Building the Unify Matter Bridge

This build guide helps with cross-compilation for arm64 architecture to be run on Unify’s reference platform - a Raspberry Pi 4 (RPi4) with the 64-bit version of Debian Bookworm.

Note: In the following subsections the commands should either be run on your local development machine or inside a running Docker container, as distinguished by the structure of the example.

  • some-command should be executed on your local machine.

    • dev-machine:~$ some-command

  • some-other-command should be executed inside the Docker container.

    • root@docker:/<dir>$ some-other-command

Check Out Submodules

🔴 Assuming you have cloned the unify-matter-bridge repo in ~/unify-matter-bridge

Check out the necessary submodules with the following command.

dev-machine:~/unify-matter-bridge$ ./scripts/

Build the Docker Container (arm64 compilation)

dev-machine:~/unify-matter-bridge$ docker build -t unify-matter docker/

Start the docker from unify-matter-bridge/ directory where you cloned the unify-matter-bridge repo: Here we assume unify-matter-bridge/ is in ~

dev-machine:~$ cd unify-matter-bridge/
dev-machine:~/unify-matter-bridge$ docker run -it -v $PWD:/unify-matter-bridge -v ./linux/third_party/UnifySDK:/uic unify-matter

Activate Matter development environment

Once you have all the necessary submodules, source the Matter environment with the following command. This loads a number of build tools and makes sure the correct toolchains and compilers are used for compiling the Unify Matter Bridge.

Make sure you are in /unify-matter-bridge/linux/third_party/connectedhomeip directory

root@docker:/unify-matter-bridge$ cd /unify-matter-bridge/linux/third_party/connectedhomeip
root@docker:/unify-matter-bridge/linux/third_party/connectedhomeip$ git config --global --add /unify-matter-bridge/linux/third_party/connectedhomeip
root@docker:/unify-matter-bridge/linux/third_party/connectedhomeip$ git config --global --add /unify-matter-bridge/linux/third_party/connectedhomeip/third_party/pigweed/repo
root@docker:/unify-matter-bridge/linux/third_party/connectedhomeip$ source ./scripts/

Generate Zap Code

This step is optional for normal build, only to be done for changes in Zap files.

To use Zap to generate code from Unify XML files you need to export UCL_XML_PATH as well.

root@docker:/unify-matter-bridge$ cd /uic
root@docker:/uic$ export UCL_XML_PATH=/uic/components/uic_dotdot/dotdot-xml

Run below Zap script to generate zap files for unify matter bridge.

root@docker:/unify-matter-bridge$ cd /unify-matter-bridge/linux/zap-handlers
root@docker:/unify-matter-bridge/linux/zap-handlers$ ./

Compile the Unify Matter Bridge

Make sure you are in /unify-matter-bridge/linux directory

root@docker:/unify-matter-bridge$ cd /unify-matter-bridge/linux
root@docker:/unify-matter-bridge/linux$ export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/unify-matter-bridge/linux/out/arm64/gen/stage/share/pkgconfig:/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig/
root@docker:/unify-matter-bridge/linux$ gn gen out/arm64 --args='target_cpu="arm64"'
root@docker:/unify-matter-bridge/linux$ ninja -C out/arm64 debian

Note: Please update the arch name and triples as needed when building for other variants.

🔴 After building, the unify-matter-bridge binary is located at /unify-matter-bridge/linux/out/arm64/obj/bin/unify-matter-bridge and debian is located at /unify-matter-bridge/linux/out/arm64/packages/uic-mb_<version>_arm64.deb.

Compile the chip-tool

The chip-tool is a CLI tool that can be used to commission the bridge and to control end devices.

root@docker:/unify-matter-bridge/linux/third_party/connectedhomeip$ cd examples/chip-tool

root@docker:/unify-matter-bridge/linux/third_party/connectedhomeip/examples/chip-tool$ gn gen out/arm64 --args='target_cpu="arm64"'

root@docker:/unify-matter-bridge/linux/third_party/connectedhomeip/examples/chip-tool$ ninja -C out/arm64

🔴 After building, the chip-tool binary is located at /unify-matter-bridge/linux/third_party/connectedhomeip/examples/chip-tool/out/arm64/chip-tool.


  1. If you do not source the connectedhomeip/scripts/ as described above in Activate Matter development environment,gn and other common build tools will not be found.

  2. If you are compiling unit tests, do not try to compile the Unify Matter Bridge at the same time. This will not work as when compiling unit tests you are also compiling unit tests for all other sub-components.

  3. Encountering problems with the submodules can be due to trying to check out the submodules inside the docker container.

  4. If the Unify Matter Bridge gets stuck while booting. Try to pass --args="chip_config_network_layer_ble=false" to gn gen command while building.
    Note: Doing this will disable ble commissioning feature