EFR32 Mighty Gecko 13 Software Documentation  efr32mg13-doc-5.1.2
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drivers Directory Reference


file  caplesense.c [code]
 Capacitive sense driver.
file  caplesense.h [code]
 Capacitive sense driver.
file  capsense.c [code]
 Capacitive sense driver.
file  capsense.h [code]
 Capacitive sense driver.
file  cdc.c [code]
 USB Communication Device Class (CDC) driver.
file  cdc.h [code]
 USB Communication Device Class (CDC) driver.
file  cpt112s_i2c.c [code]
 helper functions for managing capsense inputs
file  cpt112s_i2c.h [code]
 Driver for retrieving capsense button and slider inputs from CPT112S.
file  display.c [code]
 Display interface.
file  display.h [code]
 Display device interface.
file  displaybackend.h [code]
 Display device backend interface.
file  displayconfigall.h [code]
 Main configuration file for the DISPLAY driver software stack.
file  displayfont16x20.h [code]
 16x20 font with only number characters and the colon':' and space ' ' signs.
file  displayfont6x8.h [code]
 6x8 font with all characters
file  displayfont8x8.h [code]
 8x8 font with all characters
file  displayls013b7dh03.c [code]
 Display driver for the Sharp Memory LCD LS013B7DH03.
file  displayls013b7dh03.h [code]
 Configuration for the display driver for the Sharp Memory LCD LS013B7DH03.
file  displaypal.h [code]
 Platform Abstraction Layer (PAL) interface for DISPLAY driver.
file  displaypalemlib.c [code]
 Platform Abstraction Layer (PAL) for DISPLAY driver on EMLIB based platforms.
file  dmactrl.c [code]
 DMA control data block.
file  dmactrl.h [code]
 DMA control data block.
file  eeprom.c [code]
 EEPROM driver for 24AA024 (2Kbit) EEPROM device on the DK.
file  eeprom.h [code]
 EEPROM driver for 24AA024 (2Kbit) EEPROM device on the DK.
file  emstatus.h [code]
 EMSTATUS definitions.
file  hidkbd.c [code]
 USB Human Interface Devices (HID) class keyboard driver.
file  hidkbd.h [code]
 USB Human Interface Devices (HID) class keyboard driver.
file  i2cspm.c [code]
 I2C simple poll-based master mode driver for the DK/STK.
file  i2cspm.h [code]
 I2C simple poll-based master mode driver for the DK/STK.
file  ksz8851snl.c [code]
 Driver for Micrel KSZ8851SNL Ethernet controller.
file  ksz8851snl.h [code]
 Driver for Micrel KSZ8851SNL Ethernet controller.
file  ksz8851snl_spi.c [code]
 SPI interface API for KSZ8851SNL Ethernet controller.
file  ksz8851snl_spi.h [code]
 SPI interface API for KSZ8851SNL Ethernet controller.
file  microsd.c [code]
 Micro SD card driver for the EFM32GG_DK3750 development kit. This file provides the interface layer between the DK and the fat filesystem provided.
file  microsd.h [code]
 Micro SD card driver for the EFM32GG_DK3750 development kit.
file  msdbot.c [code]
 Implements the host side of the Bulk Only Transport protocol for USB Mass Storage class Devices.
file  msdbot.h [code]
 Definitions for the Bulk Only Transport protocol of USB Mass Storage devices.
file  msdd.c [code]
 Mass Storage class Device (MSD) driver.
file  msdd.h [code]
 Mass Storage class Device (MSD) driver.
file  msdh.c [code]
 Host side implementation of Mass Storage class Device (MSD) interface.
file  msdh.h [code]
 Host side implementation of Mass Storage class Device (MSD) interface.
file  msdscsi.c [code]
 SCSI interface for Mass Storage Devices (MSD).
file  msdscsi.h [code]
 SCSI interface for Mass Storage Devices (MSD).
file  mx25flash_spi.c [code]
file  mx25flash_spi.h [code]
file  nandflash.c [code]
 EFM32GG_STK3700 nandflash driver.
