CMake coding standard

This page describes the coding standard for all cmake files, incuding both CMakeLists.txt files and *.cmake files.

  • All files must have a line wrap of 80 characters.

  • Indention is 2 spaces.

  • All cmake functions must be written in lowercase, but keywords of keyword arguments must be written in uppercase.

  • All variables must be written in uppercase.

  • All functions must use keyword arguments if available, with an indention of 2 spaces.

  • Keyword arguments must be written on a separate line.


    COMMAND find ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR} -name \\*.gcda -exec rm {} \\\\; \\;
    COMMAND find ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR} -name \\*.gcno -exec rm {} \\\\;
    COMMENT "Cleaning GCOV statistics")
  • If a function call is less than 80 characters the entire call must be on a single line.


add_program(foobar foo.c bar.c)

All cmake functions must be documented, use of markdown style lists should be used where applicable. Example:

# Usage:
#   foo(<TARGET_NAME> SOURCES <sources> HEADERS <headers>)
# * SOURCES List of source files
# * HEADERS List of header files.

