ZigPC Config Fixture | ZigPC Datastore Configuration fixture |
Zcl Profiles Internal | This header contains private functions used for private zcl_profile manipulation |
▼ZigPC components | |
►ZigPC Attribute Management component | API and functions for interacting with attributes |
ZigPC Attribute Management Process Handler | API and functions for managing attributes, responsible for storing and reporting on attribute state |
ZigPC Attribute Management Internals | Internal API for attribute management functionality |
Attribute Info Management | This header contains functions for accessing information relating to attributes, such as number of attributes, attribute names and more |
Zigpc_binding_mqtt | API and functions for interacting with MQTT for bindings |
Zigpc_binding_request | API and functions for sending bind and unbind requests. Intended to operate on raw MQTT topics and payloads, this module parses messages and converts them into events sent to the gateway |
Zigpc_binding_setup | API and functions for setting up and shutting down the zigpc_bindings component |
Zigpc_binding_mqtt_helpers | API and functions for helping with MQTT parsing |
►ZigPC Command Mapper | The ZigPC Command Mapper is responsible for translating MQTT DotDot commands to be sent to the Zigbee network |
ZigPC Command Mapper Internal API | The ZigPC Command Mapper internal API contains interfaces to translate MQTT messages into ZCL frames |
Centralized Logic for ZigPC Actions | This component serves as a mediator to invoke behaviors for Zigbee devices based on its network state (device announced, device interviewed, etc.) |
►ZigPC Data Storage API | API for the creating, updating, and deleting persistent information |
ZigPC datastore accessor templates. | Templates and datastore accessor classes |
ZigPC datastore node identifiers. | Datastore related identifiers |
ZigPC datastore utility functions. | Datastore related utility functions |
ZigPC Datastore C++ API | C++ API for the ZigPC datstore component |
►ZigPC Device Discovery | This is responsible for starting and notify discovery of a Zigbee device on the network. The currently supported messages are as follows: |
ZigPC Discovery Internal API | |
ZigPC Discovery Internal Callback Storage | This module provides the ability to add/remove/invoke discovery-based callbacks. Both device-specific and WILDCARD_EUI64 based callbacks can be added and removed |
ZigPC Discovery Internal Event Handlers | This module contains all the handlers for events received by clients and zigpc_gateway |
ZigPC Discovery Internal Process Queue | This module provides the interface to add events to be added as Contiki events to be processed within the zigpc_discovery context |
ZigPC Discovery Internal Timers | This module manages a list of callback timers used by zigpc_discovery. callbacks with timeouts can be added removed |
►ZigPC Group Management Interface functions | This header contains the definitions and functionality associated with the Zigpc Group Management. This is the intended public interface for the entire component. All definitions and functions here are required for manipulating groups |
ZigPC Group Map functions | This header contains the definitions and functionality associated with the Zigpc Group Map. This is the internal mechanism for storing and manipulating groups data |
ZigPC Group Management MQTT functions | This header contains the definitions and functionality associated with handling groups MQTT functionality. Functions for publishing to MQTT and helpers are in this module |
Capabilities for updating the NCP | This header contains the external interface for the component responsible for updating the Protocol Controller's NCP radio |
►ZigPC OTA functions | This header contains the definitions and functionality associated with over-the-air upgrades setup. This is the intended public interface for the entire component. All definitions and functions here are required for manipulating or configuring OTA Updates |
ZigPC OTA Internal functions | This header contains the private definitions and internal functionality associated with over-the-air upgrades . All definitions and functions here are required for manipulating or configuring OTA Updates |
►ZigPC SmartStart | ZigPC SmartStart Functionality |
ZigPC SmartStart internal API | Internal API for ZigPC SmartStart |
ZigPC STDIN Interface | ZigPC STDIN inteface provides addition commands that can be used to interact with the ZigPC application |
►ZigPC UCL Utility Component | This is responsible for publishing and subscribing to Zigbee Protocol Controller specific topics that is not exposed by the Unify shared component |
ZigPC UCL Utility Fixtures | Setup and shutdown fixtures for ZigPC UCL utilities |
ZigPC UCL utility functions | Utility functions used in manipulating UCL messages |
►ZigPC ZCL Command Parser | Listen to ZCL command messages received by Protocol Controller from its PAN nodes |
ZigPC ZCL Command Parser Internal API | Internal API for Command Parser logic |
►ZigPC ZCL Utilities | This component contains definitions and behaviours that is used to manipulate ZCL data types |
Internal API used within the ZCL utility component. | |
ZigPC ZCL Definitions | Contains definitions used by ZigPC in order to intrepret ZCL information |
ZigPC Application Monitoring | Initializes the ZigPC Application Monitoring |
►ZigPC Gateway Component | Public command API for zigpc_gateway |
