Zigbee Protocol Controller 1.6.0
zigpc_ucl_int.hpp File Reference
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
#include <sl_status.h>
#include <uic_mqtt.h>
#include <zigpc_common_zigbee.h>
#include <zigpc_net_mgmt.h>
#include <zigpc_net_mgmt_notify.h>
#include "zigpc_ucl.hpp"

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namespace  zigpc_ucl
 UCL topic and payload manipulators in the Zigbee Protocol Controller.
namespace  zigpc_ucl::mqtt
 UCL utility functions available to build and parse MQTT topics and payloads.
namespace  zigpc_ucl::pc_nwmgmt
 UCL operations manipulating the following topics:


sl_status_t zigpc_ucl::mqtt::parse_payload (const char *payload, nlohmann::json &jsn)
 Parse the Incoming JSON payload into the passed in property tree. More...
sl_status_t zigpc_ucl::mqtt::subscribe (zigpc_ucl::mqtt::topic_type_t topic_type, zigpc_ucl::mqtt::topic_data_t topic_data, mqtt_message_callback_t cb)
 Subscribe to a UCL topic based on the type and data passed in. More...
sl_status_t zigpc_ucl::mqtt::publish (zigpc_ucl::mqtt::topic_type_t topic_type, zigpc_ucl::mqtt::topic_data_t topic_data, const char *payload, size_t payload_size, bool retain)
 Publish payload to a UCL topic based on the type and data passed in. More...
sl_status_t zigpc_ucl::mqtt::unretain (zigpc_ucl::mqtt::topic_type_t topic_type, zigpc_ucl::mqtt::topic_data_t topic_data)
 Unretain a UCL topic based on the specific topic type and topic variables passed in. More...
sl_status_t zigpc_ucl::pc_nwmgmt::on_net_init (zigbee_eui64_uint_t pc_eui64)
 Event handler when the network has initialized. This handler will initialized any MQTT subscriptions needed to receieve PC NetworkManagement commands. More...
void zigpc_ucl::pc_nwmgmt::on_write_mqtt (const char *topic, const char *message, const size_t message_length)
 MQTT subscription handler for receiving network management updates. This function will send a dynamically allocated string from the character array passed in as a the MQTT message. More...
sl_status_t zigpc_ucl::pc_nwmgmt::on_net_state_update (zigpc_net_mgmt_on_network_state_update_t &state)
 Event handler when the network state has been updated. This handler will update the NetworkManagement MQTT topic based on the data received. More...


constexpr char zigpc_ucl::LOG_TAG [] = "zigpc_ucl"
constexpr char zigpc_ucl::LOG_FMT_JSON_ERROR [] = "%s: Unable to parse JSON payload: %s"