EFR32 Blue Gecko 12 Software Documentation  efr32bg12-doc-5.1.2
UARTDRV_InitUart_t Struct Reference

Detailed Description

UART driver instance initialization structure. This data structure contains a number of UARTDRV configuration options required for driver instance initialization. This struct is passed to UARTDRV_Init() when initializing a UARTDRV instance.

Definition at line 176 of file uartdrv.h.

#include <uartdrv.h>

Data Fields

uint32_t baudRate
 UART baud rate.
uint8_t ctsPin
 CTS pin number.
GPIO_Port_TypeDef ctsPort
 CTS pin port number.
UARTDRV_FlowControlType_t fcType
 Flow control mode.
bool mvdis
 Majority Vote Disable for 16x, 8x and 6x oversampling modes.
USART_OVS_TypeDef oversampling
 Oversampling mode.
USART_Parity_TypeDef parity
 Parity configuration.
 The peripheral used for UART.
uint8_t portLocationCts
 Location number for UART CTS pin.
uint8_t portLocationRts
 Location number for UART RTS pin.
uint8_t portLocationRx
 Location number for UART Rx pin.
uint8_t portLocationTx
 Location number for UART Tx pin.
uint8_t rtsPin
 RTS pin number.
GPIO_Port_TypeDef rtsPort
 RTS pin port number.
 Receive operation queue.
USART_Stopbits_TypeDef stopBits
 Number of stop bits.
 Transmit operation queue.

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