UPVL User’s Guide

UPVL is an acronym for Unify Framework Provisioning List


The UPVL MQTT Client is an application that manages the SmartStart List topic ucl/SmartStart/List.

The UPVL is required for all/any of the protocol controllers to support SmartStart.

It listens to the following MQTT topics, which is used to modify the SmartStart List and publish the list to ucl/SmartStart/List whenever it was updated:

  • ucl/SmartStart/List/Update

  • ucl/SmartStart/List/Remove

The SmartStart List is persisted in the file system by the UPVL and is published whenever the UPVL connects to the MQTT broker (i.e., when the UPVL or MQTT broker restarts, the persisted SmartStart list is published to ucl/SmartStart/List).


For installing please refer to the general installation method in Getting started.

Running the UPVL

Using Systemd Service

The best way to run the UPVL is using the Systemd service that is installed with the Debian installer. For more information, see Unify Framework User guide.

Using Command Line

Alternatively, the UPVL may be run by executing uic-upvl. It is possible to configure the MQTT broker Hostname or IP, UPVL database path, through command line options. For more details about the options, run uic-upvl --help.

Make sure that you do not run the UPVL both as a service and using the command line.

pi@unify:~ $ service uic-upvl status
● uic-upvl.service - Unify Framework Provisioning List
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/uic-upvl.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Tue 2022-02-01 13:32:57 CET; 20h ago
   Main PID: 1736 (uic-upvl)
      Tasks: 1 (limit: 4624)
     Memory: 3.2M
     CGroup: /system.slice/uic-upvl.service
             └─1736 /usr/bin/uic-upvl --upvl.db_file /var/lib/uic/upvl.db

Feb 02 09:20:06 ubunty200402 uic-upvl[1736]: 2022-Feb-02 09:20:06.343484 <i> [upvl_mqtt] Disconnected from MQTT broker. Status: 7.
Feb 02 09:20:06 ubunty200402 uic-upvl[1736]: Published 0 messages.
Feb 02 09:20:06 ubunty200402 uic-upvl[1736]: Received 0 messages of which 0 were dropped.
Feb 02 09:20:07 ubunty200402 uic-upvl[1736]: 2022-Feb-02 09:20:07.344734 <i> [upvl_mqtt] (Re-)connected to broker
Feb 02 09:20:07 ubunty200402 uic-upvl[1736]: 2022-Feb-02 09:20:07.344815 <i> [upvl_mqtt] Subscribing
Feb 02 09:20:08 ubunty200402 uic-upvl[1736]: 2022-Feb-02 09:20:08.345994 <i> [upvl_mqtt] Disconnected from MQTT broker. Status: 7.
Feb 02 09:20:08 ubunty200402 uic-upvl[1736]: Published 0 messages.
Feb 02 09:20:08 ubunty200402 uic-upvl[1736]: Received 0 messages of which 0 were dropped.
Feb 02 09:20:09 ubunty200402 uic-upvl[1736]: 2022-Feb-02 09:20:09.347998 <i> [upvl_mqtt] (Re-)connected to broker
Feb 02 09:20:09 ubunty200402 uic-upvl[1736]: 2022-Feb-02 09:20:09.348156 <i> [upvl_mqtt] Subscribing

If the service is running, stop it using the following command before you run the application manually:

pi@unify:~ $ service uic-upvl stop


  • Inclusion of a device keeps failing try to reset the UPVL database:

    sudo systemctl stop uic-upvl && rm /var/lib/uic/upvl.db && sudo systemctl start uic-upvl