Source code for mltk.core.model.model_utils

from typing import List, Union
import os
import logging
import re
import shutil
import collections

from mltk import __version__ as mltk_version_str
from mltk import MLTK_ROOT_DIR
from mltk import models as mltk_models
from mltk.core.utils import get_mltk_logger
from mltk.utils.path import (fullpath, walk_with_depth, create_tempdir, get_user_setting)
from mltk.utils.python import as_list, import_module_at_path, prepend_exception_msg
from mltk.utils import gpu

from .model import MltkModel, MltkModelEvent
from .mixins.archive_mixin import (
from ..tflite_model import TfliteModel
from ..keras import (KerasModel, load_keras_model)

[docs]def load_mltk_model( model: str, test:bool=False, print_not_found_err=False, logger: logging.Logger = None, reload:bool = True ) -> MltkModel: """Find a MLTK model with the given name and instantiate its corresponding :py:class:`mltk.core.MltkModel` object Args: model: Name of MLTK model or path to MLTK model's python specification script or archive. Append `-test` to the MLTK model name to load into "testing" mode (this is the same as setting the argument: test=True) test: If the MLTK model should be loaded in "testing" mode print_not_found_err: If true and the MLTK model is not found, then print an error reload: If the given model is a python script then reload the module if necessary Returns: Load model object """ logger = logger or get_mltk_logger() if not isinstance(model, str): raise Exception('Model argument must be a string') # Resolve any path variables if applicable model_path = fullpath(model) # If a model file path was given if os.path.exists(model_path): return load_mltk_model_with_path(model_path, test=test, logger=logger, reload=reload) elif model_path.endswith(''): raise FileNotFoundError(f'Model archive not found: {model_path}') elif model_path.endswith(('.tflite', '.h5')): raise FileNotFoundError(f'Model file not found: {model_path}') elif model_path.endswith('.py'): raise FileNotFoundError(f'Model specification script not found: {model_path}') # Otherwise the name of an MLTK model was given # So attempt to find it on the search paths # If '-test' was appended to the MLTK model name # then load the model in "test" mode if model.endswith('-test'): test = True model = model[:-len('-test')] if not re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$', model, re.DOTALL): raise ValueError('Invalid MLTK model argument given. Must either be the path to an existing model file (.tflite, .h5, or must contain only letters, numbers, or an underscore') logger.debug(f'Searching for MLTK model: {model}') model_spec_path = find_model_specification_file( model=model, test=test, logger=logger, print_not_found_err=print_not_found_err ) if not model_spec_path: raise Exception(f'Failed to find model specification file with name: {model}.py') return load_mltk_model_with_path( model_path=model_spec_path, test=test, logger=logger )
[docs]def load_mltk_model_with_path( model_path: str, test:bool=False, logger: logging.Logger=None, reload:bool = True ) -> MltkModel: """Instantiate a MltkModel object from the given model path The model path can be a ``.py`` model specificaton or a model archive ````. """ if not model_path.endswith(('.py', ARCHIVE_EXTENSION)): raise Exception('Model path must have either or .py extension') logger = logger or get_mltk_logger() # Resolve any path variables if applicable model_path = fullpath(model_path) model_base, _ = os.path.splitext(model_path) model_base = model_base.replace('\\', '/') model_name = os.path.basename(model_base) model_spec_path = f'{model_base}.py' # If the path to a model archive was given # then copy the archive to a temp directory # and extract the model specification file from the archive if model_path.endswith(ARCHIVE_EXTENSION): model_name = os.path.basename(model_path).replace(TEST_ARCHIVE_EXTENSION, '').replace(ARCHIVE_EXTENSION, '') temp_dir = create_tempdir(f'tmp_model_specs/{model_name}') shutil.copy(model_path, temp_dir)'Extracting {model_name}.py from {model_path}') model_spec_path = extract_file( archive_path=f'{temp_dir}/{os.path.basename(model_path)}', name=f'{model_name}.py', dest_dir=temp_dir ) if model_path.endswith(TEST_ARCHIVE_EXTENSION): test = True try: logger.debug(f'Importing {model_spec_path}') model_module = import_module_at_path(model_spec_path, reload=reload) except Exception as e: prepend_exception_msg(e, f'Failed to import MLTK model module: {model_spec_path}') raise for