Source code for mltk.core.profiling_results

from typing import List, Union, Tuple
import os
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
import json
import functools
import io
import csv

from prettytable import PrettyTable
from mltk.utils.string_formatting import format_units as format_units_func
from .tflite_model import (TfliteLayer, TfliteModel, TfliteOpCode)
from .tflite_micro import TfliteMicroModelDetails

[docs]class ProfilingLayerResult(defaultdict): """Profiling results for an individual layer of a model""" BASIC_KEYS = ['tflite_layer', 'ops', 'macs', 'cpu_cycles', 'accelerator_cycles', 'time', 'energy', 'error_msg']
[docs] def __init__( self, tflite_layer:TfliteLayer, ops:int = 0, macs:int = 0, cpu_cycles:int = 0, accelerator_cycles:int = 0, time:float = 0.0, energy:float = 0.0, error_msg:str=None, **kwargs ): defaultdict.__init__(self, lambda: 0, **kwargs) self['tflite_layer'] = tflite_layer self['ops'] = ops self['macs'] = macs self['cpu_cycles'] = cpu_cycles self['accelerator_cycles'] = accelerator_cycles self['time'] = time self['energy'] = energy self['error_msg'] = error_msg
@property def is_accelerated(self) -> bool: """Return true if this layer was executed on the accelerator""" return self.accelerator_cycles > 0 @property def is_unsupported(self) -> bool: """Return true if this layer should have been accelerated but exceeds the limits of the accelerator""" return self.error_msg is not None @property def error_msg(self) -> str: """Error message generated by accelerator if layer was not supported""" return self['error_msg'] @property def tflite_layer(self) -> TfliteLayer: """Associated TF-Lite layer""" return self['tflite_layer'] @property def index(self) -> int: """Index of this layer in the model""" return self.tflite_layer.index @property def name(self) -> str: """Name of current layer as: Op<index>-<OpCodeStr>""" return @property def opcode_str(self) -> str: """OpCode as a string""" return self.tflite_layer.opcode_str @property def opcode(self) -> TfliteOpCode: """OpCode""" return self.tflite_layer.opcode @property def macs(self) -> int: """Number of Multiple-Accumulate operations required by this layer""" return self['macs'] @property def ops(self) -> int: """Number of operations required by this layer""" return self['ops'] @property def accelerator_cycles(self) -> int: """Number of accelerator clock cycles required by this layer""" return self['accelerator_cycles'] @property def cpu_cycles(self) -> int: """Number of CPU clock cycles required by this layer""" return self['cpu_cycles'] @property def time(self) -> float: """Time in seconds required by this layer""" return self['time'] @property def energy(self) -> float: """Energy in Joules required by this layer The energy is relative to the 'baseline' energy (i.e. energy used while the device was idling) """ return self['energy'] @property def options_str(self) -> str: """Layer configuration options as a string""" return f'{self.tflite_layer.options}' @property def input_shape_str(self) -> str: """Layer input shape(s) as a string""" return ','.join([f'{x.shape}' for x in self.tflite_layer.inputs if x is not None]) @property def input_dtype_str(self) -> str: """Layer input data type(s) as a string""" return ','.join([x.dtype_str for x in self.tflite_layer.inputs if x is not None]) @property def output_shape_str(self) -> str: """Layer output shape(s) as a string""" return ','.join([f'{x.shape}' for x in self.tflite_layer.outputs if x is not None]) @property def output_dtype_str(self) -> str: """Layer output data type(s) as a string""" return ','.join([f'{x.dtype_str}' for x in self.tflite_layer.outputs if x is not None])
