Unify Framework Lib 1.7.0
datastore_attributes.h File Reference
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "sl_status.h"

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struct  _datastore_attribute_
 Struct used to store all the data associated to an attribute. More...


 Maximum length that the value (desired or reported) of an attribute can take (in bytes) More...


typedef uint32_t datastore_attribute_id_t
typedef struct _datastore_attribute_ datastore_attribute_t
 Struct used to store all the data associated to an attribute. More...


sl_status_t datastore_store_attribute (datastore_attribute_id_t id, uint32_t type, datastore_attribute_id_t parent_id, const uint8_t *reported_value, uint8_t reported_value_size, const uint8_t *desired_value, uint8_t desired_value_size)
 Store an attribute in the persistent datastore. More...
sl_status_t datastore_fetch_attribute (const datastore_attribute_id_t id, uint32_t *type, datastore_attribute_id_t *parent_id, uint8_t *reported_value, uint8_t *reported_value_size, uint8_t *desired_value, uint8_t *desired_value_size)
 Fetch an attribute from the persistent datastore. More...
sl_status_t datastore_fetch_all_attributes (datastore_attribute_t *attribute)
 Fetch all attributes from the datastore. More...
sl_status_t datastore_fetch_attribute_child (datastore_attribute_id_t parent_id, uint32_t child_index, datastore_attribute_id_t *child_id, uint32_t *type, uint8_t *reported_value, uint8_t *reported_value_size, uint8_t *desired_value, uint8_t *desired_value_size)
 Fetch the child of an attribute from the persistent datastore. More...
sl_status_t datastore_fetch_attribute_child_id (datastore_attribute_id_t parent_id, uint32_t child_index, datastore_attribute_id_t *child_id)
 Fetch the Attribute ID of a child of an attribute from the persistent datastore. More...
bool datastore_contains_attribute (const datastore_attribute_id_t id)
 Check if the datastore contains an attribute for given key. More...
sl_status_t datastore_delete_attribute (const datastore_attribute_id_t id)
 Delete an attribute from the persistent datastore. More...
sl_status_t datastore_delete_all_attributes ()
 Delete the whole attribute table in the persistent datastore. More...