key in dir(model_module): mltk_model = getattr(model_module, key) if isinstance(mltk_model, MltkModel): mltk_version = _parse_version(mltk_version_str) # Issue a warning if the model's mltk version is different than the current mltk version # This can happen when a model archive is generated with an older version of the mltk model_mltk_version_str = getattr(model_module, '__mltk_version__', None) if model_mltk_version_str is not None: model_mltk_version = _parse_version(model_mltk_version_str) if model_mltk_version.major != mltk_version.major or model_mltk_version.minor != mltk_version.minor: logger.warning(f'Model {} was created with mltk version: {model_mltk_version_str} but current mltk version is: {mltk_version_str}') if test: mltk_model.enable_test_mode() # At this point, all of the model properties have been registered and populated mltk_model.trigger_event(MltkModelEvent.AFTER_MODEL_LOAD) return mltk_model raise Exception(f'Model specification file: {model_spec_path} does not define a MltkModel object')
[docs]def load_tflite_or_keras_model( model: Union[MltkModel, str], model_type:str=None, weights: str=None, logger: logging.Logger=None ) -> Union[TfliteModel, KerasModel]: """Instantiate a Keras or TfliteModel object IF model is an :py:class:`mltk.core.MltkModel` instance OR a model archive ``, AND model_type is: - ``None`` -> return built :py:class:`mltk.core.KerasModel` from model specification - ``tflite`` -> return loaded :py:class:`mltk.core.TfliteModel` from model archive - ``h5`` -> return loaded :py:class:`mltk.core.KerasModel` from model archive ELSE model should be the file path to a `.tflite` or `.h5` model file. """ from .mixins.train_mixin import TrainMixin logger = logger or get_mltk_logger() # Initialize the GPU if necessary if (isinstance(model, MltkModel) and model_type is None) \ or (isinstance(model, str) and model.endswith(('.h5', ''))): gpu.initialize(logger=logger) if isinstance(model, MltkModel) or (isinstance(model, str) and model.endswith('')): if isinstance(model, str) and model.endswith(''): model = load_mltk_model(model) if model_type is None: if not isinstance(model, TrainMixin): raise Exception('MltkModel must inherit TrainMixin') logger.debug('Building Keras model') # Ensure test mode is enabled test_mode_enabled = model.attributes['test_mode_enabled'] model.attributes['test_mode_enabled'] = True built_model = model.build_model_function(model) if built_model is None: raise RuntimeError('Your "my_model.build_model_function" must return the compiled Keras model (did you forget to add the "return keras_model" statement at the end?') elif not isinstance(built_model, KerasModel): raise RuntimeError('Your "my_model.build_model_function" must return the compiled Keras model instance') on_save_model = getattr(model, 'on_save_keras_model', None) if on_save_model is not None: try: built_model = on_save_model( mltk_model=model, keras_model=built_model, logger=logger ) except Exception as e: prepend_exception_msg(e, 'Error while calling my_model.on_save_keras_model') raise # Restore whatever the test mode state was model.attributes['test_mode_enabled'] = test_mode_enabled elif model_type in ('h5', '.h5', 'keras'): h5_path = model.h5_archive_path try: logger.debug(f'Loading Keras model from {model.archive_path}') built_model = load_keras_model(h5_path, custom_objects=model.keras_custom_objects) except Exception as e: prepend_exception_msg(e, 'Failed to load Keras .h5 file') raise elif model_type in ('tflite', '.tflite'): tflite_path = model.tflite_archive_path try: logger.debug(f'Loading .tflite model from {model.archive_path}') built_model = TfliteModel.load_flatbuffer_file(tflite_path) except Exception as e: prepend_exception_msg(e, 'Failed to load .tflite file') raise else: raise Exception('archive_extension must be h5, tflite or None') elif isinstance(model, str): if model.endswith('.h5'): try: logger.debug(f'Loading Keras model from {model}') built_model = load_keras_model(model) except Exception as e: prepend_exception_msg(e, 'Failed to load Keras .h5 file') raise elif model.endswith('.tflite'): try: logger.debug(f'Loading .tflite model from {model}') built_model = TfliteModel.load_flatbuffer_file(model) except Exception as e: prepend_exception_msg(e, 'Failed to load .tflite file') raise else: raise Exception('Must provide path to .h5 or .tflite model file') else: raise Exception('model must be a str or MltkModel') if weights: if isinstance(built_model, KerasModel): weights_file = weights if isinstance(model, str) else model.get_weights_path(weights)'Loading weights: {weights_file}') built_model.load_weights(weights_file) else: logger.warning('Loading weights into .tflite model not supported') return built_model