[docs] def get_summary( self, include_labels=False, format_units=False, excluded_columns:List[str]=None, full_summary=False ) -> dict: """Return a summary of the layer profiling results as a dictionary""" excluded_columns = excluded_columns or [] unit_formatter = functools.partial(format_units_func, add_space=False, precision=1) if format_units else lambda x: x summary = OrderedDict() summary['index'] = ('Index', self.index) summary['opcode'] = ('OpCode', self.opcode_str) summary['ops'] = ('# Ops', unit_formatter(self.ops)) summary['macs'] = ('# MACs', unit_formatter(self.macs)) summary['accelerator_cycles'] = ('Acc Cycles', unit_formatter(self.accelerator_cycles)) if full_summary: for key, value in self.items(): if key not in self.BASIC_KEYS: label = key.replace('_', ' ').title() summary[key] = (label, value) summary['cpu_cycles'] = ('CPU Cycles', unit_formatter(self.cpu_cycles)) summary['energy'] = ('Energy (J)', unit_formatter( summary['time'] = ('Time (s)', unit_formatter(self.time)) summary['input_shape'] = ('Input Shape', self.input_shape_str) summary['output_shape'] = ('Output Shape', self.output_shape_str) summary['options'] = ('Options', self.options_str) summary['supported'] = ('Supported?', not self.is_unsupported) summary['error_msg'] = ('Error Msg', self.error_msg if self.error_msg or not format_units else '') for col in excluded_columns: del summary[col] if not include_labels: for key, value in summary.items(): summary[key] = value[1] return summary
[docs]class ProfilingModelResults: """Results from profiling model for specific accelerator"""
[docs] def __init__( self, model:TfliteModel, accelerator:str=None, platform:str=None, cpu_clock_rate:int = 0, runtime_memory_bytes:int = 0, layers: List[ProfilingLayerResult] = None, is_simulated = True, model_details=None ): self._model:TfliteModel = model self._model_name:str = None self._accelerator:str = accelerator self._platform:str = platform self._cpu_clock_rate:int = cpu_clock_rate self._runtime_memory_bytes:int = runtime_memory_bytes self._layers: List[ProfilingLayerResult] = layers or [] self._is_simulated = is_simulated self._model_details:TfliteMicroModelDetails = model_details
@property def name(self) -> str: """Name of the profiled model""" return self._model_name @property def tflite_model(self) -> TfliteModel: """Associated TfliteModel""" return self._model @property def tflite_micro_model_details(self) -> TfliteMicroModelDetails: """TF-Lite Micro model-specific details""" return self._model_details @property def accelerator(self) -> str: """Name of accelerator used for profiling""" return self._accelerator @property def platform(self) -> str: """Platform model was profiled on""" return self._platform @property def is_simulated(self) -> bool: """True if the simulator was used to generate the results, else False if an embedded device was used""" return self._is_simulated @property def cpu_clock_rate(self) -> int: """Clock rate in hertz""" return self._cpu_clock_rate @property def runtime_memory_bytes(self) -> int: """Total SRAM in bytes required by ML library NOTE: This only include the ML run-time memory, it does NOT include the memory required by the user application or external pre-processing libraries (e.g. DSP) """ return self._runtime_memory_bytes @property def flatbuffer_size(self) -> int: """Total size in bytes required by ML model This is the size the .tflite flatbuffer file """ return self._model.flatbuffer_size @property def layers(self) -> List[ProfilingLayerResult]: """Profiling details of each model layer""" return self._layers @property def n_layers(self) -> int: """Number of layers in model""" return len(self._layers) @property def input_shape_str(self) -> str: """Model input shape(s) as a string""" return ','.join([f'{x.shape}' for x in self._model.inputs if x is not None]) @property def input_dtype_str(self) -> str: """Model input data type(s) as a string""" return ','.join([x.dtype_str for x in self._model.inputs if x is not None]) @property def output_shape_str(self) -> str: """Model output shape(s) as a string""" return ','.join([f'{x.shape}' for x in self._model.outputs if x is not None]) @property def output_dtype_str(self) -> str: """Model output data type(s) as a string""" return ','.join([f'{x.dtype_str}' for x in self._model.outputs if x is not None]) @property def ops(self) -> int: """The total number of ops to execute one model inference""" return sum([x.ops for x in self.layers]) @property def macs(self) -> int: """The total number of multiply-accumulate operations to execute one model inference""" return