Source code for mltk.core.model.model

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import List, Tuple, Callable, Any, Dict, NamedTuple
import inspect
import os
import logging
import typer

from mltk.utils.path import clean_directory, create_user_dir
from mltk.core.utils import get_mltk_logger
from mltk.utils.logger import get_logger
from mltk.utils.string_formatting import format_units
from mltk.utils.python import prepend_exception_msg

from .mixins.archive_mixin import ArchiveMixin
from .mixins.tflite_model_metadata_mixin import TfliteModelMetadataMixin
from .mixins.tflite_model_parameters_mixin import TfliteModelParametersMixin
from .model_attributes import MltkModelAttributes, MltkModelAttributesDecorator
from .model_event import MltkModelEvent

[docs]@MltkModelAttributesDecorator() class MltkModel( ArchiveMixin, TfliteModelMetadataMixin, TfliteModelParametersMixin ): """The root MLTK Model object This must be defined in a model specification file. Refer to the `Model Specification <>`_ guide fore more details. """
[docs] def __init__(self, model_script_path:str=None): self._model_script_path = model_script_path # If not model script path was provided # then attempt to automatically determine it from the # filepath that instantiated this MltkModel object # i.e The model script path is the path of the script that created this MltkModel object if self._model_script_path is None: try: call_stack = inspect.stack() self._model_script_path = call_stack[1].filename.replace('\\', '/') except: pass self._cli = typer.Typer( context_settings=dict( max_content_width=100 ), add_completion=False ) self._attributes = MltkModelAttributes() self._event_handlers:Dict[MltkModelEvent, List[_EventHandlerContext]] = {} # At this point, no model properties have been registered # See load_mltk_model_with_path() for the AFTER_MODEL_LOAD event self.trigger_event(MltkModelEvent.BEFORE_MODEL_LOAD)
@property def attributes(self) -> MltkModelAttributes: """Return all model attributes""" return self._attributes
[docs] def get_attribute(self, name: str): """Return attribute value or None if unknown""" return self._attributes.get_value(name)
@property def cli(self) -> typer.Typer: """Custom command CLI This is used to register custom commands The commands may be invoked with: mltk custom <model name> [command args] """ return self._cli @property def model_specification_path(self) -> str: """Return the absolute path to the model's specification python script""" return self._attributes['model_specification_path'] @property def name(self) -> str: """The name of this model, this the filename of the model's Python script. """ return self._attributes['name'] @property def version(self) -> int: """The model version, e.g. 3 """ return self._attributes['version'] @version.setter def version(self, v: int): if not isinstance(v, int): raise ValueError('Version must be an integer') self._attributes['version'] = v @property def description(self) -> str: """A description of this model and how it should be use. This is added to the .tflite model flatbuffer "description" field """ return self._attributes['description'] @description.setter def description(self, v: str): self._attributes['description'] = v @property def log_dir(self) -> str: """Path to directory where logs will be generated """ log_dir = self._attributes['log_dir'] if not log_dir: self._attributes['log_dir'] = create_user_dir( suffix=f'models/{}', ) elif not os.path.exists(log_dir): self._attributes['log_dir'] = create_user_dir( base_dir=log_dir, ) return self._attributes['log_dir'] @log_dir.setter def log_dir(self, v: str): self._attributes['log_dir'] = v
[docs] def create_log_dir(self, suffix:str = '', delete_existing=False) -> str: """Create a directory for storing model log files""" log_dir = create_user_dir( suffix=suffix, base_dir=self.log_dir ) if delete_existing: clean_directory(log_dir) return log_dir
[docs] def create_logger(self, name, parent: logging.Logger=None) -> logging.Logger: """Create a logger for this model""" train_log_dir = self.create_log_dir(name) log_file = f'{train_log_dir}/log.txt' train_logger = get_logger(name, log_file=log_file, log_file_mode='w') if parent is not None: train_logger.parent = parent train_logger.propagate = True return train_logger
@property def h5_log_dir_path(self) -> str: """Path to .h5 model file that is generated in the log directory at the end of training""" h5_path = f'{self.log_dir}/{}' if self.test_mode_enabled: h5_path += '.test.h5' else: h5_path += '.h5' return h5_path @property def tflite_log_dir_path(self) -> str: """Path to .tflite model file that is generated in the log directory at the end of training (if quantization is enabled)""" tflite_path = f'{self.log_dir}/{}' if self.test_mode_enabled: tflite_path += '.test.tflite' else: tflite_path += '.tflite' return tflite_path @property def unquantized_tflite_log_dir_path(self) -> str: """Path to unquantized/float32 .tflite model file that is generated in the log directory at the end of training (if enabled)""" tflite_path = f'{self.log_dir}/{}.float32' if self.test_mode_enabled: tflite_path += '.test.tflite' else: tflite_path += '.tflite' return tflite_path @property def classes(self) -> List[str]: """Return a list of the class name strings this model expects""" try: return self._attributes.get_value('*classes') except AttributeError: # pylint: disable=raise-missing-from raise ValueError( 'Model does not specify the dataset\'s classes.\n' 'It must either be manually specified, e.g. my_model.classes = ["dog", "cat"] or inherit a mixin that supports an classes, e.g.: ImageDatasetMixin') @classes.setter def classes(self, v: List[str]): try: self._attributes.set_value('*classes', v) except AttributeError: self._attributes.register('dataset.classes', dtype=(list,tuple)) self._attributes.set_value('dataset.classes', v) @property def n_classes(self) -> int: """Return the number of classes this model expects""" return len(self.classes) @property def input_shape(self) -> Tuple[int]: """Return the image input shape as a tuple of integers""" try: return self._attributes.get_value('*input_shape') except AttributeError: # pylint: disable=raise-missing-from raise ValueError( 'Model does not specify the dataset\'s input_shape.