[docs]def load_tflite_model( model: Union[str, MltkModel, TfliteModel], build:bool=False, print_not_found_err:bool=False, return_tflite_path:bool=False, test:bool=False, logger: logging.Logger=None, archive_file_ext:str=None ) -> Union[TfliteModel,str]: """Return the path to a .tflite model file or a TfliteModel instance Args: model: One of the following: - An MltkModel model instance - An TfliteModel model instance - The path to a .tflite - The path to a model archive - The path to a .py MLTK model specification - The name of an MLTK model build: If the given Mltk model should be built into a .tflite print_not_found_err: If the model model is not found, print possible alternatives and exit return_tflite_path: If true, return the file path to the .tflite, otherwise return a TfliteModel instance test: If a "test" model is provided logger: Optional logger archive_file_ext: The extension of the .tflite model file in the mltk archive, e.g. .streaming.tflite This is only used if the "model" argument is the path to a, the path to a .py MLTK model specification, or the name of an MLTK model Return: The corresponding TfliteModel if return_tflite_path=False or the path to the .tflite if return_tflite_path=True """ logger = logger or get_mltk_logger() mltk_model:MltkModel = None tflite_model:TfliteModel = None model_name = None if isinstance(model, MltkModel): mltk_model = model model_name = model = mltk_model.tflite_archive_path if isinstance(model, TfliteModel): if build: raise RuntimeError('Cannot use build option with TfliteModel instance') tflite_model = model model_name = (tflite_model.filename or 'my_model.tflite')[:-len('.tflite')] elif isinstance(model, str): if build and model.endswith(('.tflite', '')): raise RuntimeError('Cannot use --build option with .tflite or model argument. Must be model name or path to model specification (.py)') elif model.endswith('.h5'): raise ValueError('Must provide .tflite or model file type') if model.endswith('.tflite'): model = fullpath(model) if return_tflite_path: if not os.path.exists(model): raise FileNotFoundError(f'tflite model path not found: {model}') return model tflite_model = TfliteModel.load_flatbuffer_file(model) model_name = tflite_model.filename[:-len('.tflite')] elif not model.endswith(''): if build: mltk_model = load_mltk_model( model, test=test, logger=logger, print_not_found_err=print_not_found_err ) else: model_spec_path = find_model_specification_file( model=model, test=test, logger=logger, print_not_found_err=print_not_found_err ) if model_spec_path is None: raise ValueError(f'Failed to find model specification file with name: {model}.py') if model.endswith('-test'): test = True model = model_spec_path[:-len('.py')] if test: model += '-test' model += '' if model.endswith(''): model_name = os.path.basename(model[:-len('')]) if archive_file_ext: if not archive_file_ext.startswith('.'): archive_file_ext = '.' + archive_file_ext tflite_name = f'{model_name}{archive_file_ext}' elif model_name.endswith('-test'): model_name = model_name[:-len('-test')] tflite_name = f'{model_name}.test.tflite' else: tflite_name = f'{model_name}.tflite' tflite_path = extract_file(model, tflite_name) if return_tflite_path: return tflite_path tflite_model = TfliteModel.load_flatbuffer_file(tflite_path) if build: from ..quantize_model import quantize_model if mltk_model is None: raise RuntimeError('Must provide MltkModel instance, name of MltkModel, other .py path to model specification to use the build option')'--build option provided, building model rather than using trained model') tflite_model = quantize_model( model=mltk_model, build=True, output='tflite_model' ) if return_tflite_path: tflite_path = create_tempdir('tmp_models') + f'/{model_name}.tflite' return tflite_path else: assert tflite_model is not None return tflite_model