sum([x.macs for x in self.layers]) @property def accelerator_cycles(self) -> int: """The total number of accelerator cycles to execute one model inference""" return sum([x.accelerator_cycles for x in self.layers]) @property def cpu_cycles(self) -> int: """The total number of CPU cycles to execute one model inference""" return sum([x.cpu_cycles for x in self.layers]) @property def time(self) -> float: """The total time in seconds required to execute one model inference""" return sum([x.time for x in self.layers]) @property def energy(self) -> float: """The total energy required to execute one model inference""" return sum([ for x in self.layers]) @property def cpu_utilization(self) -> float: """Ratio of the CPU used to execute the model cpu_utilization = CPU cycles / Total clock cycles Smaller cpu_utilization -> More cycles for CPU to do other non-ML tasks """ total_time = self.time used_cpu_cycles = self.cpu_cycles clock_rate = self._cpu_clock_rate all_cycles = clock_rate*total_time return 0.0 if all_cycles == 0 else min(used_cpu_cycles / all_cycles, 1.0) @property def n_unsupported_layers(self) -> int: """The number of layers not supported by the accelerator""" return len(self.unsupported_layers) @property def unsupported_layers(self) -> List[ProfilingLayerResult]: """Return layers not supported by accelerator""" return [x for x in self.layers if x.is_unsupported]
[docs] def stat_total(self, name:str) -> Union[float,int]: """Return the total sum of the all the layers for the given stat""" return sum([x[name] for x in self.layers])
[docs] def get_summary( self, include_labels=False, format_units=False, exclude_null=True, full_summary=False ) -> dict: """Return a summary of the profiling results as a dictionary""" unit_formatter = functools.partial(format_units_func, add_space=False, precision=1) if format_units else lambda x: x summary = OrderedDict( name = ('Name',, accelerator = ('Accelerator', self.accelerator or 'None'), input_shape = ('Input Shape', self.input_shape_str), input_dtype = ('Input Data Type', self.input_dtype_str), output_shape = ('Output Shape', self.output_shape_str), output_dtype = ('Output Data Type', self.output_dtype_str), tflite_size = ('Flash, Model File Size (bytes)', unit_formatter(self.flatbuffer_size)), runtime_memory_size = ('RAM, Runtime Memory Size (bytes)', unit_formatter(self.runtime_memory_bytes)), ops = ('Operation Count', unit_formatter(self.ops)), macs = ('Multiply-Accumulate Count', unit_formatter(self.macs)), n_layers = ('Layer Count', self.n_layers), n_unsupported_layers= ('Unsupported Layer Count', self.n_unsupported_layers) ) if self.accelerator_cycles > 0 or not exclude_null: summary['accelerator_cycles'] = ('Accelerator Cycle Count', unit_formatter(self.accelerator_cycles)) if self.cpu_cycles > 0 or not exclude_null: summary['cpu_cycles'] = ('CPU Cycle Count', unit_formatter(self.cpu_cycles)) if self.cpu_cycles > 0 or not exclude_null: formatted_percentage = self.cpu_utilization*100 if format_units: formatted_percentage = f'{formatted_percentage:.1f}' summary['cpu_utilization'] = ('CPU Utilization (%)', formatted_percentage) if self.cpu_clock_rate > 0 or not exclude_null: summary['cpu_clock_rate'] = ('Clock Rate (hz)', unit_formatter(self.cpu_clock_rate)) if self.time > 0 or not exclude_null: summary['time'] = ('Time (s)', unit_formatter(self.time)) if > 0 or not exclude_null: summary['energy'] = ('Energy (J)', unit_formatter( if > 0 or not exclude_null: j_per_op = 0 if self.ops == 0 else j_per_mac = 0 if self.macs == 0 else summary['j_per_op'] = ('J/Op', unit_formatter(j_per_op)) summary['j_per_mac'] = ('J/MAC', unit_formatter(j_per_mac)) if self.time > 0 or not exclude_null: op_per_s = 0 if self.time == 0 else self.ops/self.time mac_per_s = 0 if self.time == 0 else self.macs/self.time inf_per_sec = 0 if self.time == 0 else 1/self.time summary['op_per_s'] = ('Ops/s', unit_formatter(op_per_s)) summary['mac_per_s'] = ('MACs/s', unit_formatter(mac_per_s)) if format_units: inf_per_sec = f'{inf_per_sec:.1f}' summary['inf_per_sec'] = ('Inference/s', inf_per_sec) if full_summary: all_layer_numeric_keys = [] for layer in self.layers: for key in layer: if key not in all_layer_numeric_keys and \ not isinstance(layer[key], bool) and \ isinstance(layer[key], (int,float)): all_layer_numeric_keys.append(key) for layer in self.layers: for key in all_layer_numeric_keys: if key not in layer: layer[key] = 0 for name in all_layer_numeric_keys: if name not in ProfilingLayerResult.BASIC_KEYS: total = self.stat_total(name) if total == 0 and exclude_null: continue summary[name] = (name.replace('_', ' ').title(), unit_formatter(total)) if not include_labels: for key, value in summary.items(): summary[key] = value[1] return summary
