Zigbee Protocol Controller 1.6.0
zigpc_gateway.h File Reference

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sl_status_t zigpc_gateway_network_init (void)
 Request to initialize the Zigbee Network. The gateway will establish the Gateway device as a Zigbee Coordinator and Trust Center. On success, the "on_network_initialized" event will be set to components listening on zigpc_gateway notifications. More...
sl_status_t zigpc_gateway_network_permit_joins (bool enable)
 Request to enable/disable permitting Zigbee devices to join the network. More...
sl_status_t zigpc_gateway_send_zcl_command_frame (const zigbee_eui64_t eui64, zigbee_endpoint_id_t endpoint_id, zcl_cluster_id_t cluster_id, const zcl_frame_t *frame)
 Request to send a ZCL frame to an end device. More...
sl_status_t zigpc_gateway_send_zcl_frame_multicast (zigbee_multicast_id_t multicast_id, zcl_cluster_id_t cluster_id, const zcl_frame_t *frame)
 Request to send a ZCL frame to a multicast group. More...
sl_status_t zigpc_gateway_configure_reports (const zigbee_eui64_t eui64, uint8_t endpoint_id, zcl_cluster_id_t cluster_id, const uint8_t *report_record, unsigned int record_size)
 Request to send a ZCL Configure Reporting command to an end device. More...
sl_status_t zigpc_gateway_request_binding (const zigbee_eui64_t source_eui64, uint8_t source_endpoint_id, zcl_cluster_id_t cluster_id, const zigbee_eui64_t dest_eui64, uint8_t dest_endpoint_id)
 Request to send a ZCL Configure Reporting command to an end device. More...
sl_status_t zigpc_gateway_request_unbind (const zigbee_eui64_t source_eui64, uint8_t source_endpoint_id, zcl_cluster_id_t cluster_id, const zigbee_eui64_t dest_eui64, uint8_t dest_endpoint_id)
sl_status_t zigpc_gateway_request_binding_endpoint (const zigbee_eui64_t eui64, const zigbee_endpoint_t endpoint, const zigbee_eui64_t gateway_eui64)
 Request to send a ZCL Configure Reporting command to an end device. More...
bool zigpc_gateway_install_code_is_valid (const uint8_t *install_code, uint8_t install_code_length)
 Validate if install code can be accepted by EmberAf layer. More...
sl_status_t zigpc_gateway_add_node (const zigbee_eui64_t node_eui64, const zigbee_install_code_t install_code, const uint8_t install_code_length, bool is_well_known_key_add)
 Request to add a node to the Zigbee Network using the Z3 Install Code Method. More...
sl_status_t zigpc_gateway_remove_node (const zigbee_eui64_t eui64)
 Request to remove node on the Zigbee Network. If the node is not on the Zigbee network, no device remove success events will be sent to listening components. More...
sl_status_t zigpc_gateway_discover_device (const zigbee_eui64_t eui64)
 Request to interview node on the Zigbee Network. If the node is not on the Zigbee network, no device or endpoint discovery notifications will be sent. More...
sl_status_t zigpc_gateway_discover_endpoint (const zigbee_eui64_t eui64, zigbee_endpoint_id_t endpoint_id)
 Request to interview device endpoint on the Zigbee Network. If the device is not on the Zigbee network, zero endpoint discovery information will be received as a response. More...
sl_status_t zigpc_gateway_add_ota_image (const char *filename, unsigned int filename_size)
 zigpc_gateway_add_ota_image - add an OTA image to the ota-server plugin More...
void zigpc_gateway_command_print_info (void)
 Send command to print ZigbeeHost info. More...
void zigpc_gateway_send_emberaf_command (char *array)
 Send command to the ember CLI. More...
void zigpc_gateway_command_print_nwk_key (void)
 Send command to print Ember NWK key. More...
sl_status_t zigpc_gateway_get_counters_list (uint16_t *list, size_t count)
 Populate counters values to list provided. More...
const char * zigpc_gateway_get_counters_entry_label (size_t offset)
 Get the label of the counters entry based on the offset passed in. More...
size_t zigpc_gateway_get_counters_capacity ()
 Get the counters capacity. More...
void zigpc_gateway_clear_counters ()
 clear the counter plugin tokens More...
sl_status_t zigpc_gateway_bootload_restart ()
uint8_t zigpc_gateway_get_neighbor_count ()
 Get current active count in the neighbor adress table. More...
sl_status_t zigpc_gateway_get_neighbor_eui64 (uint8_t index, zigbee_eui64_t eui64)
 Get a specific neighbor EUI64 from its index. More...