Unify Framework Lib 1.7.0
sl_status.h File Reference

SL Status Codes. More...

#include <stdint.h>

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#define SL_STATUS_OK   ((sl_status_t)0x0000)
 No error. More...
#define SL_STATUS_FAIL   ((sl_status_t)0x0001)
 Generic error. More...
#define SL_STATUS_INVALID_STATE   ((sl_status_t)0x0002)
 Generic invalid state error. More...
#define SL_STATUS_NOT_READY   ((sl_status_t)0x0003)
 Module is not ready for requested operation. More...
#define SL_STATUS_BUSY   ((sl_status_t)0x0004)
 Module is busy and cannot carry out requested operation. More...
#define SL_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS   ((sl_status_t)0x0005)
 Operation is in progress and not yet complete (pass or fail). More...
#define SL_STATUS_ABORT   ((sl_status_t)0x0006)
 Operation aborted. More...
#define SL_STATUS_TIMEOUT   ((sl_status_t)0x0007)
 Operation timed out. More...
#define SL_STATUS_PERMISSION   ((sl_status_t)0x0008)
 Operation not allowed per permissions. More...
#define SL_STATUS_WOULD_BLOCK   ((sl_status_t)0x0009)
 Non-blocking operation would block. More...
#define SL_STATUS_IDLE   ((sl_status_t)0x000A)
 Operation/module is Idle, cannot carry requested operation. More...
#define SL_STATUS_IS_WAITING   ((sl_status_t)0x000B)
 Operation cannot be done while construct is waiting. More...
#define SL_STATUS_NONE_WAITING   ((sl_status_t)0x000C)
 No task/construct waiting/pending for that action/event. More...
#define SL_STATUS_SUSPENDED   ((sl_status_t)0x000D)
 Operation cannot be done while construct is suspended. More...
#define SL_STATUS_NOT_AVAILABLE   ((sl_status_t)0x000E)
 Feature not available due to software configuration. More...
#define SL_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED   ((sl_status_t)0x000F)
 Feature not supported. More...
#define SL_STATUS_INITIALIZATION   ((sl_status_t)0x0010)
 Initialization failed. More...
#define SL_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED   ((sl_status_t)0x0011)
 Module has not been initialized. More...
#define SL_STATUS_ALREADY_INITIALIZED   ((sl_status_t)0x0012)
 Module has already been initialized. More...
#define SL_STATUS_DELETED   ((sl_status_t)0x0013)
 Object/construct has been deleted. More...
#define SL_STATUS_ISR   ((sl_status_t)0x0014)
 Illegal call from ISR. More...
#define SL_STATUS_NETWORK_UP   ((sl_status_t)0x0015)
 Illegal call because network is up. More...
#define SL_STATUS_NETWORK_DOWN   ((sl_status_t)0x0016)
 Illegal call because network is down. More...
#define SL_STATUS_NOT_JOINED   ((sl_status_t)0x0017)
 Failure due to not being joined in a network. More...
#define SL_STATUS_NO_BEACONS   ((sl_status_t)0x0018)
 Invalid operation as there are no beacons. More...
#define SL_STATUS_ALLOCATION_FAILED   ((sl_status_t)0x0019)
 Generic allocation error. More...
#define SL_STATUS_NO_MORE_RESOURCE   ((sl_status_t)0x001A)
 No more resource available to perform the operation. More...
#define SL_STATUS_EMPTY   ((sl_status_t)0x001B)
 Item/list/queue is empty. More...
#define SL_STATUS_FULL   ((sl_status_t)0x001C)
 Item/list/queue is full. More...
#define SL_STATUS_WOULD_OVERFLOW   ((sl_status_t)0x001D)
 Item would overflow. More...
#define SL_STATUS_HAS_OVERFLOWED   ((sl_status_t)0x001E)
 Item/list/queue has been overflowed. More...
#define SL_STATUS_OWNERSHIP   ((sl_status_t)0x001F)
 Generic ownership error. More...
#define SL_STATUS_IS_OWNER   ((sl_status_t)0x0020)
 Already/still owning resource. More...
#define SL_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER   ((sl_status_t)0x0021)
 Generic invalid argument or consequence of invalid argument. More...
#define SL_STATUS_NULL_POINTER   ((sl_status_t)0x0022)
 Invalid null pointer received as argument. More...