[docs] def generate_report( self, output_dir:str, format_units:bool, full_summary=False ): """Generate a profiling report in the given directory""" os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) acc = self.accelerator or 'none' simulated = 'simulated' if self.is_simulated else 'embedded' base_path = f'{output_dir}/profiling_report-{acc.lower()}-{simulated}' txt_path = f'{base_path}.txt' json_path = f'{base_path}.json' with open(txt_path, 'w') as f: f.write(self.to_string(format_units=format_units, full_summary=full_summary)) with open(json_path, 'w') as f: f.write(self.to_json(format_units=format_units, full_summary=full_summary))
[docs] def to_dict( self, format_units=False, exclude_null=True, full_summary=False ) -> dict: """Return profiling results as dictionary Arguments format_units: Format number values to a string with associated units, e.g. 0.0234 -> 23.4m exclude_null: Exclude columns with all number values (e.g. don't include energy if not energy numbers were provided) full_summary: Return all profiled stats. If this this false, then only the basic stats are returned """ summary = self.get_summary( include_labels=True, format_units=format_units, exclude_null=exclude_null, full_summary=full_summary ) summary_labels = {} for key, value in summary.items(): summary_labels[key] = value[0] summary[key] = value[1] excluded_columns = [] if exclude_null: if self.accelerator_cycles == 0: excluded_columns.append('accelerator_cycles') if self.cpu_cycles == 0: excluded_columns.append('cpu_cycles') if == 0: excluded_columns.append('energy') if self.time == 0: excluded_columns.append('time') if self.n_unsupported_layers == 0: excluded_columns.append('error_msg') excluded_columns.append('supported') layer_labels = {} for layer in self.layers: for key, e in layer.get_summary( include_labels=True, excluded_columns=excluded_columns, full_summary=full_summary ).items(): if key not in layer_labels: layer_labels[key] = e[0] layers = [] for layer in self.layers: layer_summary = layer.get_summary( include_labels=False, format_units=format_units, excluded_columns=excluded_columns, full_summary=full_summary, ) layer_summary_norm = OrderedDict() for key in layer_labels: layer_summary_norm[key] = layer_summary.get(key, None) layers.append(layer_summary_norm) return dict( summary=summary, summary_labels=summary_labels, layers=layers, layer_labels=layer_labels )
[docs] def to_json( self, indent=2, format_units=False, exclude_null=True, full_summary=False ) -> str: """Return profiling results as JSON string JSON Format: .. code-block:: text { "summary": { key/value summary of profiling }, "summary_labels": { key/value of printable labeles for each summary field } "layers": [ {<model layer results>}, ... ] "layers_labels": { key/value of printable labeles for each layer field } } Where the "summary" member contains: .. code-block:: text "summary": { "name" : "<Name of model>", "accelerator" : "<Accelerator used>", "input_shape" : "<Model input shapes>", "input_dtype" : "<Model input data types>", "output_shape" : "<Model output shapes>", "output_dtype" : "<Model output data types>", "tflite_size" : <.tflite file size>, "runtime_memory_size" : <Estimated TFLM arena size>, "ops" : <Total # operations>, "macs" : <Total # multiply-accumulate ops>, "accelerator_cycles" : <Total # accelerator cycles>, "cpu_cycles" : <Total estimated CPU cycles>, "cpu_utilization" : <Percentage of CPU required to run an inference>, "cpu_clock_rate" : <CPU clock rate hz>, "energy" : <Total