\n' 'It must either be manually specified, e.g. my_model.input_shape = (96,96,3) or inherit a mixin that supports an input_shape, e.g.: ImageDatasetMixin' ) @input_shape.setter def input_shape(self, v: Tuple[int]): try: self._attributes.set_value('*input_shape', v) except AttributeError: self._attributes.register('dataset.input_shape', dtype=(list,tuple)) self._attributes.set_value('dataset.input_shape', v) @property def keras_custom_objects(self) -> dict: """Get/set custom objects that should be loaded with the Keras model See for more details. """ return self._attributes.get_value('keras_custom_objects', default={}) @keras_custom_objects.setter def keras_custom_objects(self, v: dict): self._attributes['keras_custom_objects'] = v @property def test_mode_enabled(self) -> bool: """Return if testing mode has been enabled""" return self._attributes['test_mode_enabled']
[docs] def enable_test_mode(self): """Enable testing mode""" self._attributes['test_mode_enabled'] = True get_mltk_logger().info('Enabling test mode') self.log_dir = f'{self.log_dir}-test'
[docs] def summary(self) -> str: """Return a summary of the model""" s = f'Name: {}\n' s += f'Version: {self.version}\n' s += f'Description: {self.description}\n' params = self.model_parameters exclude_params = ['name', 'version', 'classes', 'runtime_memory_size'] try: classes = self.classes except: if 'classes' in params: classes = params['classes'] else: classes = None if classes: classes = ', '.join(classes) s += f'Classes: {classes}\n' try: input_shape = 'x'.join(self.input_shape) s += f'Input shape: {input_shape}\n' except: pass try: dataset = self.dataset # pylint: disable=no-member if isinstance(dataset, str): s += f'Dataset: {dataset}\n' except: pass if 'runtime_memory_size' in params and params['runtime_memory_size']: s += f'Runtime memory size (RAM): {format_units(params["runtime_memory_size"])}\n' for key, value in params.items(): if (key in ('hash', 'date') and not value) or key in exclude_params: continue s += f'{key}: {value}\n' return s.strip()
[docs] def add_event_handler( self, event:MltkModelEvent, handler:Callable[[MltkModel, logging.Logger, Any],None], _raise_exception=False, **kwargs ): """Register an event handler Register a handler that will be invoked on the corresponding :py:class:`~MltkModelEvent` The given handler should have the signature: .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python def my_event_handler(mltk_model:MltkModel, logger:logging.Logger, **kwargs): ... Where ``kwargs`` will contain keyword arguments specific to the :py:class:`~MltkModelEvent` as well as any keyword arguments passed to this API. .. note:: - By default, exceptions raised by the handler will be logged, but not stop further execution Use ``_raise_exception``` to cause the handler to raise the exception. - Event handlers are invoked in the order in which they are registered Args: event: The :py:class:`~MltkModelEvent` on which the handler will be invoked handler: Function to be invoked for the given event _raise_exception: By default, exceptions are only logged. This allows for raising the handler exception. kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to provided to the ``handler`` NOTE: These keyword arguments must not collide with the event-specific keyword arguments """ if event not in self._event_handlers: self._event_handlers[event] = [] self._event_handlers[event].append( _EventHandlerContext( handler=handler, raise_exception=_raise_exception, kwargs=kwargs ) )
[docs] def trigger_event( self, event:MltkModelEvent, **kwargs ): """Trigger all handlers for the given event This is used internally by the MLTK. """ from .model_utils import push_active_model, pop_active_model get_mltk_logger().debug(f'Model event: {event}') if event in ( MltkModelEvent.TRAIN_STARTUP, MltkModelEvent.EVALUATE_STARTUP, MltkModelEvent.QUANTIZE_STARTUP, ): push_active_model(self) elif event in ( MltkModelEvent.TRAIN_SHUTDOWN, MltkModelEvent.EVALUATE_SHUTDOWN, MltkModelEvent.QUANTIZE_SHUTDOWN ): pop_active_model() if event not in self._event_handlers: return logger = kwargs.pop('logger', get_mltk_logger()) for context in self._event_handlers[event]: try: context.handler( mltk_model=self, logger=logger, **kwargs, **context.kwargs ) except Exception as e: if not context.raise_exception: get_mltk_logger().warning(f'Model event: {event}, handler: {context.handler}, failed, err: {e}', exc_info=e) else: prepend_exception_msg(e, f'Model event: {event}, handler: {context.handler}, failed') raise
def __setattr__(self, name, value): if not name.startswith('_') and not self.has_attribute(name): raise AttributeError(f'MltkModel does not have the attribute: {name}') object.__setattr__(self, name, value) def has_attribute(self, name): if name in self._attributes: return True for key, _ in inspect.getmembers(self.__class__, lambda x: isinstance(x, property)): if key == name: return True return False def __str__(self): s = f'Name: {}\n' s += f'Version: {self.version}\n' s += f'Description: {self.description}' return s def _register_attributes(self): if self._model_script_path: # By default, the model name is the model file's filename model_name = os.path.basename(self._model_script_path) idx = model_name.rfind('.') if idx != -1: model_name = model_name[:idx] else: model_name = 'my_model' self._attributes.register('model_specification_path', self._model_script_path, dtype=str) self._attributes.register('description', 'Generated by Silicon Lab\'s MLTK Python package', dtype=str) self._attributes.register('log_dir', '', dtype=str) self._attributes.register('name', model_name, dtype=str) self._attributes.register('version', 1, dtype=int) self._attributes.register('test_mode_enabled', False, dtype=bool) self._attributes.register('keras_custom_objects', dtype=dict)
class _EventHandlerContext(NamedTuple): handler:Callable[[MltkModel,Any],None] kwargs:dict raise_exception:bool