Adding unit test for matter bridge cluster support
The ClusterTestContext(unify::matter_bridge::Test::ClusterContext) is a template implemented to help test the clusters supported by matter bridge. The class template derives from UnifyBridgeContext class which in turn derives from chip::Test::AppContext and hence can be used as test context for any matter unit test suite. It has 2 template arguments
AttributeHandler class
: This is to be set to the attribute translator/access class which zap generated for the cluster to be testedCommandHandler class
: This is to be set to command tranlater or CommandHandler class zap generated for the cluster to be tested
Attribute Test Template Function
This template function mocks a MQTT publish with given topic and payload and also mocks a Read atrribute from matter and checks if the read value matches expected value for the topic and payload.
Additionally, there is template function that mocks a WriteAttribute and checks if the resulting MQTT message that the bridge publishes in response to command matches with the expected topic and payload passed to this function.
Command Test Template Function
This template function mocks the requested matter command and checks if the topic and payload of MQTT message that the bridge publishes in response to command matches with the expected topic and payload passed to this function.
Refer ClusterTestContext.h for more details.
Implementing Cluster Test
For the test context of the test suite use the ClusterTestContext template
In Initialize method given to test suite,
method initialize matter UT frameworkInitialize and register a endpoint support the required cluster and configure the required attributes within the cluster
method within testcontext defined in step 1 to fetch endpoint handleUse
method in ep handle to create and add a cluster to epFill the
members with required attributes and commands of the cluster to testUse
method within test context to registered the configured endpoint
In Each test case added to the test suite,
Use attribute_test template function within test context to test ReadAttribute for attributes of the cluster
Use attribute_write_test template function within test context to test WriteAttribute for attributes of the cluster
Use command_test template function within the test context to test commands of the cluster