Unify Library Overview
This page describes the Unify Framework library. The purpose of the Unify Framework library is to share code among the Unify components and applications developed by Silicon Labs and to provide a platform on which Silicon Labs customers can build their own components and applications. Besides the obvious advantage of sharing code in terms of maintainability and rapid development, the library will also ensure a common look and feel of the various Unify components in terms of operation and system integration.
The Unify Framework Library provides the following overall features
Base platform which provides event loop, config system and logging system.
Unit test framework
Build system with docker containers
Documentation framework
Packaging system for distributing components and basic scripts for system integration with Debian Bookworm.
Coding standard
The figure below show the meta functionality that the Unify Frameworks provides. Other Guides related to develop
Base Platform
The Base Platform provides a number of components which can be shared among Unify applications. Applications are totally free to use a subset of these components. but Unify applications should avoid duplicating the functionality of these Unify components.
The figure below illustrates the inter dependencies between various components in the Unify Framework Library. Each component (blue block in the figure) has a public interface which is exported by the library.
Main loop
The main loop component implements as the name hints a main loop which can be used as the event system of a Unify application. The main loop components does not implement the C main function itself, but has a uic_main(…) function which has the main loop. The main loop uses the event system from the Contiki operating system and implements a select loop that reacts on events on a set of file descriptors. The main loop also implements a framework to initialize and shutdown other components as well as a posix signal handler to shut down the application in a controlled manner.
The main loop is hardcoded to use the config system component to parse config options and command line arguments and the logging system printing log messages.
Details on how to build a new application using the main loop component can be found in the Unify Developer guide.
[Main loop API documentation](@ref uic_main)
Config System
The config system implements parsing of config files and command line arguments. All Unify applications should use the config system to present a uniform look and feel across all applications.
[Config system API documentation](@ref unify_config)
Logging System
The logging system features logging with severity level tagging and log filtering. All Unify applications should use the logging system to present a uniform look and feel across all applications.
[Logging System API documentation](@ref sl_log)
MQTT Client
The MQTT client is build on top a Eclipse Mosquitto MQTT and handles MQTT connection, subscribing and publishing. It implements re-connections and caching of publish messages which has been published which the client has been disconnected from the broker.
[MQTT Client API documentation](@ref uic_mqtt)
DotDot Components
The Dotdot Components are helper components that provide definitions and ease of use of the UCL/DotDot data model.
DotDot Definitions
The DotDot definitions (uic_dotdot component) comprises DotDot XML files as well as a few C/C++ headers with definitions.
This represents the data model used between all entities in the Unify Framework. Note that the definitions in these XML files take precedence over examples from the Unify Framework Specifications.
These XML files represent ZCL/Dotdot clusters and can be split into 2 ranges:
[0x0000…0xFBFF]: Official ZCL Clusters.
[0xFC00…0xFFFF]: Proprietary clusters.
The Unify Framework added a few propritary cluster definitions. The Unify Framework uses the [0xFC00…0xFEFF] range to add its own clusters.
To keep compability with subsequent Unify versions, XML files provided as part of the Unify Library must not be modified.
Unify Framework users can add additional proprietary clusters (and therefore proprietary attributes/commands) to the Unify Framework, by adding their own XML files.
The range [0xFF00…0xFFFF] may be used to create new XML files. This will not be used in subsequent release. To create a new XML file, add it in the uic_dotdot component dotdot-xml folder. Assign a new unique Cluster ID from the reserved range, for example using the 0xFF01 value:
xsi:schemaLocation="http://zigbee.org/zcl/clusters cluster.xsd http://zigbee.org/zcl/types type.xsd"
id="FF01" revision="1" name="ExampleApplicationCluster">
<classification role="application" picsCode="EAC" />
Finally, add it to the list in the library.xml
<xi:include href="ExampleApplicationCluster.xml" parse="xml"/>
Building the Unify library will use the new XML definitions and provide automatically a comprehensive set of APIs enabling the use of the new cluster immediately by components and applications using the Unify library or derived DotDot Components.
DotDot Attributes
The DotDot attribute are helper functions that will register the properties of all existing UCL / DotDot attribute to the Attribute Store.
This components will automatically publish MQTT messages based on changes in the Attribute Store DotDot attributes and handles write MQTT messages and update the Attribute Store accordingly.
The Datastore is a generic data store that stores key-value pairs in an SQLite database. The Datastore is also used by the Attribute System to store data in a tree structure.
[Datastore API documentation](@ref datastore)
Attribute Store
The Attribute Store provides an interface for reading and writing attributes of any data type in a tree structure, representing the state of the network.
[Attribute Store API documentation](@ref attribute_store)
Attribute Mapper
Attribute Mapper is a component that offers a text file based system that allows to define Attribute relations, allowing automatic rules and attribute manipulations using assignments based on text script files. The attribute mapper is able to map attributes in the Attribute System to each other. The mapper is using UAM grammar to perform the mapping. Complex mappings are supported, where one attribute might depend on multiple other attributes. Detailed information about Mapper component is documented in Attribute Mapper Documentation
Attribute Resolver
The Attribute Resolver is a frame generator that uses functions registered for attribute types. It will arbitrate when to create and schedule frames for a given node interacting with the Attribute Store.
Console Interface
The Console Interface serves as an optional debugging interface to the Unify components. It features help menus and auto completion.
[Console Interface API documentation ](@ref uic_stdin)
Attribute Poll
The Attribute Poll component is a component that help undefine the values of attributes periodically, so that they are requested again to PAN nodes and the network information is kept as accurate as possible.
The SmartStart component is a common component that subscribes to the SmartStart UCL topic and can be used by a Protocol Controller to check if a given node is in the SmartStart list. The SmartStart component is also responsible for publishing changes to the SmartStart list on node add and remove events.
Node State Topic
The role of the Network Monitor is to keep track of the network state and in particular the node states.
The Network Monitor react to node add / remove events from the a Protocol Controller component and insert nodes in the attributes system. Periodically the network monitor will check if nodes are responsive and update their states accordingly. At boot the Network Monitor will check if the node list reported by the controller matches the data in the Attribute System. If a mismatch is found the the Attribute Store is updated by deleting or inserting nodes. The attribute resolver will make sure to resolve newly added nodes.
This component handles OTA related MQTT topics that are used to announces OTA images availability and OTA status.
Test Framework
The Test Framework consists of the Throw the Switch Unity and Throw the Switch CMOCK frameworks for making unit tests and mocks. The two libraries has been integrated into the cmake build system and provides automatic mock generation for C header files.
Build System
The Unify Framework Library provides a Build System based on the CMAKE build system. Various cmake macros has been defined for making mocks, unit tests and packages.
Packaging Framework
The Packaging Framework supports Debian and cmake scripts which facilitates packaging of Unify components.
Coding Standard
All Unify component should adhere to a common coding standard.
See the Unify Coding Standard