Source code for mltk.utils.cmake

"""Utilities for invoking CMake

See the source code on Github: `mltk/utils/ <>`_

from typing import List, Union, Dict
import sys
import os
import logging
import re
from cmake import CMAKE_BIN_DIR
CMAKE_BIN_DIR = CMAKE_BIN_DIR.replace('\\', '/')

from mltk import MLTK_ROOT_DIR
from .shell_cmd import run_shell_cmd
from .path import clean_directory, create_tempdir
from .system import get_current_os
from .logger import DummyLogger, make_filelike
from .python import as_list

    'windows'  : 'gcc/windows/win64_toolchain.cmake',
    'linux'    : 'gcc/linux/linux_toolchain.cmake',
    'osx'      : 'gcc/osx/osx_toolchain.cmake',
    'brd2204'  : 'gcc/arm/arm_toolchain.cmake',
    'brd4186'  : 'gcc/arm/arm_toolchain.cmake',
    'brd2601'  : 'gcc/arm/arm_toolchain.cmake',
    'brd4166'  : 'gcc/arm/arm_toolchain.cmake',
    'brd4401'  : 'gcc/arm/arm_toolchain.cmake',
    'brd2705'  : 'gcc/arm/arm_toolchain.cmake',

[docs]def build_mltk_target( target:str=None, mltk_target:str=None, additional_variables:Union[List[str],Dict[str,str]]=None, debug:bool=False, clean:bool=False, source_dir:str=None, build_dir:str=None, build_subdir:str=None, platform:str=None, logger:logging.Logger=None, verbose:bool=False, jobs:int=None, accelerator:str=None, use_user_options:bool=False, config_only:bool=False, build_only:bool=False ) -> str: """Build an MLTK CMake target Args: target: Name of CMake target to build mltk_target: Name of MLTK_TARGET, if omitted use target additional_variables: List or dictionary of additional CMake variables to add to the build command debug: If true then build with debugging (i.e. full symbols and no optimization) clean: Clean the build directory before building source_dir: Path to source directory, if omitted use mltk root directory build_dir: Path to build directory, if omitted use <temp dir>/mltk/build build_subdir: Name of sub build directory, if omitted use target name platform: Build platform, if omitted use current OS logger: Optional python logger verbose: Enable verbose logging while building accelerator: Name of accelerator to use for TFLITE_MICRO_ACCELERATOR CMake variable jobs: Number of parallel build jobs use_user_options: Use the user_options.cmake in the source directory. Default is to IGNORE user_options.cmake config_only: Only configure the CMake project, do not build it build_only: Only build the target, do not configure it first. In this case, the project must have been previosly configured Returns: The path to the build directory """ logger = logger or DummyLogger() make_filelike(logger) mltk_target = mltk_target or target additional_variables = parse_variables(additional_variables) if source_dir is None: source_dir = MLTK_ROOT_DIR source_dir = source_dir.replace('\\', '/') if debug: build_type = 'Debug' else: build_type = 'Release' platform = platform or get_current_os() build_dir = get_build_directory( platform=platform, target=target, debug=debug, build_dir=build_dir, build_subdir=build_subdir ) if clean: clean_directory(build_dir) if platform not in PLATFORM_TOOLCHAIN_MAPPING: support_platforms = list(PLATFORM_TOOLCHAIN_MAPPING.keys()) raise ValueError(f'Unsupported platform {platform}, supported platforms are: {support_platforms}') toolchain_file = PLATFORM_TOOLCHAIN_MAPPING[platform] python_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(sys.executable)).replace('\\', '/') cmake_vars = parse_variables([ #'CMAKE_OBJECT_PATH_MAX:STRING=1024', f'CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE:FILEPATH={MLTK_ROOT_DIR}/cpp/tools/toolchains/{toolchain_file}', f'CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING={build_type}', f'MLTK_PYTHON_VENV_DIR:FILEPATH={python_dir}', f'MLTK_PLATFORM_NAME:STRING={platform}', f'MLTK_TARGET:STRING={mltk_target}' ]) if not use_user_options: cmake_vars['MLTK_NO_USER_OPTIONS'] = 'ON' if verbose: cmake_vars['MLTK_CMAKE_LOG_LEVEL:STRING'] = 'debug' if accelerator: cmake_vars['TFLITE_MICRO_ACCELERATOR:STRING'] = accelerator.lower() for key, value in additional_variables.items(): value = str(value) # These args do not go through the shell parser # so they do not need to be wrapped with double-quotes if value.startswith('"') and value.endswith('"'): value = value[1:-1] cmake_vars[key] = value cmake_vars_args = [] for key, value in cmake_vars.items(): cmake_vars_args.append(f'-D{key}={value}') if not build_only: cmd = [ f'{CMAKE_BIN_DIR}/cmake', '--no-warn-unused-cli', '-Wno-dev', *cmake_vars_args, f'-S{source_dir}', f'-B{build_dir}', '-G Ninja' ] cmd_str = " ".join(cmd)'Configuring CMake project:\n{cmd_str}') retcode, _ = run_shell_cmd( cmd=cmd, outfile=logger, ) if retcode != 0: raise RuntimeError(f'Failed to configure CMake project using command:\n{cmd_str}') cmd =[ f'{CMAKE_BIN_DIR}/cmake', '--build', build_dir, '--config', build_type, '--target', target ] if verbose or jobs: cmd.append('--') if verbose: cmd.extend(['-d', 'keeprsp']) cmd.append('-v') if jobs: cmd.extend(['-j', str(jobs)]) if not config_only: cmd_str = " ".join(cmd)'Building CMake project:\n{cmd_str}') retcode, _ = run_shell_cmd( cmd=cmd, outfile=logger ) if retcode != 0: raise RuntimeError(f'Failed to build CMake project using command:\n{cmd_str}') return build_dir
[docs]def invoke_mltk_target( target:str, build_target:str=None, debug:bool=False, build_dir:str=None, build_subdir:str=None, platform:str=None, logger:logging.Logger=None, verbose:bool=False, ) -> str: """Invoke an MLTK CMake target""" logger = logger or DummyLogger() make_filelike(logger) platform = platform or get_current_os() build_dir = get_build_directory( platform=platform, target=build_target, debug=debug, build_dir=build_dir, build_subdir=build_subdir ) cmd = [f'{CMAKE_BIN_DIR}/cmake'] cmd.extend(['--build', build_dir]) cmd.extend(['--target', target]) if verbose or (logger is not None and hasattr(logger, 'verbose') and logger.verbose): cmd.append('-v')'Invoking {" ".join(cmd)}') retcode, retval = run_shell_cmd( cmd=cmd, outfile=logger, ) if retcode != 0: raise RuntimeError('Failed to invoke CMake target') return retval
[docs]def get_build_directory( platform:str=None, target:str=None, debug:bool=False, build_dir:str=None, build_subdir:str=None, ) -> str: if build_dir is None: build_dir = create_tempdir('build') build_dir = build_dir.replace('\\', '/') if build_subdir is False: return build_dir platform = platform or get_current_os() platform = platform.lower() if debug: build_type = 'Debug' else: build_type = 'Release' build_subdir = build_subdir or target build_dir += f'/{build_subdir}/{platform}/{build_type}' return build_dir
[docs]def parse_variables( cmake_variables:Union[List[str],Dict[str,str]] ) -> Dict[str,str]: """Convert a list or dictionary of CMake variables into a dictionary""" if not cmake_variables: return {} if isinstance(cmake_variables, (list,str)): var_re = re.compile(r'(.+)\s*=\s*(.*)') cmake_variables = as_list(cmake_variables) retval = {} for v in cmake_variables: if not v: continue match = var_re.match(v) if not match: raise ValueError(f'Invalid CMake variable: {v}, must be of form: <name>=<value>') key = value = if key.startswith('-D'): key = key[2:] retval[key] = value return retval else: return cmake_variables