Source code for mltk.core.train_model

from typing import Union
import logging
import os
import json
import pprint

from tensorflow import keras
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.utils.class_weight import compute_class_weight

from mltk.utils.python import contains_class_type, prepend_exception_msg
from mltk.utils.path import clean_directory
from mltk.utils import gpu

from .model import (
from .utils import get_mltk_logger
from .summarize_model import summarize_model
from .quantize_model import quantize_model
from .training_results import TrainingResults

[docs]def train_model( model: Union[MltkModel, str], weights: str = None, epochs: int = None, resume_epoch: int=0, verbose: bool=None, clean:bool=False, quantize:bool=True, create_archive:bool=True, show:bool=False, test:bool=False, post_process:bool=False ) -> TrainingResults: """Train a model using Keras and Tensorflow .. seealso:: * `Model Training Guide <>`_ * `Model Training API Examples <>`_ * ` <>`_ Args: model: :py:class:`mltk.core.MltkModel` instance, name of MLTK model, path to model specification script(.py) __Note:__ If the model is in "test mode" then the model will train for 1 epoch weights: Optional file path of model weights to load before training epochs: Optional, number of epochs to train model. This overrides the mltk_model.epochs attribute resume_epoch: Optional, resuming training at the given epoch verbose: Optional, Verbosely print to logger while training clean: Optional, Clean the log directory before training quantize: Optional, quantize the model after training successfully completes create_archive: Optional, create an archive ( of the training results and generated model files show: Optional, show the training results diagram test: Optional, load the model in "test mode" if true. post_process: This allows for post-processing the training results (e.g. uploading to a cloud) if supported by the given MltkModel Returns: The model TrainingResults """ if isinstance(model, MltkModel): mltk_model = model if test: mltk_model.enable_test_mode() elif isinstance(model, str): if model.endswith(('.tflite', '.h5', '.zip')): raise ValueError( 'Must provide name of MLTK model ' 'or path model specification script(.py)' ) mltk_model = load_mltk_model(model, test=test) else: raise ValueError( 'Must provide MltkModel instance, name of MLTK model, or path to ' 'model specification script(.py)' ) if not isinstance(mltk_model, TrainMixin): raise ValueError('model argument must be an MltkModel instance that inherits TrainMixin') if not isinstance(mltk_model, DatasetMixin): raise ValueError('model argument must be an MltkModel instance that inherits DatasetMixin') logger = get_mltk_logger() mltk_model.trigger_event(MltkModelEvent.TRAIN_STARTUP, post_process=post_process, logger=logger) # Ensure the MltkModel archive is writable before we start training if create_archive: mltk_model.check_archive_file_is_writable(throw_exception=True) # Clean the log directory if necessary if clean is not None: _clear_log_directory(mltk_model, logger=logger, recursive=clean) # Create the training logger logger = mltk_model.create_logger('train', parent=logger) gpu.initialize(logger=logger) try: mltk_model.load_dataset(subset='training', logger=logger, test=mltk_model.test_mode_enabled) except Exception as e: prepend_exception_msg(e, 'Failed to load model training dataset') raise mltk_model.trigger_event(MltkModelEvent.BEFORE_BUILD_TRAIN_MODEL, logger=logger) # Build the MLTK model's corresponding Keras model try: keras_model = mltk_model.build_model_function(mltk_model) except Exception as e: prepend_exception_msg(e, 'Failed to build Keras model') raise mltk_model.trigger_event( MltkModelEvent.AFTER_BUILD_TRAIN_MODEL, keras_model=keras_model, logger=logger ) # Load the weights into the model if necessary try: if weights: weights_path = mltk_model.get_weights_path(weights)'Loading weights file: {weights_path}') keras_model.load_weights(weights_path) except Exception as e: prepend_exception_msg(e, 'Failed to load weights into Keras model') raise # Generate a summary of the model try: summary = summarize_model( mltk_model, built_model=keras_model ) with open(f'{mltk_model.log_dir}/{}.h5.summary.txt', 'w') as f: f.write(summary) except Exception as e: logger.debug(f'Failed to generate model summary, err: {e}', exc_info=e) epochs = epochs or mltk_model.epochs callbacks = _get_keras_callbacks(mltk_model, epochs=epochs, logger=logger) epochs = _get_epochs(mltk_model, epochs=epochs, callbacks=callbacks, logger=logger) initial_epoch = _try_resume_training(mltk_model, keras_model=keras_model, epochs=epochs, resume_epoch=resume_epoch, logger=logger) try: class_weights = compute_class_weights(mltk_model, logger=logger) except Exception as e: class_weights = None logger.warning("Failed to compute class weights\nSet my_model.class_weights = 'none' to disable", exc_info=e) fit_kwargs = dict( x=mltk_model.x, y=mltk_model.y, batch_size=mltk_model.batch_size, steps_per_epoch=mltk_model.steps_per_epoch, validation_split=mltk_model.validation_split, validation_data=mltk_model.validation_data, validation_steps=mltk_model.validation_steps, validation_batch_size=mltk_model.validation_batch_size, validation_freq=mltk_model.validation_freq, shuffle=mltk_model.shuffle, class_weight=class_weights, sample_weight=mltk_model.sample_weight, epochs=epochs, initial_epoch=initial_epoch, callbacks=callbacks, verbose=0 if verbose is False else 1, ) fit_kwargs.update(mltk_model.train_kwargs) mltk_model.trigger_event(MltkModelEvent.BEFORE_TRAIN, fit_kwargs=fit_kwargs, logger=logger) logger.debug(f'Train kwargs:\n{pprint.pformat(fit_kwargs)}')'Starting model training ...') training_history = **fit_kwargs ) mltk_model.trigger_event(MltkModelEvent.AFTER_TRAIN, training_history=training_history, logger=logger) try: mltk_model.unload_dataset() except Exception as e: logger.debug(f'Failed to unload dataset, err: {e}', exc_info=e) keras_model = _save_keras_model_file(mltk_model, keras_model, logger=logger) results = _save_training_results( mltk_model, keras_model, training_history, logger=logger, show=show, ) if create_archive: _create_model_archive(mltk_model, logger) # Quantize the trained model if quantize and mltk_model.tflite_converter: try: quantize_model( mltk_model, keras_model=results.keras_model, update_archive=create_archive ) except Exception as e: prepend_exception_msg(e, 'Failed to quantize model') raise if mltk_model.on_training_complete is not None: try: mltk_model.on_training_complete(results) except Exception as e: logger.warning(f'Exception during on_training_complete() callback, err: {e}', exc_info=e)'Training complete')'Training logs here: {mltk_model.log_dir}') if create_archive:'Trained model files here: {mltk_model.archive_path}') logger.close() if show: mltk_model.trigger_event(MltkModelEvent.TRAIN_SHUTDOWN, results=results, logger=logger) return results
def _get_epochs( mltk_model: MltkModel, epochs:int, callbacks:list, logger: logging.Logger ) -> int: """Update the training epochs as necessary""" if mltk_model.test_mode_enabled:'Forcing epochs=3 since test=true') return 3 if epochs == -1: if not contains_class_type(callbacks, keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping): raise Exception('If mltk_model.epochs = -1 then mltk_model.early_stopping must be specified') logger.warning('***') logger.warning('*** NOTE: Setting training epochs to large value since the EarlyStopping callback is being used') logger.warning('***') epochs = 99999 return epochs def _get_keras_callbacks( mltk_model: MltkModel, epochs: int, logger: logging.Logger ) -> list: """Populate the Keras training callbacks""" keras_callbacks = [] keras_callbacks.extend(mltk_model.train_callbacks) if mltk_model.tensorboard and not contains_class_type(keras_callbacks, keras.callbacks.TensorBoard): tb_log_dir = mltk_model.create_log_dir('train/tensorboard') kwargs = dict(log_dir=tb_log_dir) kwargs.update(mltk_model.tensorboard) logger.debug('Using default TensorBoard