Zigbee Protocol Controller 1.6.0
zcl_command_parser_int.h File Reference

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bool zigpc_zclcmdparse_cluster_command_supported (zcl_cluster_id_t cluster_id, zcl_command_id_t command_id)
 Check to see if the cluster ID and command ID is supported by the command parser. More...
void zigpc_zclcmdparse_invoke_callback (zigbee_eui64_t eui64, zigbee_endpoint_id_t endpoint_id, zcl_cluster_id_t cluster_id, zcl_command_id_t command_id, const zigpc_zclcmdparse_callback_data_t *data)
 Invoke any registered callbacks upon successful command parsing. More...
void zigpc_zclcmdparse_on_command_received (void *event_data)
 ZigPC Gateway event handler for commands received from the network. More...
void zigpc_zclcmdparse_reset_listeners (void)
 Reset all command parser listeners. More...