Source code for

"""BRD2601 Background Noise

This is an audio clip of "silence" recorded by the microphone on the `BRD2601 <>`_
development board. This may be mixed with dataset audio samples to help simulate
what would be captured by the development's microphone.


import logging
from mltk.core.preprocess.utils import audio as audio_utils

from .. import utils

"""The public download URL"""
VERIFY_SHA1 = '3069A85002965A7830C660343C215EDD4FAE39C6'
"""The SHA1 hash of the downloaded archive"""

[docs]def download( dest_dir:str, sample_rate_hertz:int=16000, logger:logging.Logger=None, clean_dest_dir=False ) -> str: """Download and return the path to the audio sample""" sample_dir = utils.download_and_extract( dest_dir=dest_dir, urls=(DOWNLOAD_URL, VERIFY_SHA1), clean_dest_dir=clean_dest_dir, logger=logger )[0] sample_path = f'{sample_dir}/brd2601_background_audio.wav' if sample_rate_hertz != 16000: sample, original_sample_rate = audio_utils.read_audio_file( sample_path, return_sample_rate=True, return_numpy=True ) sample = audio_utils.resample( sample, orig_sr=original_sample_rate, target_sr=sample_rate_hertz ) audio_utils.write_audio_file( sample_path, sample, sample_rate=sample_rate_hertz ) return sample_path