ZigPC Observer API | Observer API for getting events from zigpc_gateway |
ZigPC Gateway Component | The interface for interacting with sleepy messages |
ZigPC Gateway Process Event API | Observer API for getting events from zigpc_gateway |
ZigPC Gateway Request Queue | Request Queue API to send messages to EmberAf/ZigbeeHost layer |
►ZigPC Network Management | The role of the ZigPC Network Management component is to handle all logic related to changing the Zigbee network, such as: network formation adding nodes to the network, discovering nodes, and removing nodes |
ZigPC Observer API | Observer API for getting events from zigpc_gateway |
ZigPC Network Management Process | Process related fixtures for ZigPC Network Management |
ZigPC Net Mgmt Process Event API | Contiki Process API to send events to ZigPC Net Mgmt |
►ZigPC Common Utilities | |
ZigPC Common Observable | A Common Observable module allows components to maintain their list of observers without the need to set up the overhead to register, unregister, and notify observers |
ZigPC UNID definitions and helpers | ZigPC UNID definitions and helpers |
Zigbee Types | This header contains definitions that represent the Zigbee data types used in the Geko SDK, |
ZigPC Configuration system | This component is the source of the configuration parameters passed through command line arguments and/or the configuration file |
Mapper path match evaluation | Class assessing if expression can match attributes in the Attribute Store |
Scope settings helpers | Helpers to read and interpret what to do based on scope settings |
Unify Attribute Definitions | TODO: Write brief for uic_attribute_definitions |
▼Unify Components | Shared Unify components to be used by multiple applications |
►Unify Attribute Mapper | Automatic attribute manipulation component |
Abstract Syntax Tree | Attribute Mapper Abstract Syntax Tree |
Abstract Syntax Tree complexity counter | This ast visitor counts the complexity of the ast tree, but counting the number of nodes in the tree |
Abstract Syntax Tree Dependency Evaluation | Dependency evaluators used by the mapping engine |
Abstract Syntax Tree Evaluation | Evaluators that return the value of an AST |
Abstract Syntax Tree Print | Write a description about this |
Abstract Syntax Tree Reducer | Write a description about this |
UAM built-in functions definitions | Built-in functions that can be invoked directly from UAM map files |
Mapper cyclic dependency checker | Component cyclic dependency checker |
Mapper engine | Mapper engine which defines relations between attributes in the atttribute store |
Mapper grammar | Describes the grammar rules of .uam files |
Mapper parser | Parses strings/text into Abtract Syntax Trees |
Process definitions for the Unify Attribute Mapper | Process definitions for the Unify Attribute Mapper |
Attribute Resolver | The role of the attribute resolver is to locate and resolve missing information in the attribute store |
►Attribute Store | Attribute store |
►Attribute Store Public Interface | Public functions from the attribute store. It allows other components to manipulate the Attribute Store tree. and register callbacks for Attribute Store updates |
Attribute Store Configuration | Allows to configure how the attribute store behaves |
Attribute Store Type registration | Type registration to the Attribute Store |
Internal configuration functions | Internal functions for the attribute store configuration |
Attribute Store Fixture | Initialization and teardown of the Attribute Store |
Attribute Store Value Helpers | Helper functions to perform actions on the attribute store |
Attribute Store callbacks registration module | Module handling the registration and invokation of callbacks functions for other components |
Attribute Store Node class | Node Class and definition for the attribute store |
Attribute Store Process | Contiki process for the Attribute Store |
Attribute Store validation | Attribute Store validation utility |
►Unify Attribute utilities | Unify Attribute Store utilities |
Unify Attribute timeouts | Attribute timeout/callback helper component |
Unify Attribute transitions | Attribute transition helper component |
Unify Configuration System | Unify Configuration System |
►The Contiki RTOS | |
►Protothreads | |
Local continuations | |
Protothread semaphores | |
►System | |
Clock library | |
Callback timer | |
Event timers | |
The Contiki program loader | |
Contiki processes | |
Real-time task scheduling | |
Timer library | |
►Library | |
Linked list library | |
Ring buffer library | |
►Memory | |
Memory block management functions | |
Device | |
Test | |
►Unify Datastore | Persistent Unify Datastore |
Attributes storage. | Datastore API for Attributes (from the Attribute Store) |
Unify Datastore Fixture | Persistent Datastore fixture |
DotDot Attribute ID definitions | Header with Attribute ID definitions |
DotDot Cluster Commands ID definitions | Header with Cluster Command ID definitions |
DotDot Cluster ID definitions | Header with Cluster ID definitions |
ZAP (ZigBee Automation Platform) | Types used by autogenerated code using ZAP |
►DotDot Serializer | This component provides helper functions for parsing and generates Unify json payloads sent over MQTT |
DotDot MQTT Value names for attributes not covered automatically by ZCL | Additional string/value pairs for DotDot Serializer |
