Source code for

"""Utilities for processing audio data"""

import os
from typing import Union
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

from mltk.utils.python import append_exception_msg
from import (

    import librosa
except Exception as e:
    if != 'nt' and 'sndfile library not found' in f'{e}':
        append_exception_msg(e, '\n\nTry running: sudo apt-get install libsndfile1\n')

resample = librosa.resample

[docs]def read_audio_file( path:Union[str,np.ndarray,tf.Tensor], return_sample_rate=False, return_numpy=True, **kwargs ) -> Union[np.ndarray,tf.Tensor]: """Reads and decodes an audio file. .. note:: Only mono data is returned as a 1D array/tensor Args: path: Path to audio file as a python string, numpy string, or tensorflow string return_sample_rate: If true then a tuple is returned: (audio data, audio sample rate) return_numpy: If true then return numpy array, else return TF tensor Returns: If return_sample_rate = False, Audio data as numpy array or TF tensor If return_sample_rate = True, (audio data, sample rate) """ raw = sample, original_sample_rate = raw, desired_channels=1, ) sample = tf.squeeze(sample, axis=-1) if return_numpy: sample = sample.numpy() if return_sample_rate: if return_numpy: original_sample_rate = int(original_sample_rate.numpy()) return sample, original_sample_rate return sample
[docs]def write_audio_file( path:str, sample:Union[np.ndarray,tf.Tensor], sample_rate:int ) -> Union[str,tf.Tensor]: """Write audio data to a file Args: path: File path to save audio If this is does NOT end with .wav, then the path is assumed to be a directory. In this case, the audio path is generated as: <path>/<timestamp>.wav sample: Audio data to write, if the data type is: - ``int16`` then it is converted to float32 and scaled by 32768 sample_rate: Sample rate of audio Returns: Path to written file. If this is executing in a non-eager TF function then the path is a TF Tensor, otherwise it is a Python string """ if isinstance(sample, np.ndarray): sample = tf.convert_to_tensor(sample) if len(sample.shape) == 1: sample = tf.expand_dims(sample, axis=-1) if sample.dtype == np.int16: sample = tf.cast(sample, tf.float32) sample = sample / 32768. wav =, sample_rate) path = tf.strings.join((os.path.abspath(path),)) if not tf.strings.regex_full_match(path, r'.*\.wav'): ts = tf.timestamp() * 1000 fn = tf.strings.format('{}.wav', ts) path = tf.strings.join((path, fn), separator=os.path.sep), wav) if tf.executing_eagerly() and isinstance(path, tf.Tensor): path = path.numpy().decode('utf-8').replace('\\', '/') return path
[docs]def adjust_length( sample:np.ndarray, target_sr:int=None, original_sr:int=None, out_length:int=None, offset=0.0, trim_threshold_db=30.0, ) -> np.ndarray: """Adjust the audio sample length to fit the out_length parameter This will audio re-sample the audio to the target sample rate and pad with zeros or crop the input sample as necessary. Args: sample: Audio sample as a numpy array target_sr: The sample rate to re-sample the audio. The original_sr arg must also be provided original_sr: The original sample rate of teh given audio out_length: The length of the output audio sample. If omitted then return the input sample length offset: If in_length > out_length, then this is the percentage offset from the beginning of the input to use for the output If in_length < out_length, then this is the percentage to pad with zeros before the input sample trim_threshold_db: The threshold (in decibels) below reference to consider as silence Returns: The adjusted audio sample """ if original_sr and original_sr != target_sr: sample = librosa.core.resample(sample, orig_sr=original_sr, target_sr=target_sr) if trim_threshold_db: sample_trimmed, _ = librosa.effects.trim(sample, top_db=int(trim_threshold_db)) else: sample_trimmed = sample in_length = sample_trimmed.shape[0] if out_length is None: out_length = sample.shape[0] if len(sample.shape) == 1: if in_length > out_length: diff = in_length - out_length before = int(diff*offset) sample = sample_trimmed[before : before + out_length] elif in_length < out_length: diff = out_length - in_length before = int(diff * offset) pad_before = np.zeros((before, ), dtype=sample.dtype) pad_after = np.zeros((diff - before, ), dtype=sample.dtype) sample = np.concatenate((pad_before, sample_trimmed, pad_after), axis=0) if sample.shape[0] != out_length: sample = sample[:out_length] else: n_channels = sample_trimmed.shape[1] if in_length > out_length: diff = in_length - out_length before = int(diff*offset) sample = sample_trimmed[before : before + out_length, :] elif in_length < out_length: diff = out_length - in_length before = int(diff * offset) pad_before = np.zeros((before, n_channels), dtype=sample.dtype) pad_after = np.zeros((diff - before, n_channels), dtype=sample.dtype) sample = np.concatenate((pad_before, sample_trimmed, pad_after), axis=0) if sample.shape[0] != out_length: sample = sample[:out_length, :] return sample
[docs]def apply_frontend( sample:np.ndarray, settings:AudioFeatureGeneratorSettings, dtype=np.float32 ) -> np.ndarray: """Send the audio sample through the AudioFeatureGenerator and return the generated spectrogram Args: sample: The audio sample to process in the AudioFeatureGenerator settings: The settings to use in the AudioFeatureGenerator dtype: The expected audio output data type, support types are: * **uint16**: This the raw value generated by the internal AudioFeatureGenerator library * **float32**: This is the uint16 value directly casted to a float32 * **int8**: This is the int8 value generated by the TFLM "micro features" library. Refer to the following for the magic that happens here: ` <>`_ Returns: Generated spectrogram of audio """ if np.issubdtype(sample.dtype, np.floating): # Convert the floating point data to int16 # which is what the AudioFeatureGenerator expects it to be # sample = librosa.util.normalize(sample, norm=np.inf, axis=None) sample = sample * 32768 sample = sample.astype(np.int16) if len(sample.shape) == 2: sample = np.squeeze(sample, axis=-1) frontend = AudioFeatureGenerator(settings) return frontend.process_sample(sample, dtype=dtype)