zetabyte = 1024 ** 7, yottabyte = 1024 ** 8, kb = 1024, k = 1024, mb = 1024**2, m = 1024**2, gb = 1024**3, g = 1024**3, tb = 1024**4, t = 1024**4, pb = 1024**5, p = 1024**5, eb = 1024**6, e = 1024**6, zb = 1024**7, z = 1024**7, yb = 1024**8, y = 1024**8, byte = 1, b = 1 ) if v is None: return None if isinstance(v, (int,float)): return int(v) if not isinstance(v, str): raise ValueError('Invalid argument') x = v.lower().strip().strip('s') for suffix, multiplier in multiplier_map.items(): if x.endswith(suffix): x = x[:-len(suffix)].strip() x = eval(x) # pylint: disable=eval-used x = int(float(x) * multiplier) return x if x.startswith('0x'): x = x[2:] base = 16 else: base = 10 return int(x, base)
[docs]def pretty_time_str() -> str: """Return the current time as Y-m-d H-M-S """ now = return now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
[docs]def iso_time_str() -> str: """Return the current time as ISO 8601 format e.g.: 2019-01-19T23:20:25.459Z """ now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() return now.isoformat()[:-3]+'Z'
[docs]def iso_time_filename_str() -> str: """Return the current time as ISO 8601 format that is suitable for a filename e.g.: 2019-01-19T23-20-25-459 """ now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() return now.isoformat()[:-3].replace(':', '-')