Zigbee Protocol Controller 1.6.0
ZigPC components


 ZigPC Attribute Management component
 API and functions for interacting with attributes.
 API and functions for interacting with MQTT for bindings.
 API and functions for sending bind and unbind requests. Intended to operate on raw MQTT topics and payloads, this module parses messages and converts them into events sent to the gateway.
 API and functions for setting up and shutting down the zigpc_bindings component.
 API and functions for helping with MQTT parsing.
 ZigPC Command Mapper
 The ZigPC Command Mapper is responsible for translating MQTT DotDot commands to be sent to the Zigbee network.
 Centralized Logic for ZigPC Actions
 This component serves as a mediator to invoke behaviors for Zigbee devices based on its network state (device announced, device interviewed, etc.)
 ZigPC Data Storage API
 API for the creating, updating, and deleting persistent information.
 ZigPC Datastore C++ API
 C++ API for the ZigPC datstore component.
 ZigPC Device Discovery
 This is responsible for starting and notify discovery of a Zigbee device on the network. The currently supported messages are as follows:
 ZigPC Group Management Interface functions
 This header contains the definitions and functionality associated with the Zigpc Group Management. This is the intended public interface for the entire component. All definitions and functions here are required for manipulating groups.
 Capabilities for updating the NCP
 This header contains the external interface for the component responsible for updating the Protocol Controller's NCP radio.
 ZigPC OTA functions
 This header contains the definitions and functionality associated with over-the-air upgrades setup. This is the intended public interface for the entire component. All definitions and functions here are required for manipulating or configuring OTA Updates.
 ZigPC SmartStart
 ZigPC SmartStart Functionality.
 ZigPC STDIN Interface
 ZigPC STDIN inteface provides addition commands that can be used to interact with the ZigPC application.
 ZigPC UCL Utility Component
 This is responsible for publishing and subscribing to Zigbee Protocol Controller specific topics that is not exposed by the Unify shared component.
 ZigPC ZCL Command Parser
 Listen to ZCL command messages received by Protocol Controller from its PAN nodes.
 ZigPC ZCL Utilities
 This component contains definitions and behaviours that is used to manipulate ZCL data types.
 ZigPC Application Monitoring
 Initializes the ZigPC Application Monitoring.
 ZigPC Gateway Component
 Public command API for zigpc_gateway.
 ZigPC Network Management
 The role of the ZigPC Network Management component is to handle all logic related to changing the Zigbee network, such as: network formation adding nodes to the network, discovering nodes, and removing nodes.
 ZigPC Common Utilities
 ZigPC Configuration system
 This component is the source of the configuration parameters passed through command line arguments and/or the configuration file.

Detailed Description

ZigPC Components

The Zigbee Protocol Controller is made of a number of components, each component is described here.