callback with following parameters:') logger.debug(f'{pprint.pformat(kwargs)}') cb = keras.callbacks.TensorBoard(**kwargs) keras_callbacks.append(cb)'Tensorboard logdir: {tb_log_dir}') if mltk_model.checkpoint and not contains_class_type(keras_callbacks, keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint): weights_dir = mltk_model.weights_dir weights_file_format = mltk_model.weights_file_format kwargs = dict( filepath=f'{weights_dir}/{weights_file_format}', ) kwargs.update(mltk_model.checkpoint) logger.debug('Using default ModelCheckpoint callback with following parameters:') logger.debug(f'{pprint.pformat(kwargs)}') cb = keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint(**kwargs) keras_callbacks.append(cb) if mltk_model.lr_schedule and not contains_class_type(keras_callbacks, keras.callbacks.LearningRateScheduler): kwargs = dict() kwargs.update(mltk_model.lr_schedule) logger.debug('Using default LearningRateScheduler callback with following parameters:') logger.debug(f'{pprint.pformat(kwargs)}') cb = keras.callbacks.LearningRateScheduler(**kwargs) keras_callbacks.append(cb) if mltk_model.early_stopping and not contains_class_type(keras_callbacks, keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping): kwargs = dict() kwargs.update(mltk_model.early_stopping) logger.debug('Using default EarlyStopping callback with following parameters:') logger.debug(f'{pprint.pformat(kwargs)}') cb = keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping(**kwargs) keras_callbacks.append(cb) if mltk_model.reduce_lr_on_plateau and not contains_class_type(keras_callbacks, keras.callbacks.ReduceLROnPlateau): kwargs = dict() kwargs.update(mltk_model.reduce_lr_on_plateau) logger.debug('Using default ReduceLROnPlateau callback with following parameters:') logger.debug(f'{pprint.pformat(kwargs)}') cb = keras.callbacks.ReduceLROnPlateau(**kwargs) keras_callbacks.append(cb) if mltk_model.checkpoints_enabled: logger.debug('Enabling model checkpoints') keras_callbacks.append(keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint( filepath=mltk_model.checkpoints_dir + '/weights-{epoch:03d}.h5', save_weights_only=True, save_best_only=False, save_freq='epoch', )) mltk_model.trigger_event( MltkModelEvent.POPULATE_TRAIN_CALLBACKS, keras_callbacks=keras_callbacks, logger=logger ) callback_str = ', '.join([str(x.__class__.__name__) for x in keras_callbacks]) logger.debug(f'Using Keras callbacks: {callback_str}') return keras_callbacks def _try_resume_training( mltk_model: MltkModel, keras_model: KerasModel, epochs:int, resume_epoch: int, logger: logging.Logger ) -> int: """Attempt to resume training at either the last available epoch or at the specified epoch Return initial_epoch """ if resume_epoch == 0: return 0 # If the --resume <epoch< option was supplied # then resume at the given checkpoint if resume_epoch+1 >= epochs: raise Exception(f'The resume epoch ({resume_epoch}+1) is greater than the max training epochs ({epochs})') checkpoint_path = mltk_model.get_checkpoint_path(resume_epoch) if checkpoint_path is None: if resume_epoch == -1: logger.warning('No training checkpoints found, cannot --resume. Starting from beginning') return 0 raise Exception(f'Checkpoint not found, cannot resume training at epoch {resume_epoch}') fn = os.path.basename(checkpoint_path[:-len('.h5')]) checkpoint_epoch = int(fn.split('-')[1]) try:'Loading checkpoint weights: {checkpoint_path}') keras_model.load_weights(checkpoint_path) except Exception as e: prepend_exception_msg(e, f'Failed to load checkpoint weights: {checkpoint_path}') raise logger.warning(f'Resuming training at epoch {checkpoint_epoch+1} of {epochs}') return checkpoint_epoch def compute_class_weights( mltk_model: MltkModel, logger: logging.Logger ) -> dict: try: class_weights = _compute_class_weights_unsafe(mltk_model, logger=logger) except Exception as e: class_weights = None logger.warning("Failed to compute class weights\nSet my_model.class_weights = 'none' to disable", exc_info=e) return