#define SL_STATUS_INVALID_CONFIGURATION   ((sl_status_t)0x0023)
 Invalid configuration provided. More...
#define SL_STATUS_INVALID_MODE   ((sl_status_t)0x0024)
 Invalid mode. More...
#define SL_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE   ((sl_status_t)0x0025)
 Invalid handle. More...
#define SL_STATUS_INVALID_TYPE   ((sl_status_t)0x0026)
 Invalid type for operation. More...
#define SL_STATUS_INVALID_INDEX   ((sl_status_t)0x0027)
 Invalid index. More...
#define SL_STATUS_INVALID_RANGE   ((sl_status_t)0x0028)
 Invalid range. More...
#define SL_STATUS_INVALID_KEY   ((sl_status_t)0x0029)
 Invalid key. More...
#define SL_STATUS_INVALID_CREDENTIALS   ((sl_status_t)0x002A)
 Invalid credentials. More...
#define SL_STATUS_INVALID_COUNT   ((sl_status_t)0x002B)
 Invalid count. More...
#define SL_STATUS_INVALID_SIGNATURE   ((sl_status_t)0x002C)
 Invalid signature / verification failed. More...
#define SL_STATUS_NOT_FOUND   ((sl_status_t)0x002D)
 Item could not be found. More...
#define SL_STATUS_ALREADY_EXISTS   ((sl_status_t)0x002E)
 Item already exists. More...
#define SL_STATUS_IO   ((sl_status_t)0x002F)
 Generic I/O failure. More...
#define SL_STATUS_IO_TIMEOUT   ((sl_status_t)0x0030)
 I/O failure due to timeout. More...
#define SL_STATUS_TRANSMIT   ((sl_status_t)0x0031)
 Generic transmission error. More...
#define SL_STATUS_TRANSMIT_UNDERFLOW   ((sl_status_t)0x0032)
 Transmit underflowed. More...
#define SL_STATUS_TRANSMIT_INCOMPLETE   ((sl_status_t)0x0033)
 Transmit is incomplete. More...
#define SL_STATUS_TRANSMIT_BUSY   ((sl_status_t)0x0034)
 Transmit is busy. More...
#define SL_STATUS_RECEIVE   ((sl_status_t)0x0035)
 Generic reception error. More...
#define SL_STATUS_OBJECT_READ   ((sl_status_t)0x0036)
 Failed to read on/via given object. More...
#define SL_STATUS_OBJECT_WRITE   ((sl_status_t)0x0037)
 Failed to write on/via given object. More...
#define SL_STATUS_MESSAGE_TOO_LONG   ((sl_status_t)0x0038)
 Message is too long. More...
#define SL_STATUS_ERRNO   ((sl_status_t)0x0101)
 System error: errno is set and strerror can be used to fetch the error-message. More...
#define SL_STATUS_NET_MQTT_NO_CONN   ((sl_status_t)0x0841)
 Not connected to a broker. More...
#define SL_STATUS_NET_MQTT_LOST_CONN   ((sl_status_t)0x0842)
 Connection to broker lost. More...
#define SL_STATUS_NET_MQTT_PROTOCOL   ((sl_status_t)0x0843)
 Protocol error. More...
#define SL_STATUS_NET_MQTT_TLS_HANDSHAKE   ((sl_status_t)0x0844)
 TLS negotiation failed. More...
#define SL_STATUS_NET_MQTT_PAYLOAD_SIZE   ((sl_status_t)0x0845)
 Payload size is too large. More...
#define SL_STATUS_NET_MQTT_NOT_SUPPORTED   ((sl_status_t)0x0846)
 MQTTv5 properties are set but client is not using MQTTv5. More...
#define SL_STATUS_NET_MQTT_AUTH   ((sl_status_t)0x0847)
 Authentication failed. More...
#define SL_STATUS_NET_MQTT_ACL_DENIED   ((sl_status_t)0x0848)
 Access control list deny. More...
#define SL_STATUS_NET_MQTT_MALFORMED_UTF8   ((sl_status_t)0x0849)
 Malformed UTF-8 string in the specified MQTT-topic. More...
#define SL_STATUS_NET_MQTT_DUPLICATE_PROPERTY   ((sl_status_t)0x084A)
 An MQTTv5 property is duplicated where it is forbidden. More...
#define SL_STATUS_NET_MQTT_QOS_NOT_SUPPORTED   ((sl_status_t)0x084B)
 The requested QoS level is not supported by the broker. More...
#define SL_STATUS_NET_MQTT_OVERSIZE_PACKET   ((sl_status_t)0x084C)
 Resulting packet will become larger than the broker supports. More...
#define SL_STATUS_PRINT_INFO_MESSAGE   ((sl_status_t)0x0900)
 Only information message should be printed, without starting an application. More...


typedef uint32_t sl_status_t

Detailed Description

SL Status Codes.


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