EFR32 Flex Gecko 1 Software Documentation  efr32fg1-doc-5.1.2
thunderboard Directory Reference


directory  bosch
directory  imu
directory  rfs


file  bmp.c [code]
file  bmp.h [code]
file  bmp_regs.h [code]
 Register definitions for the BMP280 pressure sensor.
file  board.c [code]
 BOARD module source file.
file  board.h [code]
 BOARD module header file.
file  board_pic_regs.h [code]
 Power and Interrupt Controller Register Definitions.
file  board_rgbled_profiles.h [code]
 RGB LED profiles.
file  ccs811.c [code]
 Driver for the Cambridge CMOS Sensors CCS811 gas and indoor air quality sensor.
file  ccs811.h [code]
 Driver for the Cambridge CMOS Sensors CCS811 gas and indoor air quality sensor.
file  ccs811_firmware.h [code]
file  icm20648.c [code]
 Driver for the Invensense ICM20648 6-axis motion sensor.
file  icm20648.h [code]
 Driver for the Invensense ICM20648 6-axis motion sensor.
file  mic.c [code]
 Driver for the SPV1840LR5H-B MEMS Microphone.
file  mic.h [code]
 Driver for the SPV1840LR5H-B MEMS Microphone.
file  si1133.c [code]
 Driver for the Si1133 Ambient Light and UV sensor.
file  si1133.h [code]
 Driver for the Si1133 Ambient Light and UV sensor.
file  si7021.c [code]
 Driver for the Si7021 I2C Humidity and Temperature Sensor.
file  si7021.h [code]
 Driver for the Si7021 I2C Humidity and Temperature Sensor.
file  si7210.c [code]
 Driver for the Silicon Labs Si7210 Hall Effect Sensor.
file  si7210.h [code]
 Driver for the Silicon Labs Si7210 Hall Effect Sensor.
file  si7210_regs.h [code]
 Driver for the Silicon Labs Si7210 Hall Effect Sensor.
file  util.c [code]
 Utility Functions for the Thunderboard Sense.
file  util.h [code]
 Utility Functions for the Thunderboard Sense.
file  util_sleep.c [code]
 Utility Functions for the Thunderboard Sense.
file  util_supply.c [code]
 Power Supply Related Utility Functions for the Thunderboard Sense.