Zigbee Protocol Controller 1.6.0
Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 12345]
 ZigPC Config FixtureZigPC Datastore Configuration fixture
 Zcl Profiles InternalThis header contains private functions used for private zcl_profile manipulation
 ZigPC components
 ZigPC Attribute Management componentAPI and functions for interacting with attributes
 Zigpc_binding_mqttAPI and functions for interacting with MQTT for bindings
 Zigpc_binding_requestAPI and functions for sending bind and unbind requests. Intended to operate on raw MQTT topics and payloads, this module parses messages and converts them into events sent to the gateway
 Zigpc_binding_setupAPI and functions for setting up and shutting down the zigpc_bindings component
 Zigpc_binding_mqtt_helpersAPI and functions for helping with MQTT parsing
 ZigPC Command MapperThe ZigPC Command Mapper is responsible for translating MQTT DotDot commands to be sent to the Zigbee network
 Centralized Logic for ZigPC ActionsThis component serves as a mediator to invoke behaviors for Zigbee devices based on its network state (device announced, device interviewed, etc.)
 ZigPC Data Storage APIAPI for the creating, updating, and deleting persistent information
 ZigPC Datastore C++ APIC++ API for the ZigPC datstore component
 ZigPC Device DiscoveryThis is responsible for starting and notify discovery of a Zigbee device on the network. The currently supported messages are as follows:
 ZigPC Group Management Interface functionsThis header contains the definitions and functionality associated with the Zigpc Group Management. This is the intended public interface for the entire component. All definitions and functions here are required for manipulating groups
 Capabilities for updating the NCPThis header contains the external interface for the component responsible for updating the Protocol Controller's NCP radio
 ZigPC OTA functionsThis header contains the definitions and functionality associated with over-the-air upgrades setup. This is the intended public interface for the entire component. All definitions and functions here are required for manipulating or configuring OTA Updates
 ZigPC SmartStartZigPC SmartStart Functionality
 ZigPC STDIN InterfaceZigPC STDIN inteface provides addition commands that can be used to interact with the ZigPC application
 ZigPC UCL Utility ComponentThis is responsible for publishing and subscribing to Zigbee Protocol Controller specific topics that is not exposed by the Unify shared component
 ZigPC ZCL Command ParserListen to ZCL command messages received by Protocol Controller from its PAN nodes
 ZigPC ZCL UtilitiesThis component contains definitions and behaviours that is used to manipulate ZCL data types
 ZigPC Application MonitoringInitializes the ZigPC Application Monitoring
 ZigPC Gateway ComponentPublic command API for zigpc_gateway
 ZigPC Network ManagementThe role of the ZigPC Network Management component is to handle all logic related to changing the Zigbee network, such as: network formation adding nodes to the network, discovering nodes, and removing nodes
 ZigPC Common Utilities
 ZigPC Configuration systemThis component is the source of the configuration parameters passed through command line arguments and/or the configuration file
 Mapper path match evaluationClass assessing if expression can match attributes in the Attribute Store
 Scope settings helpersHelpers to read and interpret what to do based on scope settings
 Unify Attribute DefinitionsTODO: Write brief for uic_attribute_definitions
 Unify ComponentsShared Unify components to be used by multiple applications
 Unify Attribute MapperAutomatic attribute manipulation component
 Attribute ResolverThe role of the attribute resolver is to locate and resolve missing information in the attribute store
 Attribute StoreAttribute store
 Unify Attribute utilitiesUnify Attribute Store utilities
 Unify Configuration SystemUnify Configuration System
 The Contiki RTOS
 Unify DatastorePersistent Unify Datastore
 DotDot Attribute ID definitionsHeader with Attribute ID definitions
 DotDot Cluster Commands ID definitionsHeader with Cluster Command ID definitions
 DotDot Cluster ID definitionsHeader with Cluster ID definitions
 ZAP (ZigBee Automation Platform)Types used by autogenerated code using ZAP
 DotDot SerializerThis component provides helper functions for parsing and generates Unify json payloads sent over MQTT
 Unify GBL InterfaceThis component interfaces with the Gecko bootloader to perform OTA updates
 Unify Logging systemLogging library for Unify applications and components
 Main Function for Contiki
 Unify MQTT ClientMQTT client interface
 Unify Multi Invoke C++ templateTemplate for multiple invoke callback maps
 OTA (Over-the-Air) Image ListenerComponent that monitors the image provider for new firmware images and publishes ota information over mqtt
 Unify SmartStart ManagementUnify SmartStart management component
 Unify StdinUnify Stdin interface for other applications
 Unify Application MonitoringHelper components that assists with ApplicationMonitoring over MQTT
 Attribute Poll EngineThe Attribute Polling Engine supplies the functionality of polling attribute reported values with a supplied interval
 Unify DotDot Attribute StoreComponent that assists storing, reading and writing DotDot Attributes in the Attribute Store
 Unify Node State MonitorMonitors when Unify nodes are added, removed, or failing
 Unify Validator componentUnify validator
 Unify definitionsType definitions and macros for Unify components and applications
 Internal C++ ZAP definitionsC++ Helpers and definitions for DotDot MQTT
 Unify Dotdot Attribute Store Group ClusterProvides group command handling and group membership publications
 UCL Node StateHandles publishing node state to ucl/by-unid/<node>/State topic
 Barrier Control Cluster MapperMaps BarrierControl Cluster incoming Commands to attribute modifications
 Color Control Cluster MapperMaps Color Control Cluster incoming Commands to attribute modifications
 Door Lock Cluster MapperMaps Door Lock Cluster incoming Commands to attribute modifications
 Identify Cluster MapperMaps Identify Cluster incoming Commands to attribute modifications
 Level Cluster MapperMaps Level Cluster incoming Commands to attribute modifications
 OnOff Cluster MapperMaps On Off Cluster incoming Commands to attribute modifications
 PollControl Cluster MapperMaps Level PollControl incoming Commands to attribute modifications
 Thermostat Cluster MapperMaps Thermostat Cluster incoming Commands to attribute modifications
 WindowCovering Cluster MapperMaps Level WindowCovering incoming Commands to attribute modifications
 UCL device typeHandles publishing device type list to ucl/by-unid/<node>/DeviceTypeList