Dotdot MQTT internal shared functions | Dotdot MQTT internal shared functions (C++) |
DotDot Attributes Serializer | This component provides helper functions for parsing the Attribute space of topics and generates Unify json payloads sent over MQTT |
DotDot MQTT generated commands | This component provides helper functions to publish generated commands with json payloads sent over MQTT |
DotDot ByGroup Listeners | This component provides helper functions for parsing UCL by-group commands |
DotDot MQTT Helpers | Various helper functions C interface for DotDot Serializer |
DotDot MQTT C++ helpers | Various helper functions for DotDot Serializer |
Dotdot MQTT Send commands | This module allows to issue UCL/MQTT commands to destinations |
Dotdot MQTT Supported Generated commands | This module allows to issue advertise a list of SupportedGeneratedCommands for a given UNID / Endpoint using UCL/MQTT |
Internal C++ Command parsing helpers | C++ Helpers and definitions for parsing DotDot MQTT commands |
Unify GBL Interface | This component interfaces with the Gecko bootloader to perform OTA updates |
Unify Logging system | Logging library for Unify applications and components |
►Main Function for Contiki | |
►Unify Component Fixture Set Up and Tear Down | |
Internal Fixture Interfaces. | |
Signal handler for Unify Main | |
►Unify External Event Demultiplexer | |
►Internal Interfaces of the Unify External Event Demultiplexer | |
Posix-Specific Implementation of the Event Demultiplexer's Internal Interface | |
►Unify MQTT Client | MQTT client interface |
MQTT Client | This is the implementation of all of the logic for our MQTT client |
MQTT Client ID | Generates and provide a Client ID for the application/machine |
Unify Multi Invoke C++ template | Template for multiple invoke callback maps |
OTA (Over-the-Air) Image Listener | Component that monitors the image provider for new firmware images and publishes ota information over mqtt |
Unify SmartStart Management | Unify SmartStart management component |
►Unify Stdin | Unify Stdin interface for other applications |
Unfiy Attribute Store Commands | Set of Attribute Store commands available by default with the stdin console |
Unfiy Attribute Resolver Commands | Set of Attribute Resolver commands available by default with the stdin console |
Unfiy Attribute Store Commands | Set of Attribute Store commands available by default with the stdin console |
Unify Application Monitoring | Helper components that assists with ApplicationMonitoring over MQTT |
Attribute Poll Engine | The Attribute Polling Engine supplies the functionality of polling attribute reported values with a supplied interval |
►Unify DotDot Attribute Store | Component that assists storing, reading and writing DotDot Attributes in the Attribute Store |
Attribute Publisher for UCL/DotDot attributes | Registers attribute callbacks and publishes their value on MQTT |
Command handlers for incoming MQTT UCL/DotDot commands | Registers command callbacks to DotDot MQTT for cluster commands |
Configuration for the\ref unify_dotdot_attribute_store | Modules that allows to read the configuration of the Unify DotDot Attribute Store |
Command handlers for incoming MQTT UCL/DotDot ForceReadAttributes commands | Registers command callbacks to DotDot MQTT for the ForceReadAttribute command of every cluster |
DotDot Attribute Store Registration | Registers the type of the DotDot attributes to the Attribute Store |
Command handlers for incoming MQTT UCL/DotDot WriteAttributes commands | Registers command callbacks to DotDot MQTT for the WriteAttributes command of every cluster |
DotDot Attributes Helper functions | Set of helper functions to manipulate DotDot attributes under a node/endpoint |
DotDot Attribute Store Types | Attribute Store Type allocation for DotDot attributes |
Unify Node State Monitor | Monitors when Unify nodes are added, removed, or failing |
Unify Validator component | Unify validator |
►Unify definitions | Type definitions and macros for Unify components and applications |
Status Codes | Status codes used to indicate the outcome of a function |
Unify Enums types | Contains defines to make enums with specified underlying types |
Internal C++ ZAP definitions | C++ Helpers and definitions for DotDot MQTT |
Unify Dotdot Attribute Store Group Cluster | Provides group command handling and group membership publications |
UCL Node State | Handles publishing node state to ucl/by-unid/<node>/State topic |
Barrier Control Cluster Mapper | Maps BarrierControl Cluster incoming Commands to attribute modifications |
Color Control Cluster Mapper | Maps Color Control Cluster incoming Commands to attribute modifications |
Door Lock Cluster Mapper | Maps Door Lock Cluster incoming Commands to attribute modifications |
Identify Cluster Mapper | Maps Identify Cluster incoming Commands to attribute modifications |
Level Cluster Mapper | Maps Level Cluster incoming Commands to attribute modifications |
OnOff Cluster Mapper | Maps On Off Cluster incoming Commands to attribute modifications |
PollControl Cluster Mapper | Maps Level PollControl incoming Commands to attribute modifications |
Thermostat Cluster Mapper | Maps Thermostat Cluster incoming Commands to attribute modifications |
WindowCovering Cluster Mapper | Maps Level WindowCovering incoming Commands to attribute modifications |
UCL device type | Handles publishing device type list to ucl/by-unid/<node>/DeviceTypeList |