class_weights def _compute_class_weights_unsafe( mltk_model: MltkModel, logger: logging.Logger ) -> dict: """Compute the given data's class weights""" def _create_weights_dict(): class_weights = mltk_model.class_weights if not class_weights: return None # If a dictionary where the keys directly map to the class ids was given # then just return the class_weights as-is if isinstance(class_weights, dict): if isinstance(list(class_weights.keys())[0], int): return class_weights # Otherwise, we need to convert the class weights from: # {"label1": 1.0, "label2": .5, "lable3": .4} # to # {0: 1.0, 1: .5, 2: .4} try: class_ids = [x for x in range(len(mltk_model.classes))] except Exception as e: prepend_exception_msg(e, 'Class weights should be a dict with each key be an integer corresponding to a class' ) raise if isinstance(class_weights, list): return dict(zip(class_ids, class_weights)) if isinstance(class_weights, str): class_weights = class_weights.lower() if class_weights == 'none': return None if class_weights not in ('balance', 'balanced'): raise RuntimeError(f'Invalid my_model.class_weights argument given: {class_weights}') if hasattr(mltk_model, 'class_counts'): class_counts = mltk_model.class_counts if 'training' in class_counts: class_counts = class_counts['training'] n_samples = sum(x for x in class_counts.values()) if n_samples > 0: n_classes = mltk_model.n_classes weights = [] for class_name in mltk_model.classes: weights.append(n_samples / (n_classes * class_counts[class_name])) return dict(zip(class_ids, weights)) y = mltk_model.y if y is not None: weights = compute_class_weight(class_weights, classes=class_ids, y=y) return dict(zip(class_ids, weights)) raise RuntimeError( 'my_model.class_weights=balanced not supported if my_model.y or mltk_model.class_counts not provided. \n' 'Must manually set class weights in my_model.class_weights' ) if isinstance(class_weights, dict): weights = {} for class_id, class_name in enumerate(mltk_model.classes): if class_name not in class_weights: raise Exception(f'Class {class_name} not found in class weights') weights[class_id] = class_weights[class_name] return weights raise RuntimeError('Unsupported my_model.class_weight format') class_weights = _create_weights_dict() if class_weights: try: s = 'Class weights:\n' max_len = max([len(x) for x in mltk_model.classes]) for class_id, class_name in enumerate(mltk_model.classes): s += f'{class_name.rjust(max_len)} = {class_weights[class_id]:.2f}\n'[:-1]) except:'Class weights: {pprint.pformat(class_weights)}') return class_weights def _save_keras_model_file( mltk_model:MltkModel, keras_model:KerasModel, logger: logging.Logger ) -> KerasModel: """Save the Keras .h5 model file""" keras_model_dict = dict(value=keras_model) mltk_model.trigger_event( MltkModelEvent.BEFORE_SAVE_TRAIN_MODEL, keras_model=keras_model, keras_model_dict=keras_model_dict, logger=logger ) keras_model = keras_model_dict['value'] # If a custom model saving callback was given then invoke that now # So that we obtain the correct keras model if mltk_model.on_save_keras_model is not None: try: keras_model = mltk_model.on_save_keras_model( mltk_model=mltk_model, keras_model=keras_model, logger=logger ) if keras_model is None: raise RuntimeError('my_model.on_save_keras_model must return a keras model instance') except Exception as e: prepend_exception_msg(e, 'Error while saving model using my_model.on_save_keras_model') raise # Save the keras model as a .h5 file try: h5_path = mltk_model.h5_log_dir_path'Generating {h5_path}'), save_format='tf') except Exception as e: prepend_exception_msg(e, f'Error while saving model to {h5_path}') raise keras_model_dict = dict(value=keras_model) mltk_model.trigger_event( MltkModelEvent.AFTER_SAVE_TRAIN_MODEL, keras_model=keras_model, keras_model_dict=keras_model_dict, logger=logger ) keras_model = keras_model_dict['value'] return keras_model def _save_training_results( mltk_model:MltkModel, keras_model:KerasModel, training_history, logger: logging.Logger, show:bool = False ) -> TrainingResults: """Save the training history as .json and .png""" output_dir = f'{mltk_model.log_dir}/train' results = TrainingResults(mltk_model, keras_model, training_history) mltk_model.trigger_event( MltkModelEvent.BEFORE_SAVE_TRAIN_RESULTS, keras_model=keras_model, results=results, output_dir=output_dir, logger=logger ) metric, best_val = results.get_best_metric()'\n\n*** Best training {metric} = {best_val:.3f}\n\n') try: history_json_path = f'{mltk_model.log_dir}/train/training-history.json' logger.debug(f'Generating {history_json_path}') with open(history_json_path, 'w') as f: json.dump(results.asdict(), f, indent=2) except Exception as e: logger.warning(f'Error while saving training results to {history_json_path}, err: {e}') # See supported_metrics = {} supported_metrics['accuracy'] = 'Accuracy' supported_metrics['loss'] = 'Loss' supported_metrics['mse'] = 'Mean Square Error' supported_metrics['mae'] = 'Mean Absolute Error' supported_metrics['mape'] = 'Mean Absolute Percentage Error' supported_metrics['msle '] = 'Mean Square Logarithmic Error' supported_metrics['bce '] = 'Binary Cross-entropy' supported_metrics['cce'] = 'Categorical Cross-entropy' found_metrics = [] history = results.history for metric, value in history.items(): if not metric in supported_metrics: continue if not f'val_{metric}' in history: continue found_metrics.append(dict( name=metric, train=value, validation=history[f'val_{metric}'], )) fig, _ = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 6), clear=True) fig.suptitle(f'{} Training History') # Plot training and validation metrics for i, metric in enumerate(found_metrics): plt.subplot(len(found_metrics), 1, i + 1) plt.plot(metric['train']) plt.plot(metric['validation']) plt.title(f'{supported_metrics[metric["name"]]}') plt.ylabel(supported_metrics[metric['name']]) plt.xlabel('Epoch') plt.legend(['Train', 'Test'], loc='upper left') plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=.5) training_results_path = f'{mltk_model.log_dir}/train/training-history.png' logger.debug(f'Generating {training_results_path}') plt.savefig(training_results_path) if show: else: fig.clear() plt.close(fig) mltk_model.trigger_event( MltkModelEvent.AFTER_SAVE_TRAIN_RESULTS, keras_model=keras_model, results=results, output_dir=output_dir, logger=logger ) return results def _create_model_archive( mltk_model: MltkModel, logger: logging.Logger ):'Creating {mltk_model.archive_path}') mltk_model.trigger_event( MltkModelEvent.BEFORE_SAVE_TRAIN_ARCHIVE, archive_path=mltk_model.archive_path, logger=logger ) try: mltk_model.add_archive_dir('.', create_new=True) mltk_model.add_archive_file('__mltk_model_spec__') mltk_model.add_archive_dir('train') mltk_model.add_archive_dir('dataset', recursive=True) except Exception as e: logger.warning(f'Failed to generate model archive, err: {e}', exc_info=e) mltk_model.trigger_event( MltkModelEvent.AFTER_SAVE_TRAIN_ARCHIVE, archive_path=mltk_model.archive_path, logger=logger ) def _clear_log_directory( mltk_model: MltkModel, logger: logging.Logger, recursive=False ): """Clear any previous training logs""" training_log_dir = f'{mltk_model.log_dir}/train' if recursive:'Cleaning all files in {mltk_model.log_dir}') clean_directory(mltk_model.log_dir) elif os.path.exists(training_log_dir): for fn in os.listdir(training_log_dir): path = f'{training_log_dir}/{fn}' if os.path.isfile(path): logger.debug(f'Removing {path}') try: os.remove(path) except Exception as e: logger.debug(f'Failed to remove {path}, err: {e}') if os.path.exists(mltk_model.log_dir): for fn in os.listdir(mltk_model.log_dir): path = f'{mltk_model.log_dir}/{fn}' if os.path.isfile(path): logger.debug(f'Removing {path}') try: os.remove(path) except Exception as e: logger.debug(f'Failed to remove {path}, err: {e}') if os.path.exists(mltk_model.archive_path): logger.debug(f'Removing {mltk_model.archive_path}') try: os.remove(mltk_model.archive_path) except Exception as e: logger.debug(f'Failed to remove {path}, err: {e}')