[docs]def list_mltk_models( test:bool=False, for_utests=False, logger:logging.Logger=None ) -> List[str]: """Return a list of all found MLTK model names""" logger = logger or get_mltk_logger() found_models = [] search_dirs = _get_model_search_dirs() archive_ext = get_archive_extension(test=False) test_archive_ext = get_archive_extension(test=True) mltk_model_re = re.compile(r'.*\s@mltk_model\s.*') utest_disable_re = re.compile(r'.*\s@mltk_utest_disabled\s.*') def _process_python_file(py_path): retval = False with open(py_path, 'r') as f: for line in f: if for_utests and utest_disable_re.match(line): return False if mltk_model_re.match(line): retval = True if not for_utests: break return retval for search_dir in search_dirs: for root, _, files in walk_with_depth(search_dir, depth=5, followlinks=True): for fn in files: if fn.endswith('.py'): try: p = f'{root}/{fn}'.replace('\\', '/') if _process_python_file(p): found_models.append(fn[:-len('.py')]) except Exception as e: logger.warning(f'Failed to process Python file: {p}, err: {e}') if test: if fn.endswith(test_archive_ext): found_models.append(fn.replace(test_archive_ext, '')) else: if fn.endswith(archive_ext) and not fn.endswith(test_archive_ext): found_models.append(fn.replace(archive_ext, '')) # Do NOT recurse into the CWD if search_dir == os.curdir: break return sorted(set(found_models))
def find_model_specification_file( model:str, test:bool=False, logger:logging.Logger=None, print_not_found_err:bool=False ) -> str: """Given the model name, attempt to find its corresponding python specification file. The specification file could be in a model archive. """ logger = logger or get_mltk_logger() search_dirs = _get_model_search_dirs() cwd = fullpath(os.getcwd()) if model.endswith('-test'): test = True model = model[:-len('-test')] if model.endswith('.py'): model = fullpath(model) model_subdir = os.path.dirname(model) model_name, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(model)) py_path = None archive_path = None if model_subdir: model_subdir = f'{model_subdir}/' archive_ext = get_archive_extension(test=test) model_path = f'/{model_subdir}{model_name}.py' model_arc_path = f'{model_subdir}/{model_name}{archive_ext}' logger.debug(f'Model search path(s): {",".join(search_dirs)}') for search_dir in search_dirs: if py_path is not None: break for root, _, files in os.walk(search_dir, followlinks=True): root = root.replace('\\', '/') for fn in files: file_path = f'{root}/{fn}' if file_path.endswith(model_path): py_path = file_path if file_path.endswith(model_arc_path): archive_path = file_path # If the spec was found then break out of the loop if py_path is not None: break # Do NOT recurse into the CWD if search_dir == cwd: break if py_path is None and archive_path is not None:'Extracting {model_name}.py from {archive_path}') py_path = extract_file( archive_path=archive_path, name=f'{model_name}.py', dest_dir=os.path.dirname(archive_path) ) if not py_path and print_not_found_err: from mltk.cli import print_did_you_mean_error # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel all_models = list_mltk_models(test=test) print_did_you_mean_error('Failed to find model', model, all_models, and_exit=True) return py_path def push_active_model(mltk_model:MltkModel): if '_active_model_stack' not in globals(): globals()['_active_model_stack'] = [] globals()['_active_model_stack'].append(mltk_model) def pop_active_model() -> MltkModel: _active_model_stack = globals().get('_active_model_stack', []) assert len(_active_model_stack) > 0, 'No active model' return _active_model_stack.pop() def get_active_model() -> MltkModel: _active_model_stack = globals().get('_active_model_stack', []) if len(_active_model_stack) == 0: return None return _active_model_stack[-1] def trigger_model_event(event:MltkModelEvent, **kwargs): active_model = get_active_model() assert active_model is not None, 'No active model' active_model.trigger_event(event, **kwargs) def _get_model_search_dirs() -> List[str]: """Return list of model search directories This populates the list as follows: - ~/.mltk/user_settings.yaml:model_paths - CWD - MLTK_MODEL_PATHS OS environment variable - mltk.models package directory """ search_dirs = as_list(get_user_setting('model_paths')) # Include the CWD only if it's not the root of the mltk repo curdir = fullpath(os.getcwd()) if fullpath(MLTK_ROOT_DIR) != curdir: search_dirs.append(os.getcwd()) env_paths = os.getenv('MLTK_MODEL_PATHS', '') if env_paths: search_dirs.extend(env_paths.split(os.pathsep)) search_dirs.append(os.path.dirname(mltk_models.__file__)) search_dirs = [fullpath(x) for x in search_dirs] return search_dirs _Version = collections.namedtuple('_Version', ['major', 'minor', 'patch']) def _parse_version(version): toks = version.split('.') major = 0 if len(toks) < 1 else int(toks[0]) minor = 0 if len(toks) < 2 else int(toks[1]) patch = 0 if len(toks) < 3 else int(toks[2]) return _Version(major, minor, patch)