file  nandflash.h [code]
 EFM32GG_STK3700 nandflash driver.
file  norflash.c [code]
 Implements the NORFLASH driver for Spansion S29GL128P90FFIR13. Spansion S29GL128P90FFIR13 is a 16MByte device organized in 128 sectors of 128KBytes each. The module can easily be tailored to suit other NOR flash devices.
file  norflash.h [code]
 Definitions for the NORFLASH driver for Spansion S29GL128P90FFIR13.
file  retargetio.c [code]
 Provide stdio retargeting for all supported toolchains.
file  retargetserial.c [code]
 Provide stdio retargeting to USART/UART or LEUART.
file  retargetserial.h [code]
 Retarget stdout to a serial port.
file  retargetswo.c [code]
 helper functions for configuring SWO
file  retargetswo.h [code]
 Retarget stdout to SWO.
file  retargettextdisplay.c [code]
 Provide stdio retargeting to text display interface.
file  retargettextdisplay.h [code]
 Retarget stdout to text display module.
file  retargettft.c [code]
 Provide stdio retargeting to TFT address mapped mode.
file  retargettft.h [code]
file  segmentlcd.c [code]
 EFM32 Segment LCD Display driver.
file  segmentlcd.h [code]
 EFM32 Segment LCD Display driver, header file.
file  si1147_i2c.c [code]
 i2c driver for the Si1147
file  si1147_i2c.h [code]
 Driver for the Si1147 Proximity sensor.
file  si114x_algorithm.c [code]
file  si114x_algorithm.h [code]
 Swipe algorithm for Si114x.
file  si114x_functions.c [code]
 Si114x reusable functions.
file  si114x_functions.h [code]
 Si114x function prototypes, structure and bit definitions.
file  si114x_sys_out.c [code]
file  si114x_sys_out.h [code]
file  si114x_types.h [code]
 Si114x types.
file  si114x_uv_index.c [code]
 Si114x UV Index measurement.
file  si114x_uv_index.h [code]
 Si114x UV Index measurement.
file  si7013.c [code]
 Driver for the Si7013 Temperature / Humidity sensor.
file  si7013.h [code]
 Driver for the Si7013 Temperature / Humidity sensor.
file  tempsens.c [code]
 Temperature sensor driver for DS75 temperature sensor compatible device on the DK.
file  tempsens.h [code]
 Temperature sensor driver for DS75 temperature sensor compatible device on the DK.
file  textdisplay.c [code]
 Provide stdio retargeting to the text display interface.
file  textdisplay.h [code]
 Text display interface.
file  tftamapped.c [code]
 EFM32GG_DK3750, TFT Initialization and setup for Adress Mapped mode.
file  tftamapped.h [code]
 EFM32GG_DK3750, TFT Initialization and setup for Adress Mapped mode.
file  tftdirect.c [code]
 EFM32GG_DK3750, TFT Initialization and setup for Direct Drive mode.
file  tftdirect.h [code]
 EFM32GG_DK3750, TFT Initialization and setup for Direct Drive mode.
file  tftspi.c [code]
 EFM32GG_DK3750, SPI controller implementation for SSD2119 display interface when using Generic/Direct Drive mode.
file  tftspi.h [code]
 EFM32GG_DK3750, SPI controller API for SSD2119 display interface when using Generic/Direct Drive mode.
file  touch.c [code]
 EFM32GG_DK3750, Touch panel driver.
file  touch.h [code]
 Touch panel driver prototypes and definitions.
file  udelay.c [code]
 Microsecond delay routine.
file  udelay.h [code]
 Microsecond delay routine.
file  usbkbdscancodes.c [code]
 USB HID keyboard scancodes.
file  usbkbdscancodes.h [code]
 USB HID keyboard scancodes.
file  vddcheck.c [code]
 VDD Voltage Check, using Voltage Comparator API.
file  vddcheck.h [code]
 Vdd voltage check routines, using VCMP.