EZR32 Happy Gecko Software Documentation  ezr32hg-doc-5.1.2
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em_usb.h File Reference

Detailed Description

USB protocol stack library API for EFM32/EZR32.



(C) Copyright 2014 Silicon Labs, http://www.silabs.com

This file is licensed under the Silabs License Agreement. See the file "Silabs_License_Agreement.txt" for details. Before using this software for any purpose, you must agree to the terms of that agreement.

Definition in file em_usb.h.

#include "em_device.h"
#include "em_assert.h"
#include "usbconfig.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include "em_common.h"
#include <stdio.h>

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  USB_ConfigurationDescriptor_TypeDef
 USB Configuration Descriptor. More...
struct  USB_DeviceDescriptor_TypeDef
 USB Device Descriptor. More...
struct  USB_EndpointDescriptor_TypeDef
 USB Endpoint Descriptor. More...
struct  USB_InterfaceDescriptor_TypeDef
 USB Interface Descriptor. More...
struct  USB_Setup_TypeDef
 USB Setup request package. More...
struct  USB_StringDescriptor_TypeDef
 USB String Descriptor. More...
struct  USBD_Callbacks_TypeDef
 USB Device stack callback structure. More...
struct  USBD_Init_TypeDef
 USB Device stack initialization structure. More...


#define CLEAR_FEATURE   1
#define CONFIG_DESC_MAXPOWER_mA(x)   (((x)+1)/2)
#define DEVICE_IS_SELFPOWERED   0x0001
#define GET_DESCRIPTOR   6
#define GET_INTERFACE   10
#define GET_STATUS   0
#define PORT_FULL_SPEED   1
#define PORT_LOW_SPEED   2
#define REMOTE_WAKEUP_ENABLED   0x0002
#define SET_ADDRESS   5
#define SET_DESCRIPTOR   7
#define SET_FEATURE   3
#define SET_INTERFACE   11
#define SILABS_USB_VID   0x10C4
#define STATIC_CONST_STRING_DESC(_name, ...)
#define STATIC_UBUF(x, y)   SL_ALIGN(4) static uint8_t x[((y)+3)&~3] SL_ATTRIBUTE_ALIGN(4)
#define SYNCH_FRAME   12
#define UBUF(x, y)   SL_ALIGN(4) uint8_t x[((y)+3)&~3] SL_ATTRIBUTE_ALIGN(4)
#define USB_AUDIO_GET_CUR   0x81
#define USB_AUDIO_GET_CUR   0x81
#define USB_AUDIO_GET_MAX   0x83
#define USB_AUDIO_GET_MEM   0x85
#define USB_AUDIO_GET_MIN   0x82
#define USB_AUDIO_GET_RES   0x84
#define USB_AUDIO_SET_CUR   0x01
#define USB_AUDIO_SET_MAX   0x03
#define USB_AUDIO_SET_MEM   0x05
#define USB_AUDIO_SET_MIN   0x02
#define USB_AUDIO_SET_RES   0x04
#define USB_CLASS_AUDIO   1
#define USB_CLASS_CDC   2
#define USB_CLASS_CDC_ACM   2
#define USB_CLASS_CDC_DATA   0x0A
#define USB_CLASS_CDC_HFN   0
#define USB_CLASS_HID   3
#define USB_CLASS_HUB   9
#define USB_CLASS_MSD   8
#define USB_EP_DIR_IN   0x80
#define USB_EPNUM_MASK   0x0F
#define USB_EPSYNC_ADAPTIVE   (2 << 2)
#define USB_EPSYNC_ASYNC   (1 << 2)
#define USB_EPSYNC_NO   (0 << 2)
#define USB_EPSYNC_SYNC   (3 << 2)
#define USB_EPTYPE_BULK   2
#define USB_EPTYPE_CTRL   0
#define USB_EPTYPE_INTR   3
#define USB_EPTYPE_ISOC   1
#define USB_FS_ISOC_EP_MAXSIZE   1023
#define USB_HID_DESCRIPTOR   0x21
#define USB_HID_DESCSIZE   9
#define USB_HID_GET_IDLE   0x02
#define USB_HID_GET_REPORT   0x01
#define USB_HID_SET_IDLE   0x0A
#define USB_HID_SET_REPORT   0x09
#define USB_HUB_DESCRIPTOR   0x29
#define USB_LANGID_ENUS   0x0409
#define USB_SETUP_DIR_D2H   0x80
#define USB_SETUP_DIR_H2D   0x00
#define USB_SETUP_DIR_IN   1
#define USB_SETUP_DIR_MASK   0x80
#define USB_SETUP_DIR_OUT   0
#define USB_SETUP_PKT_SIZE   8
#define USB_USBC_32kHz_CLK_LFRCO   1
#define USB_USBC_32kHz_CLK_LFXO   0


