Getting Started with SoC Mode

This guide describes how to get started developing an application for the SiWx91x in System-on-chip (SoC) mode, where both the application and the networking stack run on the SiWx917 chipset.

Hardware Requirements

The following hardware devices are required for executing Matter over Wi-Fi for SOC Mode:

  • Refer, Hardware Requirements

  • Additional hardwares required for SOC Boards:

    • Windows/Linux/MacOS computer with a USB port

    • USB cable for connecting WSTK Board to Computer

    • Raspberry Pi with a >32 GB SD Card

    • Access Point with Internet Access

Software Requirements

Below are the software tools, packages and images required for executing Matter over Wi-Fi for SOC Mode:

Software Tools Requirements

  • Simplicity Commander for flashing firmware and binary on SOC Boards

  • Putty for controlling SOC hardware using chip-tool controller

  • Ozone Debugger for logging and debugging (Optional)

  • JLink RTT for logging only (Optional) To install above software tools , refer Software Installation

Connect the Boards to a Computer

  1. Mount the SiWx917 radio board on the SiWx917 WSTK board.

    Silicon Labs - design

  2. Connect your SiWx917 Wireless Starter Kit (WSTK) board to your computer using a USB cable.

Updating SiWx917 SoC Connectivity Firmware

  • Download the recommended version of firmware before you start with the update process from the Matter Artifacts page

Steps to update the firmware on SiWx917 SoC radio board using Simplicity Commander

  1. Open Simplicity Commander application.

  2. In the Simplicity Commander window, click Select Kit and choose your radio board.

    Silicon Labs - design

  3. In the navigation pane, go to the Flash section.

  4. Click Browse next to the Binary File field.

    Silicon Labs - design

  5. Refer Firmware for SiWx917 SoC to identify the which firmware to be flashed into the specific hardware. Locate and select the firmware file to flash.

  6. Click Flash

    Silicon Labs - design

  7. The firmware will be flashed and the Log Window will display a “Resetting” message.

    Silicon Labs - design

Troubleshoot SiWx917 SOC Firmware Update Failure

If the firmware update fails, try the following:

  • Toggle the power switch towards AEM (Advanced Energy Monitoring) on the WSTK board.

  • Perform the following steps and try the firmware update again

    • Toggle the ISP switch towards ISP on the radio board.

    • Press the RESET button on the WSTK board.

    • Toggle the ISP switch away from ISP on the radio board.

    • In the Flash section in step 5 above, click Erase chip.

    • The flash will be erased.

    • Retry the firmware upgrade.

Building Matter Application on SOC device

Flashing Images/Binaries on the SiWx917 SoC platform using Ozone and Simplicity Commander

  1. SiWx917 SoC device support is available in the latest Simplicity Commander(version 1v15p3). To flash the TA Firmware/Matter application on SiWx917 SoC,

    • Convert the .s37 file into .rps file using the below command,

      commander rps create <file-name>.rps --app <file-name>.s37
    • Flash to the device using,

      commander rps load <file-name>.rps
  2. Official support for SiWx917 SoC for Common Flash Board is not yet available in the Ozone Debugger, but can be configured for dual flash board - Ozone Environment Setup for SiWx917 SoC.

  3. 917 SoC switch positions for Dual Flash Boards: Left switch should be on the OFF/LOW, and right switch should be on the NORMAL side.

  4. After creating rps file flash the binary to board by using Simplicity Commander, refer Flashing SiWx917 SOC Using Simplicity Commander

  5. Flashing the Matter application using Ozone Debugger


  1. SiWx917 SoC Common flash boards are not supported by Ozone.

  2. To enable RTT logs, download JlinkDevices.xml file from the Matter Artifacts page and install in the Jlink installation path.

Demo Execution - Commissioning a SiWx917 SoC Device using chip-tool for Linux

Note: Commissioning can be done using chip-tool running either on Linux or Raspberry Pi.

  1. Get the SSID and PSK of the Wi-Fi network (WPA2 - Security) you are connected to.

  2. Run the following:

    $ cd $MATTER_WORKDIR/matter

    Commissioning Command:

    $ out/standalone/chip-tool pairing ble-wifi 1122 $SSID $PSK 20202021 3840


  1. The Node ID used here is 1122. This will be used in future commands.

  2. The below given steps (3, 4, 5) are for Lighting-app, use app specific commands if you are using any other application.

  1. To turn on the LED on the SiWx917:

    $ out/standalone/chip-tool onoff on 1122 1
  2. To turn off the LED on the SiWx917:

    $ out/standalone/chip-tool onoff off 1122 1
  3. The updated on/off state may be verified with the following command:

    $ out/standalone/chip-tool onoff read on-off 1122 1

If you are having difficulty getting the chip-tool to commission the device successfully, refer to the troubleshooting information on the Running the Matter Demos over Wi-Fi on EFR32 hosts page.

As the device remembers the Access Point credentials given for commissioning, if you want to run the demo multiple times, do a Factory Reset.

The commissioning command mentioned above does the following:

  • chip-tool scans BLE and locates the Silicon Labs device that uses the specified discriminator

  • Sends the Wi-Fi SSID and Passkey

  • The Silicon Labs device will join the Wi-Fi network and get an IP address. It then starts providing mDNS records on IPv4 and IPv6

  • chip-tool then locates the device over Wi-Fi and establishes operational certificates

  • Future communications (tests) will then happen over Wi-Fi