Zigbee Protocol Controller 1.6.0
ZigPC UCL Utility Component

This is responsible for publishing and subscribing to Zigbee Protocol Controller specific topics that is not exposed by the Unify shared component. More...


 ZigPC UCL Utility Fixtures
 Setup and shutdown fixtures for ZigPC UCL utilities.
 ZigPC UCL utility functions
 Utility functions used in manipulating UCL messages.


namespace  zigpc_ucl
 UCL topic and payload manipulators in the Zigbee Protocol Controller.

Detailed Description

This is responsible for publishing and subscribing to Zigbee Protocol Controller specific topics that is not exposed by the Unify shared component.

These topics are (currently):

NetworkManagement State publishing: This functionality update the MQTT topic when the Network Management FSM changes its state. For example, if the network management FSM is in the idle state, the MQTT topic ...ProtocolController/NetworkManagement will be published with {state: "idle"} as well as other JSON fields that notify of next possible actions that the FSM can take