AoXPC User Guide

This user guide will guide the reader on how to install, configure and run the Angle of Arrival/Departure Protocol Controller (AoXPC).

Readers of this document should be familiar with the basics and terms of Direction Finding. To learn more about the theory of Direction Finding, see UG103.18: Bluetooth Direction Finding Fundamentals.

To get started with Silicon Labs Direction Finding Solution, see QSG175: Silicon Labs Direction Finding Solution Quick-Start Guide. This document explains how to prepare the radio boards with the necessary firmware images.


  • AoX stands for both Bluetooth Low Energy 5.1 direction finding features, Angle of Arrival (AoA) and Angle of Departure (AoD). As of now, AoXPC supports only AoA but not AoD.

  • The asset tags in the AoA setup are considered to be homogeneous, i.e., every asset tag should operate with the same CTE type (Connection, Connectionless or Silicon Labs proprietary).

  • The Unify specification describes 2 reporting modes, IQReport and AngleReport. As of now, AoXPC supports only AngleReport.


Running AoXPC From the Command Line

The AoXPC can be started either from command line, or as a system service. Running AoXPC as a system service is supported if there is only one locator radio connected to the system.

sudo systemctl start uic-aoxpc

If the system hosts several locators, an AoXPC can be started for each locator from the command line.

aoxpc --aoxpc.ncp.serial /dev/ttyACM1 --aoxpc.datastore_file aoxpc_1.db

NOTE: Make sure to select separate datastore files for each locator. A datastore file can be used only by one aoxpc instance at once.

NCP Connection

In the AoA locator radios, the Bluetooth stack runs in a so called Network Co-Processor (NCP) mode. There are 2 ways to set up an NCP connection with the locator, either via serial port or via TCP/IP. The connection parameters can be specified with the following CLI options:

  --aoxpc.ncp.serial arg (=/dev/ttyACM0)
                                        Serial port where NCP module is
  --aoxpc.ncp.baud_rate arg (=115200)   Baud rate of the serial connection
  --aoxpc.ncp.tcp arg                   TCP address of the connection

If the aoxpc.ncp.tcp is given, it takes precedence over the serial port.

To learn more about NCP mode, see AN1259: Using the v3.x Silicon Labs Bluetooth Stack in Network Co-Processor Mode.

Updating NCP firmware

The firmware version of the NCP radio can be acquired using the --aoxpc.ncp.version option. If necessary, the firmware can be updated using the --aoxpc.ncp.version <gbl_file_path> option. The <gbl_file_path> is a Gecko BootLoader (GBL) image file. The creation of GBL image files is described in chapter 2.3 Creating Upgrade Images for the Bluetooth NCP Application of AN1086: Using the Gecko Bootloader with the Silicon Labs Bluetooth Applications.


There are 2 ways for controlling the configuration parameters of the AoXPC.

  1. JSON configuration file

  2. AoXLocator cluster attributes

JSON Configuration File

This option provides access to the complete list of the available configuration parameters. The path of the JSON config file can be set with the --aoxpc.config option. The format and the available configuration parameters are documented in the AN1296: Application Development with Silicon Labs’ RTL Library in chapters 3.3 AoA Locator Configuration, and 4.1 Positioning Configuration.

AoXLocator Cluster Attributes

A subset of the configuration parameters are also available as attributes of the AoXLocator cluster. These attributes can be written by a remote client with the WriteAttributes command. Once written, these attributes are stored in the persistent storage and get restored from the datastore file upon startup.

Configuration Precedence

If the JSON configuration file is provided, it always take precedence over the AoXLocator cluster attributes. If neither JSON configuration file is present, nor the AoXLocator cluster attributes are written, then the default value of the configuration parameters come to effect.

Configure AoXPC for Position Estimation

In order to operate the Positioning IoT Service, the coordinate and the orientation of the AoXPC has to be configured. This task might be trivial for 2 locators, but the complexity can grow quickly with the number of locators.

AoA Configurator is a graphical tool shipped with Simplicity Studio that simplifies this process by providing an editable 3D representation of your topology and locator devices. See UG514: Using the Bluetooth Direction Finding Tool Suite chapter 4.2 AoA Configurator for details.

When the topology is configured, the result can be exported as a JSON configuration file as described in chapter 3.5 Import & Export: Migrating Configuration Files.

Configuration Example

After determining the topology of the locators, let’s see the 2 different configuration methods in action. These methods will give the exact same result.

Using JSON configuration file

Save the following file as my_aox_config.json.

  "locators": [
      "id": "ble-pd-111111111111",
      "coordinate": {
        "x": 0.0,
        "y": 0.0,
        "z": 2.6
      "orientation": {
        "x": 180.0,
        "y": 0.0,
        "z": 0.0
      "id": "ble-pd-222222222222",
      "coordinate": {
        "x": 0.0,
        "y": 4.0,
        "z": 2.6
      "orientation": {
        "x": 180.0,
        "y": 0.0,
        "z": 0.0

Start the aoxpc instances.

aoxpc --aoxpc.config my_aox_config.json --aoxpc.ncp.serial /dev/ttyACM1 --aoxpc.datastore_file aoxpc_1.db
aoxpc --aoxpc.config my_aox_config.json --aoxpc.ncp.serial /dev/ttyACM2 --aoxpc.datastore_file aoxpc_2.db

Using AoXLocator cluster attributes

Start the aoxpc instances.

aoxpc --aoxpc.ncp.serial /dev/ttyACM1 --aoxpc.datastore_file aoxpc_1.db
aoxpc --aoxpc.ncp.serial /dev/ttyACM2 --aoxpc.datastore_file aoxpc_2.db

Write AoXLocator cluster attributes from a remote client.

ucl/by-unid/ble-pd-111111111111/ep0/AoXLocator/Commands/WriteAttributes - {
  "PositionAndOrientation": {
    "CoordinateX": 0.0,
    "CoordinateY": 0.0,
    "CoordinateZ": 2.6,
    "OrientationX": 180.0,
    "OrientationY": 0.0,
    "OrientationZ": 0.0
  "PositionAndOrientationValid": true
ucl/by-unid/ble-pd-222222222222/ep0/AoXLocator/Commands/WriteAttributes - {
  "PositionAndOrientation": {
    "CoordinateX": 0.0,
    "CoordinateY": 4.0,
    "CoordinateZ": 2.6,
    "OrientationX": 180.0,
    "OrientationY": 0.0,
    "OrientationZ": 0.0
  "PositionAndOrientationValid": true