typedef unsigned short char16_t
typedef int(* USB_XferCompleteCb_TypeDef) (USB_Status_TypeDef status, uint32_t xferred, uint32_t remaining)
 USB transfer callback function. More...
typedef struct USBD_Callbacks_TypeDef USBD_Callbacks_TypeDef
 USB Device stack callback structure. More...
typedef void(* USBD_DeviceStateChangeCb_TypeDef) (USBD_State_TypeDef oldState, USBD_State_TypeDef newState)
 USB State change callback function. More...
typedef bool(* USBD_IsSelfPoweredCb_TypeDef) (void)
 USB power mode callback function. More...
typedef int(* USBD_SetupCmdCb_TypeDef) (const USB_Setup_TypeDef *setup)
 USB setup request callback function. More...
typedef void(* USBD_SofIntCb_TypeDef) (uint16_t sofNr)
 USB Start Of Frame (SOF) interrupt callback function. More...
typedef void(* USBD_UsbResetCb_TypeDef) (void)
 USB Reset callback function. More...
typedef void(* USBTIMER_Callback_TypeDef) (void)
 USBTIMER callback function. More...


enum  USB_Status_TypeDef {
 USB transfer status enumerator. More...
enum  USBD_State_TypeDef {
 USB device state enumerator. More...


char * USB_GetErrorMsgString (int error)
 Return an error message string for a given error code. More...
void USB_PrintErrorMsgString (char *pre, int error)
 Format and print a text string given an error code, prepends an optional user supplied leader string. More...
int USB_PRINTF (const char *format,...)
 Transmit "printf" formated data on the debug serial port. More...
int USB_PUTCHAR (char c)
 Transmit a single char on the debug serial port. More...
void USB_PUTS (const char *p)
 Transmit a zero terminated string on the debug serial port. More...
void USBD_AbortAllTransfers (void)
 Abort all pending transfers. More...
int USBD_AbortTransfer (int epAddr)
 Abort a pending transfer on a specific endpoint. More...
void USBD_Connect (void)
 Start USB device operation. More...
void USBD_Disconnect (void)
 Stop USB device operation. More...
bool USBD_EpIsBusy (int epAddr)
 Check if an endpoint is busy doing a transfer. More...
USBD_State_TypeDef USBD_GetUsbState (void)
 Get current USB device state. More...
const char * USBD_GetUsbStateName (USBD_State_TypeDef state)
 Get a string naming a device USB state. More...
int USBD_Init (const USBD_Init_TypeDef *p)
 Initializes USB device hardware and internal protocol stack data structures, then connects the data-line (D+ or D-) pullup resistor to signal host that enumeration can begin. More...
int USBD_Read (int epAddr, void *data, int byteCount, USB_XferCompleteCb_TypeDef callback)
 Start a read (OUT) transfer on an endpoint. More...
int USBD_RemoteWakeup (void)
 Perform a remote wakeup signalling sequence. More...
bool USBD_SafeToEnterEM2 (void)
 Check if it is ok to enter energy mode EM2. More...
int USBD_StallEp (int epAddr)
 Set an endpoint in the stalled (halted) state. More...
void USBD_Stop (void)
 Stop USB device stack operation. More...
int USBD_UnStallEp (int epAddr)
 Reset stall state on a stalled (halted) endpoint. More...
int USBD_Write (int epAddr, void *data, int byteCount, USB_XferCompleteCb_TypeDef callback)
 Start a write (IN) transfer on an endpoint. More...
void USBTIMER_DelayMs (uint32_t msec)
 Active wait millisecond delay function. Can also be used inside interrupt handlers. More...
void USBTIMER_DelayUs (uint32_t usec)
 Active wait microsecond delay function. Can also be used inside interrupt handlers. More...
void USBTIMER_Init (void)
 Activate the hardware timer used to pace the 1 millisecond timer system. More...