estimated energy in Joules>, "time" : <Total estimated inference time>, "n_layers" : <# of layers in model>, "n_unsupported_layers": <# layers unsupported by accelerator>, "j_per_op" : <Joules per operation>, "j_per_mac" : <Joules per multiply-accumulate>, "op_per_s" : <Operations per second>, "mac_per_s" : <Multiply-accumulates per second>, "inf_per_s" : <Inference per second> } Where the "layers" member contains: .. code-block:: text "layers": [ { "index" : <layer index>, "opcode" : "<kernel opcode>", "options" : "<layer options>", "ops" : <# operations>, "macs" : <# of multiple-accumulate operations>, "accelerator_cycles" : <# accelerator cycles>, "cpu_cycles" : <estimated CPU cycles>, "energy" : <estimated energy in Joules>, "time" : <estimated layer execution time>, "supported" : <true/false>, "err_msg" : "<error msg if not supported by accelerator>" }, ... ] Arguments indent: Amount of indentation to use in JSON formatting format_units: Format number values to a string with associated units, e.g. 0.0234 -> 23.4m exclude_null: Exclude columns with all number values (e.g. don't include energy if not energy numbers were provided) full_summary: Return all profiled stats. If this this false, then only the basic stats are returned Returns JSON formated string """ return json.dumps( self.to_dict( format_units=format_units, exclude_null=exclude_null, full_summary=full_summary ), indent=indent )
[docs] def to_csv( self, format_units=False, exclude_null=True, full_summary=False, include_header=True, dialect:Union[str,csv.Dialect]='excel', ) -> Tuple[str,str]: """Return profiling results as CSV string This returns a tuple of two CSV formatted strings. The first string contains the profiling summary. The second string contain the profiling results for the individual layers. Arguments: format_units: Format number values to a string with associated units, e.g. 0.0234 -> 23.4m exclude_null: Exclude columns with all number values (e.g. don't include energy if not energy numbers were provided) full_summary: Return all profiled stats. If this this false, then only the basic stats are returned include_header: Include the header row. If false then only the results are returned with no labels in the first row. dialect: CSV dialect Default is excel. See for more details. """ results_dict = self.to_dict( format_units=format_units, exclude_null=exclude_null, full_summary=full_summary ) summary = results_dict['summary'] summary_labels = results_dict['summary_labels'] layers = results_dict['layers'] layer_labels = results_dict['layer_labels'] summary_buf = io.StringIO() summary_writer = csv.writer(summary_buf, dialect=dialect) if include_header: summary_writer.writerow(summary_labels) summary_writer.writerow(summary.values()) layers_buf = io.StringIO() layers_writer = csv.writer(layers_buf, dialect=dialect) if include_header: layers_writer.writerow(layer_labels) for layer in layers: layers_writer.writerow(layer.values()) return summary_buf.getvalue(), layers_buf.getvalue()
[docs] def to_string( self, format_units=True, exclude_null=True, full_summary=False ) -> str: """Return the profiling results as a string Arguments format_units: Format number values to a string with associated units, e.g. 0.0234 -> 23.4m exclude_null: Exclude columns with all number values (e.g. don't include energy if not energy numbers were provided) full_summary: Return all profiled stats. If this this false, then only the basic stats are returned """ results = self.to_dict( format_units, exclude_null=exclude_null, full_summary=full_summary ) summary = results['summary'] summary_labels = results['summary_labels'] layers = results['layers'] layer_labels = results['layer_labels'] s = 'Profiling Summary\n' for key in summary: s += f'{summary_labels[key]}: {summary[key]}\n' s += '\nModel Layers\n' x = PrettyTable(layer_labels.values()) for layer in layers: x.add_row([x for x in layer.values()]) x.align = 'l' s += x.get_string() if full_summary and self._model_details: s += '\n\nMemory Plan\n' s += self._model_details.memory_plan.to_string() return s
def __str__(self): return self.to_string()